
  • conservative;conserved;reactionary;old-fashioned;orthodox;insular;backward looking;middle-aged;stuffy
  1. 按照保守的估计,他会赚到5万英镑。

    At a conservative estimate , he 'll be earning £ 50 000 .

  2. 至少5000人丧生,这还是个保守的估计。

    At least 5 000 people were killed , and that 's a conservative estimate .

  3. 他们饮料的配方是严格保守的商业秘密。

    The recipe for their drink is a closely guarded trade secret .

  4. 捐赠人的身份是一个严加保守的秘密。

    The donor 's identity is a close secret .

  5. 海格被自己那一套保守的战略战术所束缚。

    Haig was limited by his blinkered approach to strategy and tactics

  6. 该公司保守的本性不利于竞争。

    The company 's conservative instincts sit ill with competition .

  7. 他开始了会计师的职业生涯,一份典型的体面而保守的工作。

    He began his professional life as an accountant , the very model of respectability and conservatism .

  8. 在政治上取得权势的是杰斐逊派,在文学上保守的联邦主义者似乎人才辈出。

    While politically the Jeffersonians won power , in letters the conservative Federalist viewpoint seemed far more ably presented .

  9. 他小心翼翼保守的秘密很快就成为众所皆知之事。

    His jealously guarded secret was soon common property .

  10. 因此,他们表示他们估算的数据实际上很可能是保守的。

    So , they say their estimate is actually likely to be conservative .

  11. 但是他们至少已经开始打破过去孤立保守的心态。

    But at least they have started to break out of their old insularity .

  12. 他们认为,让学生亲眼观看身残志坚的残奥会运动员比赛很重要,这可能会改变日本这样一个相对保守的社会的态度。

    They argue it 's important to have students view athletes with disabilities , which could change attitudes in a relatively conservative society like Japan .

  13. 结果第一阶段治疗产前子痫患者42例,采取相对保守的治疗措施入院至分娩结束时间为16~126h,平均(26±12.4)h;

    Results During the first period 42 patients were conservatively treated with antepartum eclampsia .

  14. 该家族成员的主要特征是具有一个比较保守的DM结构域,能识别特异的DNA序列。

    A conservative DM domain which could recognize specific DNA sequences is the main characteristics of the members .

  15. CT检查和循环改变表现严重时也有较大的保守的可能性。

    Sometimes even if the degree of injury is high in the CT scanning and circulation change , there is chance to perform nonoperative treatment .

  16. 生物信息学分析表明该蛋白包含两个保守的结构域(A盒和B盒)及含酸性氨基酸的C末端,同时存在多个潜在的抗原决定簇。

    The bio-information analysis demonstrated that the protein had two conservative domains ( A box and B box ) and acidic C-terminal tails , as well as multiple potential antigenic determinants .

  17. 补体(Complement)作为天然免疫(Innateimmunity)中的一类重要和保守的体系,为机体提供了快速和高效地清除入侵微生物的途径。

    The complement system , a key and conserved system of innate immunity , provides a rapid and efficient means of deleting invading microorganisms .

  18. RNA干扰(RNAi)是生物界中一种既古老且在进化上又高度保守的现象,是基因转录后沉默的重要机制之一。

    RNAi ( RNA interference ) is a conservative phenomenon and one of important mechanisms for post-transcriptional gene silencing in living nature .

  19. 本文认为以2×2~(1/2)UN作为并联电容器极间绝缘的允许操作耐压水平是比较保守的,而(?)

    This paper considers it unreasonable that 2 · 2 ~ ( 1 / 2 ) U_N is to be the permissible strength level of the insulation between poles of capacitor .

  20. 其中WBOX、Xbox、YBOX及类TATABox是多态的,CCAATbox是保守的,在这些调控元件之间也存在多态座位。

    W box , X box , Y box and TATA-like box were polymorphic , CCAAT box was conserved . Polymorphic sites also existed between the regulatory elements .

  21. 经综合分析,认为SR方法优于上述常用的方法,是保守的方法中最不保守的方法,从而推荐了SR方法。

    The SR mothed is verified to be the least conservative among the conservatively approximate methods after analysising . So the SR method is recommended .

  22. 通过比较不同物种间的乳蛋白基因和cDNA,证实了它们的进化突变速率很高,但是其总体组织形式却是保守的。

    It had been conformed the high mutation rate during evolution and their conservative organization , by contrasts of genomic DNA and cDNA sequences of lactoprotein genes in different species .

  23. 该基因拟编码的蛋白属于Rab蛋白家族,具有Rab蛋白家族保守的结构特征。

    The protein , putative belonging to Rab family , was characteristic of Rab proteins .

  24. 甚至连一些重大的、较为保守的押注&比如2009年投资北伯林顿铁路公司(BurlingtonNorthernSantaFe,以下简称BNSF),时机也掌握得恰到好处。

    Even big , conservative bets , such as the 2009 investment in Burlington Northern Santa Fe railway , have been well timed .

  25. 根据这个结论,我们预测在生物个体中存在一个由siRNA介导的进化保守的基因相互作用网络。

    According to this conclusion , we predict that there is a conservative gene interaction networks which is induced by siRNA in biological individuals .

  26. 热休克蛋白(Heatshockprotein,HSP)是一类在生物进化过程中高度保守的应激蛋白,广泛存在于真核和原核生物体内。

    Heat shock proteins ( HSP ), highly conserved and widely distributed in all prokaryotes and eukaryotes , are generally considered as molecular chaperone that take part in the regulation of protein translation , import and folding .

  27. 迄今发现的所有的DNAβ分子中都存在一个位置和大小都高度保守的βC1基因,它是一种致病决定因子。关于βC1基因启动子的研究,目前还未见报道。

    All reported DNAP molecules have a β Cl gene on the complementary-sense , which is conserved on position and in size and is found to be a symptom determinant .

  28. Homeobox基因是一类在进化过程中高度保守的基因家族,它编码一组特殊的转录因子。

    Homeobox genes are the highly conservative DNA sequences throughout evolution , which encode the homeodomain proteins binding with DNA .

  29. Notch是一个进化上十分保守的跨膜受体蛋白家族,对无脊椎动物和脊椎动物发育过程中的细胞命运决定起重要作用。

    The Notch receptor is an evolutionarily conserved single-span transmembrane protein family and plays key roles in a wide variety of cell fate decisions during development of both invertebrate and vertebrate species .

  30. 其N端含有信号肽,紧接着是一段非常保守的序列,哺乳动物UGTs该区域可能参与寡聚体形成,另外N端还有一个N-糖基化位点。

    The N terminal contains a putative signal sequence , immediately after which is a conserved region . In the mammalian UGTs , this region has been identified as an oligomerization domain .