
  • 网络Promoting technology;facilitation technique;proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation;PNF
  1. 目的观察本体感觉神经促进技术(PNF)对顽固性面瘫的疗效。

    Objective To observe the effect of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation ( PNF ) and acupuncture on intractable facial paralysis .

  2. 方法采用以中药补阳还五汤加减及神经发育促进技术为主,辅助手法按摩、神经肌肉电刺激等综合治疗,采用Fugl-Meyer评分、Barthel指数进行运动功能及ADL的评定。

    Method Comprehensive rehabilitation treatment including the facilitation techniques such as chinese drugs bu yang huan wu tang jia jian and neurological development , massage and functional electrical stimulation was utilized . Fugl - Meyer scale and Barthel index were used to assess motor function and ADL .

  3. 探讨了遵循供求规律,促进技术进步的途径

    Discussed follow pattern of demand , the way that stimulative technology progresses .

  4. FDI是发展中国家为促进技术转移所采用的最主要的方式之一。

    And the main method to promote technology transfer is FDI , which is a major channel for the access to advanced technologies by developing countries .

  5. 关于技术进步的渠道,国内外已有很多研究,FDI、国际贸易和自主研发是促进技术进步的主要原因。

    There have been a lot of studies on the channel of Technical progress , and FDI and international trade and independent research and development are the main reasons for technological advances .

  6. 本文着重介绍该公司技术中心的概况,就其在促进技术进步、推动销售等方面所起作用,进行阐述。市场需求的不断提高和扩大,对热障涂层(TBCs)技术提出了新的要求。

    The present article intends to give a brief description of the TBC Technology Centre , emphasizing on its role in technical advancement and sales promotion . The continuous growth of market demanding sets new requirement to TBC technology .

  7. 金融市场和银行中介都能促进技术创新。

    Financial markets and banking intermediaries both can promote technological innovation .

  8. 对外贸易促进技术发展和工业生产,反过来新技术的出现确定了专业化格局和贸易格局,为工业化铺平了道路。

    International trade promotes the development of technology and industrial production .

  9. 消费是促进技术进步的主要动力之一。

    Consumption is the main impetus of impelling technological knowledge progress .

  10. 利用外资方面,外商直接投资额占地区生产总值比重提高并不会促进技术效率的提高。

    The increase of foreign direct investment does not promote technical efficiency .

  11. 对照组采用促进技术疗法。

    The control group underwent facilitation technique therapy only .

  12. 煤燃烧超细颗粒物团聚促进技术的研究进展

    Review of submicron particles agglomeration in coal combustion process

  13. 促进技术进步降低生产成本

    To promote technique progresses and reduce production costs

  14. 促进技术创新活跃的激励机制探讨

    Discussion on Incentive System of Promoting Technological Innovation

  15. 国内实力企业促进技术创新的初步研究

    A Tentative Study of the Advance in Technical Innovation of China 's Powerful Enterprises

  16. 标准化在保证产品质量、促进技术进步中起着重要的作用。

    Standardization plays an important role in ensuring product quality , advancing technical progress .

  17. 再造生产流程促进技术进步

    Rebuilding Producing Processes , Promoting Technology Progress

  18. 提高梳棉质量促进技术改革

    Increasing Carding Quality , Promoting Technology Reformation

  19. 因此面临的主要问题是如何促进技术成果转化为现实的生产力。

    So the main problem is how to promote high-tech to be transformed to productivity .

  20. 促进技术与作业疗法对中风患者肢体运动功能的影响

    The Effect of Facilitation Technique and Occupational Therapy on the Extremity Motor Function of Stroke Patient

  21. 其次,技术标准是一系列能够促进技术进步的技术方案。

    Secondly , it is a series of technical standards to promote technological progress of technology .

  22. 目的观察分期巨刺结合促进技术对脑卒中患者运动功能的疗效。

    Different frequency electroacupuncture with facilitation techniques in the treatment of hemiplegic patients after cerebral apoplexy ;

  23. 外商直接投资促进技术进步的渠道分为直接效应与间接效应两类,本文对这两种效应都进行了分析并作出评价,在此基础上讨论了影响及制约外资促进我国技术进步的因素。

    Based on it this paper analyses the affecting factors that FDI propels china 's technology progress .

  24. 结果显示:实验组各种技术动作击球板数与对照组比较,均有非常显著性差异,多球训练优于单球训练,多球训练有利于促进技术动作定型。

    Many-ball training is better than single-ball training in that it can help improve technical movement pattern .

  25. 经济增长显著促进技术进步从而间接促进全要素生产率提升。

    Thus the economic growth remarkable promotion technology advancement promotes the entire essential factor productivity promotion indirectly .

  26. 结论以促进技术为主的康复治疗,有助于脑卒中恢复后期患者尽快恢复功能。

    Conclusion The effect of rehabilitation treament especially facilitation techniques was evident in patients with stroke behind recovery .

  27. 对照组用神经肌肉发育促进技术训练坐位或站位三级平衡。

    But NDT balance training was used in the control group to train the third degree sitting and standing balance .

  28. 为更好地发挥技术流动的潜在效益和促进技术创新,正在建设国际经济中心城市的上海应当积极构筑技术高地。

    To accelerate the technology diffusion and technology innovation , it is very important for Shanghai to construct technological highland .

  29. 为了促进技术创新文化学研究,应该建立文化研究范式和文化分析框架。

    To improve the cultural studies of technology innovation , cultural research paradigm and cultural analytical frame should be set up .

  30. 文中还指出加强渔船有效性的研究能促进技术进步与提高经济效果。

    It also points out that further research on effectiveness of fishing vessels will promote technical progress and increase the economic merit .