
  1. 我们需要保护森林。

    We need to preserve the forest

  2. 我们必须保护森林。

    We must safeguard forest timber .

  3. 因此,GIS在监测森林景观变化和保护森林资源方面是一个十分有用的工具。

    Thus , GIS is a important tool for monitoring change of forest landscape and protecting forest resources .

  4. 这就是“减少森林砍伐和退化产生的排放”(reducingemissionsfromdeforestationanddegradation)计划,用付钱的方式鼓励当地人保护森林。

    It is called the initiative for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation , where local population would be paid to protect forests .

  5. 本文选取了提高农民健康水平、减少二氧化碳和二氧化硫排放量等要素建立计量模型;将保护森林的效益分为涵养水源、水土保持、制造氧气、吸收CO2和SO2、防风固沙和净化大气效益等。

    Divided the benefits to water-holding , soil and water conservation , oxygen-making , carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide absorbing and atmosphere purification benefit .

  6. 举例来说,根据GNP来衡量,乱砍滥伐森林的国家反而比保护森林的国家经济更好。

    According to GNP , for example , countries that overcut forests actually do better than those that preserve their forests .

  7. 人类应采取各项可行的措施来减少N2O的释放量:如提高氮肥利用效率,减少生物体燃烧,退耕还林和保护森林资源等。

    For this reason , it is necessary to take measures reducing N2O emissions , including improving the N fertilizer utilization efficiency , reducing biomass burning and protecting forests and so on .

  8. 保护森林生态功能促进林业持续发展

    Protecting Ecological Function of Forest and Promoting Sustainable Development of Forestry

  9. 我们必须为子孙后代保护森林资源。

    We must conserve our forests and woodlands for future generations .

  10. 保护森林资源和生态环境刻不容缓

    The Urgency of the Protection of Forest Resourses and Ecological Environment

  11. 保护森林免遭破坏是我们的责任。

    It 's our duty to protect the forests from destruction .

  12. 保护森林引发人们的广泛关注。

    The preservation of forests has aroused people 's wide concern .

  13. 他作了关于保护森林的精彩演讲。

    He gave a terrific speech about saving the forests .

  14. 论我国保护森林资源刑事立法的完善

    Discussion on The Criminal Legislation Consummation for The Forest Resources

  15. 保护森林计划现在已经准备扩大规模。

    Bolsa Floresta is now ready to be scaled up .

  16. 我们必须保护森林木材,停止滥伐。

    We must safeguard forest timber and stop over-lumbering .

  17. 保护森林资源是世界一大主题。

    Protecting the forest resource is a main subject all over the world .

  18. 保护森林就是保护我们自己。

    Protect the forest is to protect ourselves .

  19. 必须以市场为导向,以保护森林资源为原则,以创造林业生态效益、经济效益和社会效益为目的,开发产品大市场;

    Second , explore the market taking forest protection as principles , market as guideline ;

  20. 建立防火中心是保护森林资源的一项有效措施

    A effective measure to protect forest resources : the establishment of forest five control centers

  21. 第三,当我们伐木时,我们需要保护森林的“遗产”——

    And third , when we do cut , we need to save the legacies ,

  22. 管理和保护森林生态系统发展植树造林区域公约

    Regional Convention for the Management and Conservation of Forest Ecosystems and the Development of Forestry Plantations

  23. 人类应保护森林。

    Man should preserve forests .

  24. 我们不应该杀野生动物,我们必须保护森林,因为他们是动物的家。

    We shouldn 't kill wild animals , and we must protect forests because they are animals'home .

  25. 保护森林资源,就是保护人类的生存环境。

    To protect the system of forest ecology is to protect the environment of human 's survival .

  26. 第十一条植树造林、保护森林,是公民应尽的义务。

    Article 11 Tree planting and forest protection shall be the duties performed by every and each citizen .

  27. 坚决实行最严格的土地管理制度和保护森林资源的措施。

    We must put in practice a strict land management system and measures to protect forest and grasslands .

  28. 植树造林、保护森林、改善生态是中国的一项基本国策。

    It is a basic national policy of China to plant trees , protect forests and improve the ecosystem .

  29. 由于保护森林和木材需求矛盾的增大,人们迫切需要寻找解决的办法。

    As contradiction between forest protection and lumber demand increasing , people urgently need to find a way out .

  30. 但官员们希望能够在奖励新兴国家保护森林的框架方面取得进展。

    But officials hope for progress on a framework that would reward emerging nations for keeping their forests standing .