
  • 网络Exemption Organization;Tax-exempt Organization;Tax-exempt Sector
  1. 今天,3个自由团体起诉强大的公共免税组织十字路口GPS组织及其秘密的赞助者。

    Public powerful tax-exempt group Crossroads GPS and its secret donors are the center of a lawsuit filed today by 3 liberal groups .

  2. 美国国税局免税组织主席承认代理人使用这些关键字,

    The IRS director of tax exempt organizations admitted that agents used those key words ,

  3. 基金会是免税组织,其设立的目的是赞助一系列个人或非赢利性组织的活动。

    Foundations are tax-free institutions that are created to give grants to both individuals and nonprofit organizations for activities .

  4. 其他免税的组织按规定要花费他们至少每年5%的捐赠基金。

    Other tax-exempt groups are required to spend at least five percent of their endowments each year .

  5. 普京周三晚些时候签署了一项决议,将那些在发放或接受赠与款项时可享受免税优惠的组织从101个减至12个。

    Mr Putin signed the resolution late on Wednesday , cutting from 101 to 12 a list of organisations allowed to make and receive grant payments free of tax .

  6. 而科赫兄弟的其他组织都是适用于501c免税资格的组织,所以这些组织用于宣传或抨击竞选人的资金会受到限制。

    Yet other Koch 's group are all tax-exempt 501 ( c ) organizations , so they 're limited is there 's how much their money can go to promoting or attacking Candidate .

  7. 这是一个免税的社会福利组织,拥有数十位联系紧密的赞助者。

    It 's a tax-exempt social welfare organization and has dozens to close donors .