
  1. 那时她作为明星的地位已经确立。

    By then she was established as a star .

  2. 黛米·摩尔同布鲁斯·威尔斯之女RumerWillis同男友MicahAlberti携手亮相金球奖红毯,她作为明星子女将在颁奖礼上担任金球小姐,递出奖杯。这是金球奖的一项传统。

    The20-year-old actress will be handing out the trophies on stage as Miss Golden Globe , an honor traditionally given to the daughter ( or son ) of a celebrity ( Demi Moore , Bruce Willis ) .

  3. 作为明星,她很少签名。

    MEG is a celebrity that rarely signs her autograph .

  4. 这是自1984年首次亮相奥运会以来中国女排取得的最差战绩,当时作为明星球员的郎平,带领中国女排最终夺得了金牌。

    That 's the worst performance since the 1984 Olympic debut when she led them to gold as a star player .

  5. 上周,这对来自卢博克市的新婚夫妇为了让自己的结婚仪式有新意,于是就邀请了这个优雅的溜冰者作为明星嘉宾。

    Bobby and Shanna Lockhart from Lubbockdecided to mix things up at their Willy Wonka-themed marriage ceremony lastweekend and booked the elegant skater as a star guest .

  6. 这张专辑确立了TheOrb作为全国明星的地位,销量直升至排行榜首位。

    This album confirmed The Orb 's status as national stars , going straight to Number One in the charts

  7. 扮演Astrid这个角色巩固了她作为国际明星的地位。

    It cemented her status as an international star when she played Astrid .

  8. 作为合演明星演出或出场。

    To act or present as a costar .

  9. 作为未来明星被宣扬的年青(电影)女演员。

    A young ( film ) actress who is publicized as a future star .

  10. 你甚至可以问您的客人可以打扮作为电影明星,如果你喜欢!

    You can even ask your guests to dress up as movie stars , if you like !

  11. 作为电影明星,她很少能像普通女性一样无拘无束地生活。

    As a movie star , she can seldom let her hair down and enjoy life like ordinary women .

  12. 与其他组织了各自类似于达沃斯的活动的人相比,无论是作为政治明星的魅力,或是在金融界的影响,施瓦布都不及他们。

    Mr Schwab has less political star-power or financial influence than other figures who have formed their own Davos-like events .

  13. 作为电影明星,他是很出色的,但作为丈夫,他不称职。

    As a movie star , he made the big time ; as a husband , he was not a good one .

  14. 据英国广播公司报道,一部关于功夫传奇李小龙的新纪录片即将上映,其女李香凝担任制片,片中展示了他作为电影明星、功夫家、哲学家的诸多面。

    A new documentary on the life of martial arts legend Bruce Lee produced by his daughter Shannon Lee is being released , showing him as a film star , fighter and philosopher , the BBC reported .

  15. 现在作为NBA的明星球员之一,姚明正努力实现自己的梦想,并向世界表明中国篮球运动员也热爱篮球运动!

    Now , as one f the stars in the NBA , Yao Ming is working hard to live his dream and show the world that Chinese basketball players love this game too !

  16. 波音公司展示的最新型波音梦想787飞机作为早期的明星在国际航空展中首次亮相。

    Boeing 's newest aircraft , the787 Dreamliner , was the early star of the show , where it made its international debut .

  17. 作为摇滚乐明星,克里斯·马丁(好莱坞巨星格温妮丝·帕特洛的丈夫)的举止总是显得狂妄不羁。

    In typical rock-star fashion , Chris Martin , husband of actress Gwyneth Paltrow , has been getting bad press of late for an apparent rude attitude .

  18. 因此,作为这些黑白明星的饲养员,尤其是幼崽熊猫的饲养员,也能沾光而大出风头。

    So getting to be the one who looks after the black and white stars , especially when they are babies , can land one in the limelight too .

  19. 3月30日,演员柳岩作为一对明星夫妻在印尼巴厘岛举办的婚礼的伴娘,差点被伴郎团扔进水里。

    On March 30 , actress Liu Yan was a bridesmaid for a celebrity couple in Bali , Indonesia , and she was almost thrown into the water by the best men .

  20. 凯里·欧文(骑士):作为2014年全明星MVP的欧文,这是他6个赛季内第4次入选全明星。

    Kyrie Irving , Cavaliers : The 2014 All-Star Game MVP is an All-Star for the fourth time in six seasons .

  21. 投资银行业正在做好准备,迎接就业岗位的加速流失。此前,作为该行业的明星,高盛(GoldmanSachs)尽管第二季度业绩出色,但仍在上周对其全球范围内的投行部门进行了裁员。

    Investment banks are bracing themselves for an acceleration in job losses after Goldman Sachs , the sector 's star performer , last week made cuts to its investment banking division worldwide in spite of posting impressive second-quarter results .

  22. 作为王室成员不像明星或富翁。

    Being Royal is not like being famous or being rich .

  23. 现在,作为一个超级明星,他一点也不自满。

    Now , as a super star , he is not self-satisfied at all .

  24. 作为一个篮球明星,我很感谢生活赐予我的这一切。

    I am grateful for the life I 've enjoyed as a basketball star .

  25. 作为巴西队的明星球员,卡卡无疑是近几年来国际足坛最为杰出的球星之一。

    This handsome Brazilian star is undoubtedly one of the best footballers of the past few years .

  26. 作为六届全明星,帕克参加了1254场比赛,职业生涯场均15.5分,5.6次助攻和2.7个篮板。

    A six-time All-Star , Parker played in 1254 games and finished with career averages of 15.5 points , 5.6 assists and 2.7 rebounds .

  27. 作为一个搜集明星签名的人,有三项基本素质必须具备。第一是你需要详细计划。

    Helen : A lot of planning , think about where you are going , and how you'regoing to get the stars to sign your book .

  28. 自两岁初次登台起,小宝已经参加了许多电视节目的录制,作为一位小明星他俨然已经见惯了大大小小的舞台。

    Xiao Bao is familiar with various stages , as he has been a little star in dozens of shows since his debut at the age of 2 .

  29. 在近二十年里,随着科技的迅猛发展,电视作为大众文化传媒明星迅速风靡了整个世界,人类进入了一个全新的文化时代。

    20 years recently , televisions , as the culture-transmission star , become fashionable in the whole world swiftly follow the rapid developing of science . Human beings go into a new tele-culture time .

  30. 由于电影创作和明星接受与当时的社会文化背景呈现互文性关系,使作为银幕偶像的明星形象更具复杂性。

    Due to the film-making and star accepts , these are presenting intertextuality relationship with the era-social and cultural background , so the star image , as a screen idol has becoming more and more complex .