
  • 网络informational influence;Information influence;information effect
  1. 水利工程造价管理的信息影响与分析

    Information Influence and Analysis of Water Conservancy Engineering Construction Cost Management

  2. 根据综合信息影响量的概念,提出了重叠期间的信息交流策略及下游活动的返工影响函数。

    Based on the concept of comprehensive information influence quantity , the information communication strategy and rework impact function of downstream activity were proposed .

  3. 采用1996年1月至2002年8月之间的月宏观经济数据与股指为样本,运用VAR方法来研究中国股票市场受宏观经济信息影响的程度。

    This paper uses monthly macroeconomic data and stock market indices from January 1996 to August 2002 , and adopts vector autoregression method to study the fraction of the variation in stock returns that can be attributed to various types of macroeconomic news .

  4. 通过利用多种非对称性GARCH模型,描述和检验了沪市股票日收益率序列的条件波动性,并通过对股票市场信息影响曲线的分析,发现沪市股票价格波动中存在显著的非对称性反应。

    The conditional fluctuation of stock day turn in Shanghai stock markets were described and tested by using many asymmetric GARCH models . After analyzing the information response curves , it was found that the stock price fluctuation in Shanghai stock markets showed its asymmetry obviously .

  5. 延迟反应信息影响下的修正多路径分配法

    An Amendatory Multi-path Traffic Assignment Method on Lingering Response Information

  6. 宏观经济信息影响汇率波动的微观传导机制

    Research on the Transmission System of Macro-news ' Effect on Exchange Rate Volatility

  7. 注意受情绪信息影响的实验范式

    Experimental Paradigms of Emotional Information 's Effect on Attention

  8. 文章通过对框架柱钢筋信息影响参数和构造要求的研究,建立框架柱钢筋几何信息的参数化图库;

    By study of the information , this paper set up the steel parameter graph base .

  9. 这有助于更进一步研究网络信息影响政府科学决策的具体路径。

    This helps go step further study the concrete route that network information checks that government science decision-making affects .

  10. 同时发现,在研究中剔除会计盈余和股利分配预案的信息影响是正确的,不同类型的审计意见的市场反应程度和模式是不同的。

    More important , the market reaction to different types of qualified opinions is different in mode and degree .

  11. 新经济时代统计信息影响企业管理层决策成败,统计分析的任务更趋繁重,作用更显重要;

    Statistics analysis is becoming more arduous and important as in now economy age statistics information affects the policy-making by the manager of enterprise .

  12. 面对传媒巨大负面信息影响的冲击,如何加强青少年媒介素养教育是摆在我们面前的现实问题。

    Facing the huge negative impact of media , how to strengthen the teenagers ' media literacy is a realistic problem in front of us .

  13. 电视作为大众媒介,是联系个人与社会的中介,它通过传播信息影响受众。

    Television is a kind of mass media , it is the Intermediary between the humans and society , it effects audience by broadcasting the information .

  14. 该方法模拟了信息影响下的个体行为反应,并在此基础上修正初始模式,确保其符合逻辑并满足时空约束条件。

    The approach simulates individual behaviour responses with provided information and modifies the initial patterns based upon the response in order to make it reasonable and satisfy time-space constraint condition .

  15. 首先利用强度像3×3邻域均值和图像平均值消除失落信息影响,然后采用多级中值滤波消除逸出值。

    First , dropout is removed according to intensity image mean in 3 × 3 window and whole image mean . Then , outlier is removed by using multilevel median filter .

  16. 通过对长春地区九所中学近干名学生进行问卷测试发现:中学生是占相当比例的上网群体,存在着良莠不齐的网络信息影响学生身心健康;

    A questionnaire conducted to nearly one thousand students of nine middle schools in Changchun shows that middle school students are the main community browsing the network and both good and bad information on the network exerts a deep impact upon their psychology .

  17. 栅格DEM的水平分辨率对地形信息的影响分析

    Effect of Horizontal Resolution of Raster DEM on Landform Information

  18. 目的测试环境照度对用显示器视读CR影像信息的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of the environmental illumination on the information content of CR images on CRT .

  19. 以程序控制流图(CFG)为基础,借助profiling信息对影响线程划分效果的线程体积、线程间的数据相关性等进行量化研究;

    Based on the CFG ( Control Flow Graph ), the algorithm evaluates thread size and inter-thread data dependence quantitatively by the profiling information .

  20. 对于眼睑和睫毛的遮掩对识别的影响,提出了一种新的基于Radon变换的虹膜噪声去除方法,有效地消除了眼睑噪声信息的影响,同时结合阈值法剔除睫毛。

    For the effects of eyelid and eyelash occlusion , a new method of iris noise eliminating is presented based on Radon transform , which can effectively eliminate the effects for eyelid noise information .

  21. 信息技术影响企业绩效的机制研究

    The Mechanism of Information Technology ′ s Effects on Firm Performance

  22. 重庆信息经济影响的投入产出分析

    Input-output Analysis on the Influence of Chongqing Information Economy

  23. 战术环境信息安全影响分析

    Impact analysis of information security on the tactical environment

  24. 私人信息会影响个体心理预期并产生过度反应;

    The personal information can affect the individual psychology anticipation and produce excessively responded .

  25. 会计准则改革及其对会计信息的影响分析

    The Analysis on the Accounting Standards Reform and its Influence on the Accounting Information

  26. 其中,关于企业社会责任信息披露影响因素的研究成为实证研究的一个重要课题。

    The empirical research on corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure has been an important research topic .

  27. 股权结构决定了公司的治理效率,从而对上市公司的会计行为及盈余信息产生影响。

    Ownership structure determines management efficiency , then impact on accounting behavior and earning information .

  28. 农业上市公司会计信息质量影响因素及其对资本市场的影响研究

    A Study on the Quality of Accounting Information of Listed Agriculture Companies and Its Impact on the Capital Market

  29. 按照客户的观点,精明的客户经常是采用专业权利和信息权利影响评估师。

    From the view of clients , sophisticated clients tend to use expertise and information power to affect appraisal results .

  30. 总体来说,当低卡菜肴被分离开时,参与者会选择包含多11%卡路里的菜肴;而当卡路里被明确标在菜肴旁边时,由于受到这个信息的影响,参与者对卡路里的选择低了15%。

    Overall , on average , when low-calorie dishes were separated , participants chose dishes that contained 11 percent more calories .