
jiè dài
  • substitute;replace
  • metonymy
借代 [jiè dài]
  • [melonymy] 一种修辞方式,不直接把所要说的事物名称说出来,而用跟它有关系的另一种事物的名称代替它。如:红领巾参加植树劳动中的红领巾就是代替少先队员

  1. Lakoff的理想认知模式,即ICMs,被广泛应用于认知研究,尤其是借代的认知研究。

    Lakoff 's Idealized Cognitive Models , or ICMs , are widely applied in cognitive studies , particularly in the cognitive study of metonymy , with few scholars raising criticism on them .

  2. 明代小说借代词语类型与特点初探

    Discussion on the Types and Traits of Metonymy Words in Ming Dynasty Novels

  3. 用boil时常以容器借代其所盛之物

    With boil we often use the container to refer to its contents

  4. 从Lakoff的借代模式透视其ICMs的缺陷&两个案例的对比分析

    An Insight into A Defect of Lakoff 's ICMs Through His Metonymic Models : A Comparative Analysis of Two Cases

  5. 英语新闻报道中借代的汉译策略探讨

    On the E-C translation of metonymic expressions in English news reporting

  6. 服装词语中借代、比喻等修辞手法的使用比较普遍。

    Analogy and metonymy are more common used in dressing words .

  7. 最后,阐述了保持借代效果的若干翻译方法。

    Finally , the paper introduces several methods of translating metonymy .

  8. 我想问一问能不能借代你的自行车。

    I want to ask if I can borrow your bike .

  9. 维汉英语借代修辞格比较研究

    The Contrastive Study of Uygur , Chinese and English Metonymy

  10. 这6个方面是(1)使用借代手法;

    The six aspects are ( 1 ) metonymy ;

  11. 汉语词汇借代义研究

    The Study of Metonymy Meanings of Words in Chinese

  12. 借代的定义和范围及本质

    THE Definition and Scope of Metonymy and Its Essence

  13. 特别概念结构的借代功能

    The Metonymic Functions of Ad Hoc Conceptual Structures

  14. 俄语的借代与汉译

    Metonymy in Russian and lts Translation into Chinese

  15. 英语词义比喻及借代引申方式研究

    On Metaphoric and Metonymic Extensions in English

  16. 关于借喻与借代的区别问题

    On the Differences between Metaphor and Metonymy

  17. 此后讨论了维汉语共有的一种和英汉语共有的一一种借代模式。

    Then elaborate the one kind of common Metonymy mode of Uygur-Chinese and Chinese-English respectively .

  18. 英语中借代现象的认知分析

    Cognitive Analysis of Metonymy in English

  19. 借代型成语的多角度分析

    Various analyses of the substitutive idioms

  20. 通过两个条件:相关关系与代替来辨析借代与借喻。

    Through two conditions : the related relationship and replacement , the author analyzes Jiedai and Jieyu .

  21. 借代的认知解释

    The Cognitive Explanation of Metonymy

  22. 谈谈借代的定义、归类与运用原则&借代辞格的多角度研究之一

    Definition , Classification and Principle of Application of Metonymy & One of Metonymy Studies from Different Perspectives

  23. 借代的定义和分类辨析

    Definition and Classification of Metonymy

  24. 借代辞格研究

    The Study of Metonymy

  25. 区别比喻和借代的标准主要是看其心理基础是事物之间的相似性还是相关性(邻近性)。

    The key difference between metaphor and metonymy is that metaphor base on similarity and metonymy base on contiguity .

  26. 辞格特征与辞格辨识&谈借喻和借代、移就和比拟的区别

    The Features and Discrimination of Figures of Speech & On the Differences between Metonymy and Synecdoche and Hypallage and Comparison

  27. 传统的诗歌研究多从修辞学出发,关注诗歌的比喻和借代。

    The research of traditional poems pays more attention to the figure of speech , especially to the metaphor and metonymy .

  28. 某些科技词语可能具有比喻、夸张、借代、大词小用等修辞效果;

    Certain technological words are likely to yield rhetorical impressions , such as metaphor , exaggeration , metonymy and so on ;

  29. 维语,汉语,英语的借代具有很大的相似性,但是它们毕竟属于三种不同的语言。

    Uygur , Chinese and English Metonymy have many similarities . But they belong to three different kinds of language indeed .

  30. 从其社会功用看,古代广告媒介大致分为肢体语言、借代物和手工广告媒体三大类。

    From the respect of sociality function , the ancient advertising media generally include Body Language , Metonymy and Manual Advertising Media .