
xiū dìnɡ běn
  • Revision;revise edition;revised edition;recension;redaction
  1. 介绍了《工业与民用建筑抗震设计规范》(TJ11-78)修订本(送审稿)(文中简称《规范》)中场地选择和场地类别划分的有关问题。

    Some problems on site choice and site clarification in the revised edition of 《 Aseismic Design Code for Industrial and Civil Buildings 》 ( TJ11-78 ) are alsa dealt with .

  2. 《现代汉语词典》(修订本)与现代汉语教学

    Modern Chinese Dictionary ( Revised Edition ) and Modern Chinese Teaching

  3. 他要求看修订本。

    He asked to see the amended version .

  4. 我得到了他编的词典的修订本。

    I have got the revision of his dictionary .

  5. 这是Edwin和麻省理工学院Scheme环境使用手册的修订本。

    This is the revised version of the manual for using Edwin and the MIT Scheme environment .

  6. 方法:对53例恋物癖儿童测查BEAM、韦氏儿童智力量表修订本(WISC-R)、艾森克个性问卷(EPQ),并与20名正常儿童对照。

    Method : A total of53 children with fetishism were tested with BEAM , Wechsler intelligence scale for children ( WISC-R ), Eysenck personality questionnaire ( EPQ ) .

  7. 方法按中国精神疾病分类方案与诊断标准第2版修订本有关标准,收集住院的妄想性抑郁症及非妄想性抑郁症病人各81例,方法采用多因素logistic回归分析。

    Methods 81 depressed subjects meeting CCMD-2-R criteria for major depression with delusion were compared with 81 in patients with non-delusion depression , which were analyzed with multinomial logistic model .

  8. 以前的ICD修订本以有限的选定专家参加的年度修订会议为基础。

    Previous ICD revisions were based on annual revision conferences attended by a limited number of selected experts .

  9. UML2.0是UML标准最主要的修订本,以下的是一系列次要的修订本[OMG04][RJB05]。

    UML2.0 is the first major revision of the UML standard , following a series of lesser minor revisions [ OMG04 ] [ RJB05 ] .

  10. Levine早期关于饮食维生素C的调整和吸收的研究数据被医学会2000年版维生素推荐膳食供给量修订本采用。

    Data from Levine 's earlier studies of the regulation and absorption of dietary vitamin C were used in the revision of the Institute of Medicine 's Recommended Dietary Allowance for the vitamin in2000 .

  11. 【方法】用中国比内测验智力诊断量表(第三次修订本)自编家庭情况问卷为工具,对200例LD儿童家庭情况、出生时情况、幼儿教育进行调查及对他们的智能心理进行测量。

    【 Method 】 Examining intelligence table Binet in China and a self-made family questionaire were applied to 200 children with LD , whose family , birth and infant education were investigated , intelligence and psychological charateristics were measured .

  12. 韦氏成人智力量表中国修订本与原量表(WAIS和WAIS-R)因素分析的比较研究

    A comparison of factor analytic studies among Wechsler Adult Intelligence scale revised in china ( wais rc ), wais and wais r

  13. 对于我们的HSQLDB插件的第一修订本来说,这很好,但是在这个系列结束之前,我们必须将其改为一个SWT应用程序,就像Eclipse视图那样嵌入其中。

    That 's fine for the first revision of our HSQLDB plug-in , but before this series is finished , we 'll have to change it to be an SWT application , hosted as an Eclipse view .

  14. 方法采用自制一般环境问卷、韦氏儿童智力量表(中国修订本)和Conners量表为工具,对185名学习障碍儿童进行调查,并与185名正常儿童调查结果进行比较。

    Methods A self-made common environment questionnaire , WISC-Revised Chinese Version and Conners Parent Rating Scale were applied to 185 children with LD and 185 normal controls .

  15. STYLESIGHT保留修订本协议条款内容的权利(包括与您使用网站内容相关的条款)。

    STYLESIGHT reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of this Agreement ( including those relating to your use of the Content ) .

  16. 采用以大五因素人格理论编制的NEO人格问卷修订本(NEO-PI-R),对1005名中学教师五种典型的人格特质及其教师特征因素进行分析。

    In the current work , Five typical personality traits of 1005 high middle school teachers were examined by using the psychometric quality of the revised NEO Personality Inventory ( NEO-PI-R ) .

  17. 目的探讨中国-韦氏儿童智力量表(C-WISC)与韦氏成人智力量表中国修订本(WAIS-RC)结果不等值原因。WAIS-RC的简化及其可行性的研究


  18. 采用韦氏儿童智力量表中国修订本(WISC-CR),对每个儿童进行测试,计算出各分测验量表分和总智商。

    Use Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children-Chinese Revised ( WISC-CR ) to test every child and calculate the score of every branch scale and of total intelligence quotient .

  19. 《自动喷水灭火系统设计规范》(GBJ84-85)修订本送审稿已于1998年12月18日通过审查。

    The revision of the Design Norm of Automatic Sprinkling Fire System ( GBJ 84-85 ) was passed on December 18 , 1998 . This is the first special design norm for fire system in this country .

  20. 本文简要地回顾美国军用直升机飞行品质规范的发展历史,并介绍美国陆军和海军关于修改MIL-H-8501A的计划及其要求,着重对MIL-F-83300和MIL-H-8501A修订本规范(草案)作一简要的评述。

    This paper reviewed briefly the development history of U.S. Military Specification-Helicopter Flying Qualities , and presented the plan and the requires about modifying MIL-F-8501A , and placed seress on evaluating revision of MIL-F-83300 and MIL-F-8501A specification ( draft ) .

  21. 《国际管材工业年鉴》(1992年修订本)

    International Directory Yearbook for the metal tube pipe industries ( 1992 )

  22. 韦氏记忆量表中国修订本在儿童中的应用

    The Application of Wechsler Memory Scale Revised in China in Chineses Children

  23. 相关文件、图纸和规范等,包括其修订本。

    Associated documents , drawings , specifications including revision status etc.

  24. 这本书的修订本已售完。

    The revised edition of the book is now out of print .

  25. 浅析《工程勘察设计收费标准》2002年修订本

    On Revised Version 2002 of Charge Standard of Engineering Investigation & Design

  26. 《中华人民共和国统计法》修订本论析

    Discussion on the Revised Version of the Law of Statistics

  27. 试评《美国馆际互借法》(2001年修订本)

    On Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States ( revised 2001 )

  28. 研究人员对修订本作了许多修改。

    The researchers made many corrections to the revised edition .

  29. 禁止使用被替代的受控文件修订本维持未授权文件的效力。

    Maintaining unauthorized files with superseded revisions of controlled documents is prohibited .

  30. 环境统计概览修订本:框架、方法和统计出版

    Revised survey of environment statistics : frameworks , approaches and statistical publications