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xiān dá
  • Xianda;elder leaders
先达 [xiān dá]
  • [the famous ancestors who have both ability and political integrity] 德行高、学问深的知名先辈

  • 乡之先达。--明. 宋濂《送东阳马生序》

  • 先达德隆望尊

  1. SAND先达电子,专注于高温熔体压力、温度的精确测量与完美控制。

    SAND , focusing on high-temperature melt pressure , temperature measurement and a perfect control of precision .

  2. 花旗集团、fdic和亿康先达均拒绝就此发表评论。

    Citi , the FDIC and Egon Zehnder declined to comment .

  3. 众议院议长约翰博纳(johnboehner)重申支持一项分两步走的方案,即首先达成权宜性的协议以安抚投资者,之后再推进更根本的改革。

    John Boehner , speaker of the house of Representatives , reiterated his support for a two-stage deal , with an initial stopgap agreement to reassure investors and more fundamental reform left until later .

  4. 亿康先达国际(egonzehnderinternational)的一项新调查表明,在最近日本发生地震和核事故之后逃离该国的外国高管有可能丧失信誉、工作、或两者一起失去。

    Foreign executives who fled Japan in the aftermath of the recent earthquake and nuclear accident risked losing credibility , their jobs , or both , according to a new study by Egon Zehnder international .

  5. 为提高客车速度,结合我国国情和路情,在既有繁忙干线上,实施先达速(120km/h)再增速(140km/h)的方案是经济而稳妥的;

    It is imperative to raise the speed of passenger trains . In combination with national conditions of China and the railway , it is an economic and stable measure to reach 120km / h in existing busy main lines and then increase it to 140km / h.

  6. 苹果再次委托亿康先达为它寻找合适的人选。

    Apple once again turned to Egon Zehnder .

  7. 收购先达树脂,帝斯曼向涂料行业发出了一个明显的信号,帝斯曼进一步增强了液体涂料树脂的产品架构,并进一步加速了帝斯曼在中国市场的业务增长。

    By this acquisition , DSM has strengthened its liquid coating resins portfolio and accelerated the growth in China market .

  8. 成都先达条码技术有限公司是沈阳先达集团的子公司,专门负责四川地区先达产品的销售及售后服务工作。

    Chengdu first-code technology first-group Limited is a subsidiary of shenyang , the first dedicated to the Sichuan region of the sale and after-sale products .

  9. 在外加电场给定时,调制不稳定性增长率的最大值随入射光强的增大先达到一峰值然后又减小。

    When the external electric field is given , the maximum modulation instability growth rates will increase to a maximum then decreases as the incident optical intensity enhances .

  10. 第三节才过一半,波士顿已领先达两位数,此后,他们紧踩油门不放,不但终结了火箭连胜,而且用一场狂胜来结束比赛。

    The lead reached double digits before the third quarter was even halfway over , and the Celtics never let their foot off the gas pedal in not only ending Houston 's streak , but stopping it with a stomp .