
  1. 通货膨胀、信息搜寻成本与价格分散

    Inflation , Cost of Search and Price Dispersion

  2. 在线市场中,信息搜寻成本大大下降了,并且出现了可以自动搜寻各种信息包括价格信息的自动软件主体。

    In online market , the information search cost has been greatly reduced , and now bots appear which can automatically search various information including price information .

  3. 投资银行作为交易职能分工的产物,它可利用专业化分工为企业并购节约信息搜寻成本、合同成本以及多种风险成本。

    As the offspring of division of dealing function , investment banking can decrease cost of information , contracting cost and other cost of insurance for acquiring firm and target firm .

  4. 最后,降低公众信息搜寻成本使消费者或公众自觉去寻找商品房预售信息,最大化地消除信息不对称状态。

    Finally , reduce public information search costs to consumers or the public consciousness to find a real estate sale , to maximize the elimination of the state of " information asymmetry " .

  5. 大量中小型企业通过空间集聚降低信息的搜寻成本,并构建企业间分工网络以共享创新成果,由此形成以马歇尔外部经济上升为特征的集聚经济。

    A large number of small and medium enterprises gather as a cluster to reduce " search cost " of information and build the network of division of labor among enterprises to share innovations , thus the formation of Marshall external economic rise as agglomeration economies .

  6. 从科斯的视角看:企业是一种能够降低生产市场运行的成本、信息搜寻和契约谈判成本的制度结构。

    From the perspective of Caose , Enterprise is the system structure to reduce production and operation costs , and the cost of searching information and negotiation of contracts .

  7. 金融控股公司背景的银行从事存贷款等传统业务时,可以与集团内其他子公司共享各种信息,节约了信息搜寻成本和交易成本,实现了资源共享和信息的充分流动。

    When banks financial holding company background engaged in deposit and lending and other traditional business , they can share all kinds of information with other subsidiaries within the group , which save the cost of information searching and transaction and realize the full flow of information and resource sharing .

  8. 外部信用评级将融资过程与信用分析过程相分离,为资金供需双方的信息缺口开辟通渠,降低投资人信息不对称的信息搜寻成本和融资企业的交易成本,提高金融管理效率和市场效率。

    External credit rating separates finance process and credit analysis process , joints information gap between supply and demand , so as to decrease information seeking cost caused by information asymmetry and capital transaction cost for the purpose of increasing finance management efficiency and marketing efficiency .

  9. 然而,当海归知识员工职业支持感较低,但主动性人格较高时,那么在他搜寻工作信息时会面临组织内部的诸多障碍,增加了信息搜寻的成本和难度。

    When returned knowledge workers have high Proactive Personality but low Career Perceived Organizational Support , they will have some obstacles when searching information in the organization .

  10. 因此构建存在消费者搜寻的信息性差异化模型,在这个产品差异化模型中,消费者具有偏好异质性,且消费者信息搜寻成本企影响企业产品价格和广告水平。

    Thus this chapter puts forward the informative advertising model based on consumers ' information seeking in which consumers have heterogeneous preferences , and consumers ' costs of information seeking can influence the product price and advertising level of enterprises .