
  • 网络Confidentiality
  1. 基于病人保密原则,如果没有得到学生的允许,护士们禁止事前征求学生家长的许可,事后也不准通知家长。

    Due to patient confidentiality rules , nurses are not allowed to inform parents before or after the procedure without the pupil 's express permission .

  2. 其次,笔者主张我国法院调解制度应确立彻底的保密原则,这是符合调解心理学,并使法院保持中立、公平公正的调解原则。

    The second idea is to establish the principle of confidentiality thoroughly . This establishment accords with the psychology in the mediation and preserves neutrality and justice of courts .

  3. 开曼群岛(caymanislands)准备打破实行数十年的保密原则,使数千家在加勒比海的这些岛上注册的企业和对冲基金受到更大程度的监督。

    The Cayman Islands are poised to break with decades of secrecy by opening thousands of companies and hedge funds domiciled on the offshore Caribbean territory to greater scrutiny .

  4. 其次,遵守匿名和保密原则;

    First , observe the voluntary participation principle .

  5. 基于保密原则的医疗差错报告系统研究

    Research on the Secrecy Medical Error Reporting System

  6. 我国侦查理论与实践长期以来奉行侦查保密原则。

    We have pursued the investigation privacy in the investigation theory and the investigation practice .

  7. 而银行业也不能再依靠瑞士银行业的保密原则来吸引投资了。

    And the industry can no longer rely on Swiss banking secrecy to attract assets .

  8. 并应用上述理论对围绕保密原则的价值冲突进行了伦理学的分析和辩护。

    Using this theory , the paper analyses and defends the value conflicts related to security principle .

  9. 我们的机构实行绝对保密原则,而且我们的服务一律免费。

    Our agency works on a fully confidential basis , and our services are free of charge .

  10. 本文从医学伦理学的角度探讨了保密原则的含义;保密原则的伦理学根据;

    From the angle of medical ethics , the paper discusses the significance and the ethical basis of security principle .

  11. 他表示卢森堡如今即将废除银行业的保密原则,该原则此前是卢森堡国家政策的基石之一。

    He said that Luxembourg was now ending banking secrecy , which had been one of the cornerstones of its national policy .

  12. 在分析了几种主要的泄密形式后,提出了地质资料档案的保密原则及措施。

    After analyzed some main forms of betray confidential matters , the paper put forward confidential principle and measures of geological information archives .

  13. 运用伦理监督原则、技术准入原则、非常必需原则、自愿原则、非商业化原则和保密原则对人类辅助生殖技术进行必要的法律调控显得犹为重要。

    Therefore , it seems more important to regulate and control it with the ethnical rules , technology admittance , principles of necessity , voluntary principles , non-commercial and confidential principles .

  14. 调适两者冲突的原则有:公共利益原则、保密原则、尊重人格尊严原则和禁止权利滥用原则。

    The principles applied in adjusting these conflicts include the public interest principle , principle of confidentiality , principle of respecting personal dignity and principle of prohibition of abuse of rights .

  15. 2004年,宝盛银行前掌门人汉斯贝尔(1975-1993年任职)写到:银行业保密原则“让我们长胖,却得了阳痿”,这句话震动了瑞士。

    Hans BR , who ran the bank from 1975 to 1993 , shocked the Swiss when he wrote in 2004 that banking secrecy " makes us fat , but impotent " .

  16. 责成能存取个人数据以及与处理个人数据有关的所有雇员遵守官方公务的保密原则,包括对个人数据保密。

    All our employees who have access to , and are associated with the processing of personal data , are obliged to respect the confidentiality of official business matters , including personal data .

  17. 美国司法部不会那么好说话;与英国、德国和澳大利亚达成的保留银行业保密原则的税务条约很可能会被计划在11月进行的瑞士公投所破坏。

    The Department of justice will not be placated ; tax treaties with Britain , Germany and Austria that preserve bank secrecy may well be torpedoed by Swiss citizens in a referendum planned for November .

  18. 勒索型绑架案件侦办的首要任务是保护人质安全,内紧外松的侦查策略要坚决执行综合保密原则,采取多种侦查措施。

    It is primary task to protect hostage 's security in the investigation of the blackmail kidnapping case . The tight inside but loose outside investigation tactics carry out the comprehensive secret principle firmly , and take many kinds of investigation measure .

  19. 英美保密特权原则之比较与启示

    Comparison and Inspiration of Privilege in Britain and USA

  20. 对不起我不能告诉你。我们对该调查采取保密的原则。

    Sorry that I cannot tell you . There is a closed-door policy for the investigation .

  21. 鉴于考试的保密性原则,各考试机构在组织写作测试时历年采用不同的写作任务。

    Due to practical concerns of test security , different writing tasks are administered on different occasions by various examination boards .

  22. 同时,由于行政事业单位的保密性原则,本文的调查问卷发放和收回范围受到了一定的限制。

    At the same time , because of the administration institutions privacy principles , the range of taking back of questionnaires is also a limit .

  23. 整个调查过程坚持知情同意保密的原则,调查问卷全部为匿名填写,设专门调查员进行复核并签字。

    The investigation process adhere to the principle of confidentiality informed consent , questionnaire for anonymous all fill in , and the investigators review each questionnaire .

  24. 花旗银行的活期存款包括外汇活期存款、外币现钞活期存款以及人民币活期存款。个人的外汇储蓄存款,实行存款自愿、取款自由、存款有息、为储户保密的原则。

    Individuals ' foreign exchange savings deposit shall be placed with banks on a voluntary basis , withdrawn freely and bear interest with confidentiality for depositors ' identity ensured .

  25. 出于对一些重要的社会关系的保护的考虑,英国和美国的制定法、判例法中都赋予了某些知晓案情的人以拒绝作证的权利,从而确立了保密特权原则。

    Out of consideration for protecting some important social relationship , the statutes and case laws in Britain and USA provides that specified person who knows the details of a case would refuse to bear witness as the principle of privilege .

  26. 科技期刊编辑应重视保密和伦理学原则

    Editors should pay attention to secret-associated problems and ethical principles

  27. 在治疗中医生必须坚持病人自愿、知情同意、必要、对病人有益和保密等伦理学原则。男医生治疗女性性功能障碍时宜与病人签订治疗协议。

    During the treatments , doctors must adhere to ethical principles such as patients'voluntary , treatment necessity , keeping the secret and benefiting the patients etc.

  28. 储蓄机构办理储蓄业务,必须遵循“存款自愿,取款自由,存款有息,为储户保密”的原则。

    In handling savings businesses , savings institutions shall observe the principles of voluntariness in depositing , freedom of withdrawal , interest on every deposit and keeping secret for depositors .

  29. 介绍了基因治疗的特点及其发展历史,对基因治疗的伦理问题进行了分析,提出在基因治疗实践中必须遵循安全、知情同意、公正、保密等伦理原则。

    This paper introduces the characteristics of gene therapy and its technological development . It tries to analyze the ethical issues and put forward the ethical issues in the practice of gene therapy , such as safety , informed consent , justice , confidentiality .

  30. 论保密义务与诚信原则

    On Concealing Liability and Integrity and Credit Rule