
  • 网络Avant-garde literature
  1. 论先锋文学的后现代性

    ON Avant-garde Literature 's Post Modernity

  2. 先锋文学一直是国内外文学研究中颇受重视的学术热点和难点之一。

    Avant-garde literature has always been a hot and difficult topic in China and abroad literature academic research .

  3. 罗兰·巴特(RolandBarthes,1915-1980)文本主义理论在中国的传播及研究以及中国当代先锋文学的发展都存在着一个不断地变化。

    Both of the dissemination and study of Roland Barthes ( 1915-1980 )' s text theories in China and the development of Chinese contemporary vanguard literature have experienced a continuously changing process .

  4. 论中国当代先锋文学的精神流变

    Spiritual flow variation of Pioneering Literature in Present Age of China

  5. 虚构是构成中国先锋文学最重要的元素之一。

    Literary fiction constitutes the most important Chinese avant-garde elements .

  6. 存在主义对中国当代先锋文学的影响

    The Influence of Existentialism on Chinese Contemporary Van - literature

  7. 先锋文学、地域文化与我的小说创作

    Vanguard Literature , Local Culture and My Creative Novel-writing

  8. 这正是先锋文学人文精神存在的有力依据。

    This is precisely the cutting edge literature humane spirit existence powerful basis .

  9. 中国先锋文学形式艺术的探讨

    An Approach to Formal Art of Chinese Vanguard Literature

  10. 民族民间化使先锋文学获得了更持久的生命力和更广阔的发展空间。

    The modernist literature got more lasting vitality when it followed the folk tendency .

  11. 先锋文学的文学精神解析

    Literature Spirit Analysis of Pioneering Literature

  12. 荒诞和死亡是中国先锋文学对人的生存和存在进行思考的两个重要表现领域。

    Absurdity and death are the two main aspects of Chinese avantgarde literature on human existence and being .

  13. 先锋文学深受西方文学的影响,对旧有小说模式也有所反动。

    Deeply influenced by the Western literature , Chinese vanguard literature ran counter to the old-style novel model .

  14. 进入21世纪后,将本土化与现代性有机融合是中国先锋文学的一条可能出路。

    After entry in 21st century , integrity with localization and modernity is a possible road for Chinese literature .

  15. 先锋文学浪潮的兴起是时代、社会与历史文化发展的必然。

    The rise of Xiang-feng literature is of necessity of the development of the times , society and historical culture .

  16. 在叙事上和主题上,洪峰都对传统小说进行了颠覆,对先锋文学起到了承上启下的作用。

    In the narrative and thematic , peak compared with traditional novel subversion , the vanguard literature plays a connecting role .

  17. 80年代的先锋文学的代表作家余华,到了90年代实现了写作风格转变。

    In the 1990s , the " Vanguard Literature " writer - YuHua endeavored to change the style of his works .

  18. 中国的先锋文学出现后,人们对文学先锋的认识经历了这样三个阶段:混指、定指和泛化。

    The recognition of literary pioneers has experienced three stages since the occurrence of pioneer literature : mixed referent , fixed referent and generalization .

  19. 现代性的两种疯癫想象&重读寻根文学与先锋文学中的疯人谱系

    Two Kinds of Modern Lunatic Imagination : Reading Again the Lunatic Pedigree of " the Seeking Origin Literature " and " the Vanguard Literature "

  20. 第二部分为中国先锋文学的产生背景,先锋文学的出现与新时期社会文化的发展变化及文学的内在创作演变有着紧密的联系。

    The emergence of the vanguard literature related closely to social and cultural changes of the new era , and the development of inner literature .

  21. 通过反思其后现代性特征,可以看到先锋文学独特的艺术追求和它所具有的文学史地位。

    By reviewing the post modernity characteristics of the avantgarde literature , we can understand its special art pursuit and the position in the literary history .

  22. 超验之思权变到体验之思&现实主义文学退场与先锋文学亮相的哲学文化研究

    " Transcendenal Thinking " Adapted into " Experiencing Thinking " & Philosophy Culture Study on the Realistic Literature 's Withdrawing and the Appearing of the Pioneer Literature

  23. 八十年代思想解放形式解放、现代主义思潮背景下,追求文学自足自律的先锋文学;

    Under the open-mind background which lead to open form and the modernism ideological trend in the 1980s , the pioneer literature take self-sustaining as literature goal .

  24. 新现实主义小说现实品格论&兼论新现实主义小说与改革文学、新写实、先锋文学之不同

    On the Realistic Character of New Realistic Novel & Also on the Differences Between New Realistic Novel and Reform Literature , New True-life Literature and Vanguard Literature

  25. 进入新世纪以后,作为中国当代先锋文学代表性作家的格非,尝试着调整自己的创作,调整的方向就是向中国古典文学靠拢。

    After entering the new century , Ge Fei , as a representative pioneer of Chinese contemporary writer , trys to adjust his creation to Chinese classical literature .

  26. 先锋文学不但是特定历史时期的一种文学思潮,它更是一种无限延展,无限向前的文学现象。

    Not only the cutting edge literature is the specific historical period one literature ideological trend , it is one kind of infinite delaying , infinite literature phenomenon forward .

  27. 卡苏曾积极投身于上世纪二三十年代的先锋文学及绘画运动。尽管如此,他坚持认为,理想和原则要在现实生活中才能实现。

    He was deeply involved in the avant-garde literary and painting movements of the 1920s and 1930s . He was nonetheless adamant that ideals and principles be implemented in real life .

  28. 作为异端文学传统,在文学发展中起到了先锋文学的作用,与平民文学一道,创造了中国文学的辉煌。

    As a tradition of heretical literature , aristocrat literature had played a pioneer role in the development of Chinese literature along with populace literature and created the prosperity of Chinese culture .

  29. 反叛传统、注重形式冒险的法国新小说对中国当代先锋文学产生了多重影响,表现在小说观念和写作技巧两大方面。

    The French New Fiction that defies tradition and values formal adventures has exerted multiple influences on contemporary Chinese avant-garde literature , in terms of both the concepts about fiction and the practising techniques .

  30. 经历过先锋文学的形式探索,全球化背景下中国文学的出路探寻,都使现实主义的再发展呈现融新的文本特征。

    Experienced a " pioneer literature " in the form of exploration of the context of globalization of Chinese Literature to explore , all to further the development of realistic features of the new text rendering .