
  • 网络sedimentary tuff;tuffite
  1. 本文简略介绍了河南省泌阳凹陷内最近发现的沉凝灰岩的基本特征。

    In this paper , the basic characteristics of sedimentary tuff are introduced which has recently been discovered in Miyang Depression , Henan Province .

  2. 广西涠洲岛沉凝灰岩土壤微形态研究

    Micromorphological Study on Soils Derived from Sedimentary Tuff on Weizhou Island of Guangxi

  3. 矿体主要赋存于中酸性晶屑凝灰岩到沉凝灰岩中。

    Ore bodies is mainly deposited in intermediate-acid crystal tuff and tuffite .

  4. 油页岩常与上覆沉凝灰岩或其它凝灰质岩石呈伴生关系。

    Oil shale always has the accompanying relationship with overlying sedimentary tuff or other tuffaceous strata .

  5. 湘西南桂北下寒武统富铀黑色岩系中变质沉凝灰岩的岩石学特征

    Petrological characteristics of meta tuffite in Lower Cambrian uranium rich black shale series in northern Guangxi and southwestern Hunan

  6. 广西涠洲岛和斜阳岛沉凝灰岩母质发育土壤的系统分类初深

    A Preliminary Study on the System Classification of the Soils Developing from Sedimentary Tuff on Weizhou and Xieyang Islands of Guangxi

  7. 各旋回或亚旋回的底部不同程度地发育有爆发-沉积相的沉凝灰岩或内陆湖泊相沉积岩。

    The tuffites of explosive sedimentary phase or inland lake phase always occur at the bottoms of each cycle or subcycle .

  8. 辽西义县组基性、中基性火山岩内沉凝灰岩层的发现及其意义

    Discovery of sedimentary tuff beds in basic and intermediate-basic volcanic rocks of Yixian F. in West Liaoning Province and its significance

  9. 含金毒砂石英脉与变沉凝灰岩具有相同的稀土参数和稀土模式,二者的微量元素呈现同步变化关系。

    Gold-bearing arsenopyrite quartz vein and meta-sedimentary tuff have the same REE parameters and same REE patterns . Trace elements of both reveal the same changing trend .

  10. 野外填图证实,四合屯及其周边地区热河生物群化石主要产于义县组下部的沉凝灰岩和中部的内陆湖泊相沉积岩之中。

    Based on the field mapping , we recognized that " Jehol Biota " fossils occurred mainly in tuffite of the lower part and inner lake sedimentary beds of the middle part of Yixian F.

  11. 在这些沉积层之下、义县组复成分底砾岩之上,发现有4个沉凝灰岩层,与基性、中基性火山岩呈互层状产出,其岩性以沉凝灰岩或含砾凝灰质粉砂岩为主。

    Under these fossils beds and above polygenic conglomerate beds , 4 sedimentary tuff beds are discovered in the basic , intermediate basic volcanic rocks , which are interbeded with the basic , intermediate basic volcanic rocks , and mainly consisted of sedimentary tuff or pebble tuffaceous siltstone .

  12. 沉火山碎屑岩,包括沉凝灰岩和沉火山角砾岩。

    Sedimentary pyroclastic rocks are mainly sedimentary tuff and sedimentary volcanic breccia .