
guāng míng
  • light;bright;promising;glory;openhearted
光明 [guāng míng]
  • (1) [light]∶亮光

  • 不时的还有一串光明从山上横飞过来,想是火车周行。--冰心《寄小读者》

  • (2) [glory]∶荣耀;光彩

  • 身后犹光明

  • (1) [bright;promissing]

  • (2) 明亮的

  • 瓦楞上已经雪白,房里也映得较光明。--《祝福》

  • (3) 比喻正义或有希望

  • 光明大道

  • 母亲沉痛的三言两语的诉说以及我亲眼见到的许多不平事实,启发了我幼年时期反抗压迫追求光明的思想。--《回忆我的母亲》

  • (4) [openhearted]∶没有私心

  • 光明磊落

  • 心地光明

光明[guāng míng]
  1. 用光明与黑暗来象征善与恶。

    The use of light and dark symbolizes good and evil .

  2. 太阳给我们带来光明。

    The sun gives us light .

  3. 我们公司的前景一片光明。

    The future is looking very rosy for our company .

  4. 综合性的社区具有比以前更加光明的前景。

    There are much brighter prospects for a comprehensive settlement than before .

  5. 西印度群岛的板球运动看起来前景光明。

    The future quality of West Indian cricket looks promising

  6. 该国经历8年内战之后重归和平的前景正逐渐变得光明。

    The prospects for peace in the country 's eight-year civil war are becoming brighter

  7. 那并不能使城里孩子们的前途更光明些。

    That does not do much to brighten the prospects of kids in the city

  8. 正如他们所说,黑暗中总有一线光明,我们已从所作的决定中汲取了教训。

    As they say , every cloud has a silver lining . We have drawn lessons from the decisions taken .

  9. “通往更加光明的未来的通行证”,这话听起来像句老掉牙的广告词,但这次这句套话却言之有物。

    ' A passport to a brighter future ' : it sounds like a worn-out advertising slogan , but for once the cliche has substance .

  10. 火炬象征光明。

    A torch symbolizes the brightness ( of the future ) .

  11. 前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。

    While prospects are bright , the roads have twists and turns .

  12. 他新兴的事业生气勃勃,前途光明。

    His new [ fresh ] enterprise is full of life and has a bright future .

  13. 就业前景光明。

    Job prospects are bright .

  14. 我认为以不光明的手法获取想要得到的东西是不应该的。

    I don 't believe in getting what by underhand method .

  15. 这篇文章的题目是《光明与真理》。

    The article is entitled " light and truth " .

  16. 未来为我们年轻一代展示光明前途。

    The future opens out a bright prospect for our younger generation .

  17. 玛丽有着光明的前途。

    Mary has a bright future before her .

  18. 经济前景光明。

    The outlook for the economy is bright .

  19. 你前途光明。

    You have a bright future .

  20. 光明的未来展现在面前。

    A bright future lies ahead .

  21. 在我们集体绞尽脑汁,想在这种混乱不堪的状态下找出一条光明大道之前,北卡莱罗纳大学的老年病学专家菲利普·斯隆博士一语中的:“从某种意义上来说,这对于家庭而言是一种解放。”

    Before we collectively tear our hair out — how are we supposed to find our way in a landscape this confusing ? — here is a thought from Dr.Philip Sloane , a geriatricianat the University of North Carolina : " In a way , that could be liberating for families . "

  22. 如果你的家没有足够的窗光,就多点灯,让这个地方充满光明。

    If your home doesn 't have enough window light , get more lamps and flood the place with brightness .

  23. 以积极的态度看待事情的光明面。

    with a positive attitude and look at the bright side of things .

  24. 佛罗伦斯正走向光明的未来。

    Florence is walking towards a bright future .

  25. 我们的未来是多么光明!

    How bright our future is !

  26. 但法国并不总是好的。光明之城巴黎也可能向游客展示其阴暗面。

    But France is not always good . Paris , the city of light , may also show its dark side to visitors .

  27. 有一天,她给了我们每人一本《假如给我三天光明》,并告诉我们应该多读书。

    One day , she gave each of us a book , Three Days to See , and told us We should read more .

  28. 只要38美元,你就可以帮助一个人看清东西;380美元,你就可以帮助10个人看清东西;1300美元,你就可以帮助一名医生培训出新技能;13000美元,你就可以为一群医生提供一个培训项目,这些医生可以让成千上万的盲人重见光明。

    For just $ 38 , you can help one person see ; for $ 380 10 people can see ; $ 1,300 helps train a doctor new skills ; and for $ 13,000 you can provide a training program for a group of doctors who can make thousands of blind people see again .

  29. 看来他前程似锦,一片光明。

    It seems he has a bright future ahead of him .

  30. 这个爱如此光明而可以照亮黑暗。

    This love is so bright that it deflects all darkness .