
  • 网络Information Carrier;message carrier
  1. 基于WEB的制造系统信息载体&XML

    The information carrier of manufacturing system based on Web & XML

  2. 作为一种全新的信息载体,Internet改变了科学工作者的工作方式。

    Internet have being changed working of scientist as a newest information carrier .

  3. 而在网络中,作为信息载体的电子邮件正发展成Internet上应用最为广泛的服务之一。

    As an information carrier , the E - mail has become one of the most extensive Internet services .

  4. WEB的信息载体主要是WEB页面,它的内容包含显示的数据、标记和超链接。

    Web content data is the main carrier of Internet information . It contains content data , marking or token and hyperlink .

  5. 随着Internet的快速发展,Web技术的广泛应用,信息载体从传统的纸介质方式逐渐向电子文档和网络化方式过渡,传统的一支笔、一份试卷的考试方式已不能满足社会发展的需要。

    With the fast development of internet and the wide application of web technology . A traditional pen and the method of testing through a paper cannot meet the needs of social development no longer .

  6. 印刷电路板(PCB)是集成各种电子元器件的信息载体,在各个领域得到了广泛的应用。

    Printed Circuit Board ( PCB ) is an information carrier integrating various electronic components . It has been applied in different field widely .

  7. 城市地图是全面反映城市发展和城市社会经济现象的综合信息载体,是城市基础空间数据库和城市GIS的重要组成部分。

    Urban maps is not only the integrated information container that reflects city development , social and economical phenomenon , but also an important component of spatial urban database and urban Geographical Information System .

  8. 21世纪,被称为第四媒体的Internet已成为现今世界上最大的信息载体,它在推动社会各行各业发展与变革的同时,也为现代远程教育的发展提供了契机,插上了腾飞的翅膀。

    In the 21st century , Internet has become the largest information carrier in the world . It promotes the development and change in all walks of life , and provides an opportunity for the development of Modern Distance Education .

  9. 与其它陆地古环境信息载体相比,洞穴滴石石笋具有分布广、时间跨度大、生长机制对环境敏感、适用于U系测年等特点。

    Compared with other paleo-environment information media on land , cave dripstone-stalagmite has many superiorities including wide-ranging distribution , long-time span , sensitive to outside environment , suitable for U-series dating etc.

  10. 以生物电为信息载体的人机交互(Human-ComputerInteraction,HCI)技术,是当前计算机应用和信息处理领域的一个重要研究方向,相关的研究工作具有重要的科学意义和广阔的应用前景。

    Taking bioelectricity as the information carrier , human-computer interaction ( HCI ) technology is an important research direction in the field of computer application and information processing , related research work has great scientific significance and application prospect .

  11. BOM(BillOfMaterial,产品物料清单)在这样的质量测评系统中是十分重要的信息载体,是企业各个制造集成系统信息共享的关键集成数据之一,具有很大的开发、应用潜能。

    BOM ( Bill of Material ) is the important information collection that equipped with large potential of development and utilization in the quality quantized measurement system ; it is included in the key integrated data shared in the all kinds of manufactured integrated systems in the corporation .

  12. BLM是以VBL作为信息载体的,用VBL对的有无来体现信息的1和0。

    Vertical Bloch line pairs ( VBLP ) in the walls of stripe domains are used as information carriers in BLM in which the presence and absence of VBL is represented by " 1 " and " 0 ", respectively .

  13. 以河北省张家口市2002年的退耕还林地为研究对象,以高空间分辨率(以下简称高分辨率)遥感(Quick-bird-快鸟,分辨率0.6m)为信息载体。

    The land for the program of Conversion of Cropland to Forest in Zhangjiakou City of Hebei Province in 2002 was taken as research object and remote sensing ( Quickbird , resolution of 0.6 meter ) of high resolution as information carrier .

  14. 标志符号是现代生活中不可或缺的信息载体。

    Signs are information carriers which indispensable to the modern life .

  15. 大气无线光通信利用在大气中传输的激光束作为信息载体来实现通信。

    Atmospheric wireless optical communication is realized by using laser beam .

  16. 微纳光束被誉为最有希望的纳米全光集成的信息载体。

    Micro-nano beam is the most promising nano-optical integrated information carrier .

  17. 因此在实际量子密钥分配中,几乎都使用光子作为信息载体。

    Almost all the quantum key distribution use photons as the transmitter .

  18. 信息载体无纸化是图书馆事业的第二次飞跃

    Realization of Paperless Information Carrier the Second Leap for Libraries

  19. 信息载体是自动识别中的核心技术。

    Information carrier is the kernel of automatic identification .

  20. 一篇文章可以被看成是一个信息载体。与此相比,口语形式占有优势。

    A piece of writing may be regarded as a carrier of information .

  21. 变压器油信息载体作用的研究与利用

    Study and utilization for information carrier of transformer oil

  22. 许多研究方法和信息载体已经引入了全新世环境演变的研究,并且取得了很大的进展。

    Many methods were introduced into the studies and great progress was made .

  23. 因特网目前已成为世界上最大的信息载体。

    Internet is the largest medium of information in the world at present .

  24. 网络证据是指从不同网络终端获取的信息载体。

    Data recovery is the basis of network forensic .

  25. 微波成像是指以微波作为信息载体的一种成像手段,实质属于电磁逆散射问题。

    Microwave imaging is a traditional imaging technology . Microwave is the information carrier .

  26. 地理图像是多功能的地理信息载体。

    Geographic Picture is a multi-function information carrier .

  27. 声波是唯一能在海水中远距离传播的信息载体。

    Acoustic wave is the only information carrier which can propagate long distances in sea water .

  28. 比较研究了传统纸质载体与数字化网络载体兼容并存的客观条件,提出目前信息载体多元化存在的基础;

    Thirdly , the comparison between traditional paper carrier and the digital network carrier was probed .

  29. 在超宽带无线电系统中,窄脉冲是信息载体。

    In the ultra-wideband radio systems , the narrow pulses play the role of information carriers .

  30. 奇妙的信息载体&汉语

    A Wonderful Information Carrier-Chinese Language