
ér gē
  • children's song;nursery rhymes
儿歌 [ér gē]
  • [children's song;nusery rhymes] 儿童歌曲;儿童歌谣

儿歌[ér gē]
  1. 有一首儿歌,在这里。

    There is a children 's song here .

  2. 其说法来自于一个十分有意思的经典儿歌的卡通版本。

    This saying originated from a funny cartoon adaption of a classic children 's song .

  3. 是萨拉·约瑟夫·赫尔写了“玛丽有一只小羊羔”吗?这首不朽的儿歌讲述了一个名叫玛丽的小姑娘和一头顽固的小羊羔的故事。

    Did Sarah Josepha Hale write " Mary 's Little Lamb , " the eternal nursery rhymeabout girl named Mary with a stubborn lamb ?

  4. 这个问题的答案仍然存在争议,但明显的是,据称写了这首儿歌的女子是美国最迷人的人物之一。

    This is still disputed , but it 's clear that the woman reputed for writing it was one of America 's most fascinating characters .

  5. 孩子们在使用苹果Siri和亚马逊Alexa等智能语音识别装置来播放儿歌或询问这样的问题:“月亮有多大?”

    Voice-recognition gadgets1 such as Apple 's Siri and Amazon 's Alexa are being used by children to play nursery rhymes or ask questions such as " how big is the moon ? "

  6. 我们用儿歌MaryHadaLittleLamb因为托马斯爱迪生在1877年,第一次录制在留声机上的也是这首儿歌。

    We used Mary Had a Little Lamb because those are said to be the first words , that Thomas Edison spoke into his phonograph in 1877 .

  7. 还嫌意义不够深远似的,“Mareep”还是“Mary”和“sheep”的混合词,所以这个名字里也暗藏一首儿歌——《玛丽有只小绵羊》。

    As if that wasn 't enough layers , Mareep is also a portmanteau of " Mary " and " Sheep , " so the name is also an allusion towards the nursery rhyme , Mary had a Little Lamb .

  8. LaurieGerard在缅因州奥本地区SherwoodHeights小学教5到6岁的孩子,在学生收到ipad之前,他们念了一段如何仔细使用的儿歌。

    Laurie Gerard teaches five - and six-year-olds at Sherwood Heights Elementary School in Auburn , Maine . Before the students collect their iPad , they say a to remind them how to be careful with it .

  9. 儿歌里唱的‘有一个弯弯曲曲的男人,他有着弯弯曲曲的笑容,他住在一只鞋子里,一会…儿…’我认为Alan应成为未来男朋友的标准。

    Phoebe : From the nursery rhyme . ' There was a crooked man , Who had a crooked smile , Who lived in a shoe , For a. .. while ... ' ( Dubious pause . ) Ross : So I think Alan will become the yardstick against which all future boyfriends will be measured .

  10. 而就在这一时期,出现出了大量真正意义上的儿歌集。

    It emerged a plenty of children rhymes at that time .

  11. 通过儿歌幼儿学习自己穿鞋。

    Children learn the way to put on shoes by rhyme .

  12. 现在就让我们来学一首儿歌。

    At last , let 's learn to say a rhyme .

  13. 儿歌使用地域方言,反映地方习俗和地域文化。

    They use territorial dialects , express regional custom and regional culture .

  14. 现在我们来练习节奏儿歌。

    Now let 's practise the rhythm and the rhyme .

  15. 爱只在儿歌的咿呀里。

    Where love is just a lyric in a children 's rhyme .

  16. 学唱儿歌真是学英语的好方法呢。

    Singing children 's songs is a great way to learn english .

  17. 儿歌的巫术性根源于儿童心理,与集体无意识有一定的关系。

    All this roots from children 's psychology and relates to collective consciousness .

  18. 但是当前儿歌的现状令人忧虑:缺少好歌新歌、缺乏新一代专业儿童歌曲创作者、传播途径少、传统教育观念影响很深。

    But , the current situation of children 's songs is worrying everybody .

  19. 学生能唱关于企鹅的儿歌。

    Ss can sing a children sing about penguin .

  20. 唤起我童年回忆的儿歌。

    Nursery rhymes that invoke memories of my childhood .

  21. 酒神祭曲的萨提儿歌队,是希腊艺术治病救人的功绩;

    The satyr chorus of the dithyramb was the salvation of Greek art ;

  22. 他的儿歌创作无论是从思想上。

    He is both the children 's creative thinking .

  23. 跟著儿歌的节奏一起唱歌、跳舞!

    Dance and Sing Along to these Rhymes Now !

  24. 我以为你会演奏一些儿歌什么的。

    I was actually thinking more " cock-a-doodle-doo " .

  25. 坐好了,我们要唱儿歌了。

    Get ready , we are going to sing .

  26. 于是我来看他,要听他唱会儿歌。

    And so I came to see him and listen for a while .

  27. 于是猫拿起了五弦琴拉起了儿歌。滴答滴。

    So the cat on the fiddle played hey-diddle-diddle .

  28. 儿歌为多数小孩所熟悉;

    A nursery rhyme familiar to most children ;

  29. 教师带领幼儿边说边跳,激发幼儿学习兴趣,熟练儿歌。

    The teacher and the children dance in a line while saying the chant .

  30. 儿歌演唱的艺术

    The Art of Singing Children ′ s Songs