- 网络cosmonaut

Russian Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev says the older technology of the Soyuz is nothing to worry about .
After 340 days in orbit , American astronaut Scott Kelly and Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko have returned safely to Earth .
Alexander Grebenshchikov , director of the TSNIImash laboratory of space robotics , said : ' Every hour of work of cosmonauts on space walks costs from $ 2 million to $ 4 million ( USD ) . '
Instead , the three Russian , two American and Dutch astronaut were ordered by ground control to take shelter in the emergency Soyuz spacecraft early today .
Onboard are NASA astronaut Michael Hopkins and Russian cosmonauts Oleg Kotov and Sergey Ryazanskiy .
An all-Russian crew has been formed for the next flight to the International Space Station scheduled in April next year .
An official committee gave official approval Monday for the mission by Yi and Russian cosmonauts Sergei Volkov and Oleg Kononenko .
Russian crew members will have to perform up to 11 spacewalks beginning in early September to prepare it for operation .
She was previously reported to be interested in designing new uniforms for Russian cosmonauts , though the project failed to materialise .
Two Russian cosmonauts worked outside the International Space Station , preparing for a new science lab to be installed later this year .
When I learned that it was the computer the Russian cosmonauts had taken into space with them on one voyage , I was thrilled .
The rocket , carrying a Russian cosmonaut and a Belgian astronaut , launched on Wednesday and is expected to reach the space station on Friday .
Two Russian cosmonauts took an Olympic torch on a spacewalk Saturday for the first time in history as part of the Sochi 2014 torch relay .
A video game developer from Texas , Garriott paid $ 35 million to fly into space alongside US astronaut Michael Fincke and Russian cosmonaut Yury Lonchakov .
Kelly and a Russian cosmonaut will be up in the international space station , orbiting the earth , while the planet does one full orbit around the sun .
The fight to save Earth is fought instead by an ensemble , including an affable Russian cosmonaut who explains why his country prohibited alcohol in space , at least officially .
The astronaut , who is sharing the space station with Russian cosmonaut Salizhan Sharipov , does not expect to learn the outcome of the election until he wakes up Wednesday morning .
Before the American and Russian astronauts made their thrilling journeys into outer space it was difficult for us to realise what our earth looked like from hundreds of thousands of miles away ,
A Russian Soyuz spacecraft carrying Kelly and Kornienko and a second Russian cosmonaut , Sergey Volkov , made a soft landing on the frozen steppes of Kazakhstan early Wednesday morning , three hours after separating from the International Space Station .
The crew of seven includes astronauts from France and Russia .
The ' cyber cosmonaut ' will be sent to the International Space Station ahead of tackling more ambitious tasks on the lunar landscape .
They also took off in space : Russian and American astronauts took them into space in the 1960s .
Live webcast from Roscosmos showed that the spaceship , carrying Russian cosmonauts Oleg Novitsky and Yevgeny Tarelkin along with NASA 's Kevin Ford , was launched at 14:51 Moscow time from the space center .