
  • 网络incident power;power density
  1. 实验的优化条件为RF发生器的入射功率095kW;

    The analytical conditions for the elements were optimized . Incident power of the RF generator was 0 95 kW .

  2. 射频加温装置入射功率和循环水温对升温的影响

    Influence of incident power and circulating water temperature on temperature elevation in radiofrequency heating device

  3. 有机ICP的优异分析性能只有在比水溶液ICP有较高的入射功率和较低的载气流量条件下才能展现出来。

    For an ICP with organic aerosol the rf input power must be increased and carrier gas flow decreased , showing good analytical performance .

  4. 优化了ICP的工作参数:射频功率发生器频率27.12MHz,入射功率为1.2kW,放射功率小于5W,载气流量1.2L.min-1。

    The plasma parameters were optimized as follows ; The frequency of the power was less than 5W ; flow rate of carrying was 1.2L/min .

  5. 在抽运功率为23W,入射功率为660mW时,获得7.2W的放大输出,放大效率达30%。

    The incident 0.66 W pulses are amplified to 7.2 W when the pump power is 23 W. The energy extraction efficiency is about 30 % .

  6. 在不同的入射功率下,成丝的起点位置会发生移动;

    The first foci of the filaments are displaced for different incidence laser power .

  7. 我们证明了产生这样的光孤子只需很低的入射功率。

    It was shown that generation of such optical solitons just required very low power .

  8. 从理论上给出了一个新的由光纤四阶色散导致的调制不稳定区域,新区域的最大调制增长率和调制范围与光脉冲的初始入射功率和四阶色散有关。

    A new region where modulation instability occurs is found due to the fourth order dispersion .

  9. 在一定压力下,改变微波的入射功率,则放电区域明显增加。

    Under a certain pressure , if the microwave power increased , the discharge area increased significantly .

  10. 测量了在不同波长下样品的出射功率与入射功率的关系。

    The output power and input power of the sample in different laser pulses had been measured .

  11. 理论上可使产生光学双稳态的临界入射功率小到几微瓦。

    According to this theory , the critical switching power could be as low as a few watts .

  12. 在此区间仔细选择观察高度,同时结合入射功率、载气流量的调整及加入基体缓冲剂,可以将基体的影响减至最小。

    The matrix effect could be minimized by adjusting the forward power , the carrier gas flow and the observation heights .

  13. 测定了激光入射功率、扫描速度等工艺参数对灰铸铁表面硬化层深度、组织及显微硬度的影响。

    It is tested that the depth of laser hardening layer and its microstructure and microhardness varies with the power and scanning speed .

  14. 结果表明:入射功率、脉宽、光束半径是影响含能材料点火特性的主要因素;

    Results show that the incidence power , the laser pulse width and the beam radius are main factors effective for ignition characteristics of energetic material .

  15. 本文针对这一问题,考虑横向双脉冲输入信号,且每一脉冲的入射功率都超过自聚焦的临界功率;

    Many recent studies have shown that pulse splitting occurs in the normal dispersive media , when the pulse with power beyond the threshold for self-focusing .

  16. 对高频发生器入射功率、载气压力、雾化器类型、最佳铀含量范围、通道停留时间、数据采集时间和测量数次等进行优化,得到了优化的操作条件。

    Operating conditions including RF power , carrier gas pressure , model of nebulizer , Uranium concentration of sample , dwell time , etc are optimized .

  17. 进行了分析线,正向入射功率的选择及氢化物发生系统和气动雾化系统的性能比较等实验。

    The operating characteristics , including selection of analytical line and RF power , and performance comparison with hydride / vapour generator and pneumatic nebulization have been studied .

  18. 作为仿真算法的一个应用,对32×10Gb/s的多波长泵浦的拉曼放大器的四个级联传输系统进行了模拟,比较了不同入射功率对接收性能的影响。

    As an application , a 32 × 10Gb / s Raman broadband four-stage system was simulated , and the influence of different input signal power level was compared .

  19. 稀土元素的氧化物离子产率随入射功率和采样深度增加,载气流速减小而降低。

    Oxide ion yield of the rare earth elements ( REE ) decreased with the increasing of RF power and the sampling depth , or with the decreasing of carrier gas flow rate .

  20. 继续增加激光入射功率时,光束因强烈聚焦发生崩塌而成多丝结构。

    With the incidence power gradually increasing , the beam will undergo optical collapse due to intense focusing , and then the formation of femtosecond multiple filamentation ( MF ) can be obtained .

  21. 实验结果表明,腔内等离子体长度与微波入射功率的大小成线性关系,噪音功率频谱沿等离子体长度方向有较大的差异。

    Experimental results show that the physical length of a plasma is linearly related to the microwave power applied and that the profile of noise power spectra varies significantly along the length of a plasma .

  22. 根据各元素的特性,为选择合适的入射功率、雾化压力、提升量以及试样的酸度等条件进行了探索,并且,用选定的最佳条件对样品进行测试。

    By elements characteristic , studies a series of parameter conditions , such as RF power level , nebulizer pressure , elevating quantity , acidity and so on , the optimum condition for analysis is selected , and the samples are analyzed by the condition .

  23. 结果表明,SOA在入射光功率不同时会表现出明显的非线性;

    The analysis result indicates that the SOA takes on obvious nonlinear characteristics under different incident power .

  24. 在入射激光功率(p)超过临界功率(pc)时,激光在传播过程中产生自聚焦;

    When the incident laser power ( p ) exceeds the critical power ( p c ), self-focusing appears during the propagation of laser .

  25. 分析了入射光功率、光源波长和SOA注入电流对增益的影响,并且讨论了两束连续光相向的工作方式下增益的变化。

    Analysis of the influence of the incident optical power , source wavelength and injection current of SOA on the gain .

  26. 文中系统讨论了APD雪崩增益和入射光功率、APD的工作温度和APD的偏置电压等的关系。

    Firstly , the relationship between the M opt and the incidence light power , operational temperature and the bias voltage systematically is analyzed .

  27. 结果表明,入射激光功率分别为3W、4W5、W时,样品可以分别从室温(300K)被冷却到275.7K、267.4K、259.1K。

    It is found that the sample is cooled from ambient temperature ( 300 K ) to 275.7 K , 267.4 K and 259.1 K when the incident laser power are 3 W , 4 W and 5 W respectively .

  28. 通过这套激光系统,我们可以得到1.3W的激光输出,同时相对于入射泵浦功率和吸收泵浦功率的斜率效率分别为20.1%和49.5%。

    From the laser system , 1.3-W laser can be obtained , which corresponds to the slope efficiencies of20.1 % and49.5 % with respect to the incident and absorbed pump powers , respectively .

  29. 从实验上分析了入射光功率对时钟信号的影响。

    The influence of input optical power on extracted clock was analyzed experimentally .

  30. 研究了弱光下拉曼散射光的强度随入射光功率的变化关系。

    Relation between Raman scattering light intensity and the incident light power was studied .