
  • 网络Eprot;Eprotection;Voff
  1. 埋地管道阴极保护电位IR降评估方法的研究

    Evaluation modeling of IR drops for CP potential of buried pipeline

  2. A3钢及304不锈钢孔蚀保护电位的确定

    Study on the protection potential against pitting corrosion of A3 steel and 304 SS

  3. 合适的阳极保护电位范围为:0-0.8V(SCE)。

    The suitable potential range of anodic protection was 0-0.8V ( SCE ) .

  4. 建立了储罐底板外侧阴极保护电位分布的数学模型,利用FLUENT软件模拟了罐底外侧的阴极保护电位分布;

    The mathematical model of cathodic protection potential distribution on the exterior of tank bottom is established and calculated by using FLUENT software .

  5. 在本体系中最佳保护电位范围是-900~-1000mV(SCE);

    The optimum protection potential was between-900 mV and - 1000 mV ( SCE ) under the present condition .

  6. 交流电干扰下-850mV(CSE)阴极保护电位准则的适用性研究

    Applicability of-850 mV ( CSE ) Cathodic Protection Potential Criterion under AC Interference Condition

  7. 依据Rt-E(e,c)曲线图,确定了钢在土壤中的最佳保护电位。

    Based on EIS results , the Rt-Ee , c curves are obtained , from which the optimum protection potential of steel in soil can be determined .

  8. 本文应用有限元素法(FEM)计算海洋平台复杂节点表面的阴极保护电位分布。

    The finite element method ( FEM ) was applied to calculate the potential distribution of a cathodically protected offshore platform , especially for a platform with nodes complex node in this paper .

  9. 结果表明,在三种保护电位下,A3钢的保护度都在90%以上,可以达到防腐目的。

    The results show that the protection rates are all over 90 % under the above three conditions and potentials , good enough for anticorrosion .

  10. 推荐海水间浸低碳钢的阴极保护电位判据为-0.95V(SCE)。

    For mild steel immersed cyclically in seawater , - 0.95V ( SCE ) was suggested as the protective potential criteria .

  11. 海底管线保护电位遥测系统中PPM-PTC水声传输方式的设计

    The design of the ppm-ptc acoustic transmission pattern in the telemetering system for the protection potential of the subsea pipe-line

  12. 孔蚀保护电位剖析不同浓度硝酸钝化Ti75合金临界孔蚀电位的测定

    ON SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROTECTION POTENTIAL AGAINST PITTING CORROSION Study on the breakdown potential of Ti-75 alloys passivated in different nitric acid

  13. 本文设计了PPM-PTC(脉位调制-脉冲周期编码)信息水声编码方式并将其运用于海底管线保护电位水声遥测系统中;

    In this paper , the PPM-PTC ( Pulse Potential Modulation-Pulse Time Code ) are designed to transmit the acoustic information of the cathodic protection potential of the subsea pipeline .

  14. 根据试验结果,推荐在低湿度的条件下涂层管道的最大保护电位为-1.2V,在中湿度和高湿度下,最大保护电位为-1.0V。

    On the basis of experimental results , it is proposed that the maximum protection potential for coated pipes is -1.2V at low moisture content , and -1.0V at medium and high moisture content .

  15. 储罐底板阴极保护电位分布规律探讨

    Discussion on Potential Distribution Law of Cathodic Protection on Tank Bottom Plate

  16. 船体阴极保护电位分布研究

    Research on the Potential Distribution on the Ship Hull under Cathodic Protection

  17. 海底油气管道保护电位检测装置的研究

    Development of cathodic protection potential survey equipment for submarine pipelines

  18. 由电位时间曲线确定阴极保护电位

    Determine cathodic protection potential by constant current rising potential-time curve

  19. 海洋工程构筑物阴极保护电位及其分布的模拟测试装置

    Simulating set of cathode protection potential and its distribution on offshore structure

  20. 阴极保护电位分布数学模型的研究及其应用

    Research and application of potential distribution modelling in cathodic protection

  21. 储罐底板外侧阴极保护电位分布的数值模拟

    Numerical modeling of cathodic protection potential distribution on the exterior of tank bottom

  22. 罐底外侧深井阳极阴极保护电位分布规律研究

    Potential Distributions on External Tank Bottom under Cathodic Protection of Deep Well Anode

  23. 长输管道阴极保护电位的自动检测技术研究

    Research on Automatic Testing Technology for Cathodic Protection Potential in Long Distance Pipeline

  24. 阴极保护电位现场采集与存储系统

    Acquisition and memory in field voltage of cathodic protection

  25. 防腐层漏点处的最小保护电位应低于-0.85V。

    The minimum protective potential at holidays should be lower than-0 . 85 .

  26. 小孔腐蚀保护电位物理意义的研究

    The significance of the protection potential against pitting corrosion

  27. 埋地管道阴极保护电位参数及电位测试技术研究

    An Investigation of Cathodic Protection Potential and Potential Measuring of Pipe in Soils

  28. 海水中阴极保护电位分布的测量

    The cathodic protection potential measurement in sea water

  29. 管道阴极保护电位微机遥测系统的研究

    Research on the Micro-computor Remote Indicating System for the Potential of Pipeline Cathodic Protection

  30. 土壤电阻率对罐底外侧阴极保护电位分布的影响

    The Effect of Soil Resistivity on Cathodic Protection Potential Distribution Outside of Tank Bottom