
  • 网络weight loss;lose weight
  1. 而在推拿操作后,患者多有身体轻松、精力旺盛之感,也乐于参加体力活动,亦能达到健康减肥的目的。

    And after the Tuina operation , the patients always feel relaxed , energetic and are also willing to participate in physical activity . In this way , we have also achieved the healthy weight loss goals .

  2. 它的时候得到健康减肥。

    It 's time to get healthy and lose weight .

  3. 对于大部分人来说,一个月之内减肥10磅是很困难的。但是健身教练DanRoberts可以指导你通过不同的方法和技巧达到一个月之内快速高效减肥的目的。那么,跟随下面的建议,做到健康减肥。

    Losing 10 pounds in a month is difficult to most people , but Dan Roberts , the fitness trainer , guides you through various steps and techniques to lose the weight effectively within a month . So , follow the guide and be fit .

  4. 但通过节食减肥健康减肥?

    But is weight loss through dieting a healthy weight loss ?

  5. 任何健康减肥计划都必定包括合理的饮食和锻炼方案。

    A sound diet and exercise program is part of any healthy weight-loss plan .

  6. 以下是一些帮你实现健康减肥的具体建议。

    The following are some suggestions to help you lose weight in a healthy way . 1 .

  7. 结论:本研究证实穴位埋线疗法能提高胰岛素敏感性,改善胰岛素抵抗,纠正糖、脂代谢紊乱,实现健康减肥。

    Conclusions : Catgut implantation at acupoint can improve the sensitivity of insulin , relieve IR , and correct the metabolism of glucose and lipid , then lose weight healthily .

  8. 目的研究综合减肥处方对肥胖青少年女学生身体形态的影响,为推动全民健康减肥提供科学参考依据。

    Objective To study the body shape by comprehensive intervention therapy of reducing fat in female students , so as to provide scientific reference for promoting fat reduction in all people .

  9. 事实上,“健康”减肥对每个人来说都很重要,但是你怎么才能做到呢?

    In fact , it is important for everyone to lose weight " healthily " , but how can you do it ?

  10. 为了健康或减肥吃的很少。

    Eat sparingly , for health reasons or to lose weight .

  11. 安徽高职院校肥胖学生健康及减肥行为现状

    Health and weight Losing Behavior Among Obese Students in High Vocational Schools in Anhui

  12. 研究表明,瑜伽是一种健康的减肥方法,特别是对中年人。

    Research shows yoga is a healthy way to lose weight , particularly for middle-age individuals .

  13. 年轻女士牺牲健康来减肥是不可取的。

    It is not good for young ladies to keep slim at the cost of their health .

  14. 根据专业统计,一个健康的减肥目标是每周1到2磅。

    A healthy weight loss goal is 1 to 2 lbs. weekly , according to Medline Plus .

  15. 但是,健康的减肥方法不是通过吸烟,而是吃合适的和适量的食物。

    But the healthy way to lose excess pounds is to eat the right kind and the right amount of food .

  16. 结论:情绪症状及其他心理社会因素与青少年危害健康的减肥行为相关联的现象需在青少年营养教育中予以关注。

    Conclusion : Close attention should focus on the relationship between insalubrious weight controlling behaviors of adolescents and depression symptoms and other psychosocial factors .

  17. 利用来自个人健康和减肥领域的比喻,本文探究了达到那些目标的具体、有效的方法。

    Using metaphors from the realm of personal fitness and weight loss , this article explores concrete , effective ways to achieve those goals .

  18. 就如你所见,总而言之,这次满月将是全年之中做决定,或是检视健康、减肥和总体能量的最佳时刻。

    As you see , all in all , this should be a good moment of the year for making a decision or seeing progress in regard to health , fitness , and overall strength .

  19. 当你向健康和减肥进军的时候,蝎子们,你们能够把食量减少到仅够维持生命的地步,不过如果你用许多蝎子保持身材的方法—武术—你需要多吃点,忍饥挨饿可甭想拿到黑带。

    When you work towards health and fitness , Scorpio , you'recapable of cutting down to just enough to keep you alive . But ifyou do what many Scorpios do to stay fit-embrace the martialarts-you 'll need to eat more . You 'll never get that black belt ifyou 're starving .

  20. 健康饮食和减肥都离不开蔬菜。

    Healthy eating and weight loss requires vegetables .

  21. 我希望你能通过健康的方式减肥。

    I hope you can get slimmer in a healthy way .

  22. 这些图片能帮助那些想吃得更健康的人们减肥。

    The pictures can help people on diets and those who just want to eat healthier .

  23. 其实食用真正健康又具减肥效果的减肥水果才是正途。

    In fact , eating a really healthy diet of fruit weight loss is the right path .

  24. 治疗方法要根据患者的肥胖程度、全面的健康情况和减肥的目的来制定。

    The method of treatment depends on your level of obesity , overall health condition , and motivation to lose weight .

  25. 他们来自全国各地,之所以参加这个夏令营的原因是用健康的方法减肥。

    They have come from all over China , and are there for one reason-to loose weight , in a healthy way .

  26. 很多文章都是关于健康饮食、减肥、健康的生活方式。例如,“怎样能在5天内减肥”等等。

    There have been a lot of articles written on healthy eating , weight loss and healthy living , e.g. " How to Loose Weight in 5 days " etc. , but I don 't want to bore you with that today .

  27. 在这段视频中,Karin给我们提了一些令人惊叹的简单的建议,通过健康的素食来减肥。

    Here is a video by Karin who gives us some really amazing and easy tips to lose weight by following a healthy vegetarian diet .

  28. 不要在损坏健康的条件下减肥。

    Don 't try to reduce fat at the expense of your health .

  29. 这段时间非常适合进行健康锻炼和节食减肥。

    This is a great time to start any health improvement or diet / exercise related programs .

  30. 饮食营养视角中的健康、运动与减肥&从女大学生食素谈起

    Health , sports and weight losing as seen from diet nutrition & On vegetarian of university girl students