
  1. 微创经胸封堵在儿童房间隔缺损中的应用

    Application of Microinvasive Surgical Occlusion for Ostium Secundum Atrial Septal Defects in Children

  2. 超声心动图评价儿童房间隔缺损封堵术前后右心形态变化

    Changes in right heart shape detected by echocardiography before and after atrial septal defect occlusion in children

  3. M型-二维脉冲多普勒超声心动图诊断儿童房间隔缺损及测量肺/体循环比率

    M-Mode 2-Dimensional Pulse Doppler Echocardiography in Diagnosis of Atrial Septal Defect of Children and Determination of Qp / Qs

  4. 经导管Amplatzer房间隔封堵器关闭儿童继发孔型房间隔缺损:应用限度及技术探讨

    The limitation and technical consideration on the application of the transcatheter closure of secundum atrial septal defect with the Amplatzer occlusion device in children

  5. 830名0-6岁儿童在安静房间最小听觉反应值分析

    Analysis on the least acoustical response value of 830 children aged 0-6 years in a quiet room

  6. 室内横跨规模从小洞穴样的儿童床到房间中央的高天花板。

    The interior spans in scale from the small cave-like children 's beds to the high-ceilinged central room .

  7. 英国官员已为妇女和儿童预订了宾馆房间。

    British officials have booked hotel rooms for the women and children

  8. 正常儿童与继发孔型房间隔缺损患儿房间隔径的对比

    The internal atrial septum between normal children and children with secundum atrial septal defect by comparison

  9. 目的计算0-6岁儿童在相对安静房间(本底噪声≤45dBA)测听的最小听觉反应值,探讨在非标准测听室进行儿童听力筛查不同年龄组的筛查阳性标准。

    Objective To calculate the least acoustic response value of children aged 0-6 years in a quiet room , and to explore the positive standards of hearing screening at different ages in some nonstandard audiometric room .