
  • 网络Sister Princess Re Pure;PGCG;Karen
  1. 在《灰姑娘》中女王扮演的是弗罗利泽王子。1942年,在演出《睡美人》时,伊丽莎白二世再次担纲男性角色——萨尔维多王子,而妹妹玛格丽特公主则扮演了蓟花仙子。

    She was once again given the male part in a performance of Sleeping Beauty in 1942 , where Margaret was Fairy Thistledown and her elder sister Prince Salvador .

  2. 凯特说,去年乔治的妹妹夏洛特公主出生的时候女王也是喜不自胜,并且是最先来看望初生小公主的家庭成员之一。

    The Queen was also thrilled at the birth of George 's sister , Princess Charlotte , the Duchess said , and was one of the first family members to visit the newborn princess last year .

  3. 展览将展出哪些童话剧服装还尚未可知,但伊丽莎白二世和她的妹妹玛格丽特公主(已过世)幼时曾出演多部童话剧,包括《阿拉丁》和《灰姑娘》。

    It is not known yet which pantomime costumes will be included , but the Queen and her younger sister , the late Princess Margaret , appeared on stage in their youth in a number of shows including Aladdin and Cinderella , where Elizabeth played the role of Prince Florizel .

  4. 来吧,小妹妹!别的公主们说。她们彼此把手搭在肩上,一长排地升到海面,一直游到一块她们认为是王子的宫殿的地方。

    Come , little sister , said the other princesses ; then they entwined their arms and rose up in a long row to the surface of the water , close by the spot where they knew the prince 's palace stood .

  5. 排在榜单前列的还有名人尼基米纳什和查理辛,而蓝妹妹、长发公主拉庞泽尔和怪物娃娃的形象也很受年轻人的欢迎。

    Also ranking high on the list were celebrities Nicki Minaj and Charlie Sheen , while Smurfette , Tangled 's Rapunzel and characters from Monster High were proving popular with younger users .

  6. 她的亲妹妹莱克西经常装扮成电影中艾丽莎的妹妹、安娜公主,和姐姐一起同台演出,当莱克西抽不出时间的时候,她的好朋友们也会来帮忙。

    Her real-life sister Lexie often accompanies her dressed as Elsa 's sister Princess Anna from the movie , and her best friend steps in when Lexie isn 't available .