
  1. 方法:对81例胃溃疡(GU)随访3~10a,定期行胃镜检查并做活检;

    Methods : 81 cases of GU were followed up in 3 to 10 years by endoscopy and biopsy .

  2. 如果PSA读数可疑,一般要重复检测;如果读数仍高,医生应让病人去看泌尿科医生并做活检。

    With a suspicious PSA reading , the test is usually repeated , and if it 's still high , the physician refers the patient to a urologist to conduct a biopsy .

  3. 你去取一块皮肤做活检。

    I want you to get a skin samplefor a biopsy .

  4. 你想做活检就做。

    If you want to do the biopsy , do the biopsy .

  5. 就会同意对另一个人做活检。

    He 'll allow a procedure on another person .

  6. 对臂下的淋巴结做活检。

    So biopsy a lymph node under the arm .

  7. 第三步,把那些组织做活检,证实是棕色脂肪。

    In three , the tissue was then biopsied and proved to be brown fat .

  8. 医生会对我做活检,但我已经知道结果。

    The doctor will do a biopsy , but I already know what the results will be .

  9. 由于她嗜烟,因此取其中一个结节做活检以排除原发性肺癌。

    Since she is a heavy smoker , a biopsy of one of these lesions is done to rule out primary lung cancer .

  10. 我很高兴你决定做绒毛活检。

    I 'm glad you decided to do a CVS test .

  11. 卡麦伦,给凯做肺部活检。

    Cameron , get a biopsy of kalvin 's lung tissue .

  12. 今天上午要做个活检。

    I 'll perform a biopsy this morning .

  13. 对于巴氏涂片检查发现有内膜细胞的病人也应建议做内膜活检。

    Endometrial biopsy is also recommended for women with any endometrial cells on a Papanicolaou ( Pap ) smear .

  14. 治疗后第9天,取创面组织做病理活检及流式细胞仪检测。

    In the9th day post gene therapy , the wound tissues were taken for pathological examination and cell DNA cycle phase analysis .

  15. 以上资料表明,对肝病患者做肝活检是非常必要的,既可明确诊断,又可早期预防和治疗。

    It suggested that liver biopsy was necessary to liver disease , It could be used in diagnosis , early prevention and treatment .

  16. 做肺组织活检,按Heath和Edwards分类进行病理分级,观察肺小动脉的病理改变。

    Lung biopsy was taken from each patient and pathologic grading performed according to Heath and Edwards pathologic grading .

  17. 结论遇到不明原因的双肺结节状阴影应想到DPB,并争取做肺组织活检以明确诊断。

    Conclusions DPB should be included in the differential diagnosis of bilateral multiple pulmonary nodular shadows .

  18. 方法:106例中72例检查X线胸片、54例检查胸部CT,20例同时检查X线胸片和胸部CT,20例检查纤支镜、其中18例做病理学活检等检查证实诊断。

    Methods : All 106 cases were checked including 72 cases with X ray of chest , 54 cases with CT scan , 20 cases with both X ray and CT scan , 20 cases with bronchofibroscope and 18 cases had pathologic biopsy to confirm diagnosis .

  19. 第二诊断意见通常不需要再做一次活检;

    A second opinion usually does not require another biopsy ;

  20. 我给他的肾脏做了个活检。

    I ordered a biopsy on his kidneys .

  21. 必要时加做内镜下活检取材,详细记录胃镜检查结果,多次检查则收录病变较重或有病检报告者为胃镜检查结果。

    Detailed record of gastroscopic results , when necessary , combined endoscopy with biopsy . Repeated examinations recorded more severe lesions or pathologic diagnosis .

  22. 背景:目前肾移植后的急性排斥的诊断主要依靠临床怀疑排斥后所做的肾脏活检。

    BACKGROUND : Currently , the diagnosis of acute rejection after kidney transplantation is based on a kidney biopsy taken after clinical rejection suspicion .

  23. 我缠着她,要她说实话,她只是说明天做一个活检再说。

    I worry her , wanting her to tell the truth , she just explains a day to do a to live check to say again .

  24. 第二诊断意见通常不需要再做一次活检;而是指请另外一位或多位病理医师查看第一次活检获得的显微镜切片。

    A second opinion usually does not require another biopsy ; it means asking one or more additional pathologists to look at the microscope slides made from the first biopsy .

  25. 今天是要去做一个活检,然后进行病理分析,弄清楚我到底得了什么癌,给它一个完整的定义,那也是我想知道了。

    Today will do a live check , then carry on the pathology analysis , clearing up me to get exactly what cancer , give it an integrity of definition , that is also I to want to know .

  26. 本文介绍我科近一年中用Tru-cut活检针做不育症睾丸穿刺活检的方法、结果、适应症及对象的选择,讨论了睾丸穿刺活检的意义,Tru-cut活检针做睾丸穿刺活检的优点。

    Testicular biopsy with Tru-cut needle puncturing method was performed in 13 cases with azoospermia in our department from 1986 through 1987 . The significance , indications and advantages of this method , as well as the pathological types of functional azoospermia and their prognoses were discussed .

  27. 要做一个肺部活检。

    So we want to DOA lung biopsy .

  28. 所以我们需要进一步鉴别限制性心肌的发病原因,日后可能会需要做心脏脂肪垫活检和过氧化酶免疫染色。

    So we still need to further differentiate the cause of restrictive cardiomyopathy , cardiac fat-pad biopsy and immunoperoxidase staining may be wanted in future treatment .

  29. 她可以选择简单地每半年做一次乳房X光检查,也可以选择做活检。

    She was given the option of just mammograms every six months or having a biopsy .