
  • 网络the embodied philosophy;philosophy in the flesh
  1. 论体验哲学理论对大学英语教材建构的启示

    Embodied Philosophy and its Implications to College English Teaching Materials Development

  2. 体验哲学视角下的英汉金钱词汇隐喻

    A Study on Metaphor of Money Vocabulary from Embodied Philosophy

  3. 认知语言学的哲学基础:体验哲学

    The philosophical basis for cognitive linguistics : Embodied philosophy

  4. 外国诗歌审美通感的认知机制与体验哲学

    Analysis of Cognitive Mechanism of Synaesthetic Metaphor in Foreign Poems from the Perspective of Embodied Philosophy

  5. 体验哲学视阈下汉语古诗英译中的认知转换

    On Cognition Transfer in the English Translation of Chinese Classic Poems from the Perspective of Embodied Philosophy

  6. 体验哲学(经验主义,经验现实主义)是第二代认知语言学的哲学基础。

    The embodied philosophy ( Experientialism , Experiential Realism ) is the base of the second-generation cognitive linguistics .

  7. 从体验哲学角度解析身体隐喻的构词理据用正确的解释匹配下列表示身体语言的词。

    Analyzing Word-Making Motivation of Body Metaphor from Embodied Philosophy ; Match the following words about body movements with the correct definition .

  8. 中西学者对体验哲学的论述对比初探

    The Comparison of Embodied Philosophy between the Chinese and Western Scholars the Comparison of Embodied Philosophy Between the Chinese and Western Scholars

  9. 随着认知语言学体验哲学思想对语用研究的渗透,语用意义的体验认知观也开始初见端倪。

    With the influence of philosophy in flesh adopted by cognitive linguistics , experiential approach to pragmatic meaning has become the focus of pragmatic studies .

  10. 对英汉人体名词的共同特征的研究有利于我们更好地掌握和运用人体名词,同时也为体验哲学提供有力的证据。

    Studies on these common features are helpful for us to grasp human body words , and it is also a proof of embodied philosophy .

  11. 认知语言学以体验哲学为基石,侧重发现语言现象背后的认知机制,认为人类的认知能力可以提供解读多义词的手段。

    Cognitive linguists take much account of the underlying cognitive mechanism and provide a more thorough and systematic explanation of polysemy on the basis of experientialism .

  12. 具体说来,隐喻和象似有两个相似点:二者有共同的哲学基础&体验哲学,二者都以相似性为前提。

    Both have the common philosophy foundation & philosophy in the flesh ; Both are based on similarities . However , iconicity differs from metaphor in two aspects .

  13. 研究表明,语言哲学,尤其是英美分析哲学和欧洲人本主义哲学,以及体验哲学从根本上指引着认知诗学的理论建构和发展方向。

    The research indicates that the philosophy of language , especially analytical philosophy and humanism philosophy , and the embodied philosophy guide the construction and direction of cognitive poetics ultimately .

  14. 基于Lakoff&Johnson(1999)体验哲学的语言体验观,研究汉译英时语言体验经历对译者翻译认知能力的影响。用实证方法考察了汉译英翻译的两个重要过程:1.对汉语原文的理解;

    Based on the theory of language embodiment proposed by Lakoff & Johnson ( 1999 ), this article studies the effects of linguistic embodiment upon the translator 's cognitive ability .

  15. 基于体验哲学的认知语言学的核心观点是:人类的范畴、概念以及语言是基于身体经验形成的,遵循着现实认知语言的认知程序。

    The kernel theory of Embodied_philosophy_based Cognitive Linguistics is that our category , concept and language are formed by our bodily experience , the general cognitive process being Reality Cognition Language .

  16. 体验哲学是第一代与第二代认知科学的分水岭,是语用学哲学渊源的发展,是对传统语言学理论的弥补。

    " Philosophy in the Flesh " is a dividing line between the first and second cognitive science . It is the development of pragmatics philosophy and remedy for the traditional linguistic theory .

  17. 第二部分理论阐述,主要包括:哲学基础理解体验哲学、教育学基础人本主义思想、心理学基础建构主义以及外语教学法基础习得、监控理论的五个假设。

    The second part makes use of the philosophy ( Embodied Philosophy ), pedagogy ( Humanism ) and psychology ( Constructivism ), as well as the English teaching methodology ( the Nature Approach ) .

  18. 体验哲学是认知语言学的哲学基础,主要提出了三条基本原则:心智的体验性,认知的无意识性,思维的隐喻性,这对于语言的成因具有较大的解释力。

    Embodied Philosophy , which has three basic rules : the embodied mind , the cognitive unconsciousness , and metaphorical thought , has become the theoretical basis of cognitive linguistics . It is more powerful for the explanation of language formation .

  19. 以体验哲学为基础的认知语言学认为,比喻语言已不再是语言的装饰,而是可以体现意义生成的普遍现象。

    Based on experientialism , cognitive linguistics holds the opinion that figurative language has no longer been regarded as an embellishment of human language nowadays , but widely considered as a highly revealing instance of the human capacity for meaning construction .

  20. 体验哲学作为当代认知科学的哲学基础,将人与世界的互动活动&体验作为联系主、客观的桥梁。

    As the philosophical foundation of today 's cognitive science , the " Philosophy in the Flesh " sees man 's experience , the interaction of man and the world as the bridge linking the subjective world with the objective one .

  21. 近年来我们所谈论的体验哲学和认知语言学起源于西方,但其中一些最基本的观点我国古代学者早有论述,这也是一个不可忽视的事实。

    Embodied philosophy and cognitive linguistics we are hotly discussing recently originate from the Western , but some of their basic ideas were initiated by our forefathers long time ago , which is a fact and which should not be neglected .

  22. 随着认知科学的发展,以形式主义哲学为基础的命题符号理论受到越来越多的挑战,而以体验哲学为基础的知觉符号理论得到了越来越多的支持。

    Along with the cognitive science development , the proposition symbol system which take the formalism philosophy as the foundation has received more and more challenges , the perceptual symbol system which take the experienced philosophy as the foundations have more and more experiment supports .

  23. 体验哲学提出了三条原则:心智的体验性、概念的隐喻性、认知的无意识性,其中又以前两条为最重要,本文则围绕中西学者对这两条原则的论述进行初步对比。

    Embodied philosophy proposed three basic principles : the embodied mind , the metaphorical concept , and the cognitive unconsciousness , the first two of which are most important . This paper initiates a comparison between the Western and Chinese scholars on the first two principles .

  24. 论柏格森的直觉体验教育哲学观

    A Study on Bergson 's Intuitional Experience of Education Philosophy

  25. 给予读者不同的心理体验和哲学思辨,从而使金庸小说美学与哲学的多重魅力。

    Give the readers different psychological experiences and philosophic thinking which made his novels have multiple fascination of aesthetics and philosophy .

  26. 文学作品的最高价值在于其中凝聚着的作家对自然、对生活、对艺术、对社会、对历史、对生命、对宇宙深刻的情感体验和哲学思考;

    The highest value of literary works is that the authors embody their deep emotions and psychological thinking to nature , life , arts , society , history and universe in their works .

  27. 并认为林徽因诗歌中表现出的生命体验与哲学智慧的融合,对于今天的现代女性基于现实又困于现实的处境和状态,提供了可资借鉴的经验。

    Furthermore , the integration of life experience with philosophical wisdom in Lin Hui-yin 's poetry provides valuable lessons for today 's women who start from the reality but are stranded by it .

  28. 认知语言学家们认为一词多义现象是建立在体验主义哲学基础上,从多义词的基本意义向相关意义延伸的过程。在这个过程中,词义延伸的方式主要是认知隐喻和认知转喻。

    Cognitive linguists hold that polysemy is a process in which the multiplicity of meanings of a polysemous word is fulfilled by the extension from the original and basic sense to the other related senses based on experientialism by virtue of cognitive devices , mainly metaphor and metonymy .

  29. 体验:教育哲学新的生长点

    Experience : A New Growth Point of Philosophy of Education

  30. 通过对体验从美学、哲学、心理学的分析我们可以把体验定义为:体验,既是一种活动,也是活动的结果,更是一种心理状态。

    Through the assaying to living experience from the angles of aesthetics , philosophy and psychology , We can defined living experience as : Living experience is not only a kind activity , a status , but also a psychological status .