
tǐ yù ɡōnɡ zuò zhě
  • physical educator;physical culture worker;sports organizer;physical culturist
  1. 自体育课程改革以来,广大的体育工作者积极投入到改革中,给体育课程带来了新的变化,落后的教育教学思想受到挑战。

    Since the sports curriculum reform , the general physical culture worker has invested positively into the reform , brings the new change for the sports curriculum , backwardness education teaching thought has received the challenge .

  2. 中老年体育工作者心脏康复运动处方

    Exercise Prescription of Cardiac Rehabilitation for Aged Physical Educator

  3. 不同年龄体育工作者肺功能的分析

    Analyzing the Pulmonary Functioning in Physical Education Workers at Different Ages

  4. 高校体育工作者体育科学研究主攻方向的思辨

    Major Direction of Sports Science for PE Workers at Universities and Colleges

  5. 这种运动中人体震动对运动及人体健康的影响必须引起体育工作者和科研人员的重视。

    This phenomena causes the attention of sports researchers .

  6. 谈体育工作者的道德

    On Moralities of Physical Education Workers

  7. 在全省体育工作者的不懈努力下,吉林省田径运动水平得到了快速发展。

    In the province of sports workers unremitting efforts , Jilin Province Track and field sports level has been rapid development .

  8. 为在第一线的体育工作者的教学实践提供参考意见。

    Teaching , aiming to push forward the reform and provide references for the theory and practice of physical education in China .

  9. 提示体育工作者应加强逻辑思维修养,正确认识体育与竞技的本质区别与联系。

    The paper implies that physical educator must reinforce logical thinking training and understand correctly the difference and relation between PE and sport .

  10. 如何让将这一些列的文件付诸实践而不至于流于形式,是每一个体育工作者面对的重要任务。

    How to make this to put into practice and not a mere formality is an important task faced by the sports workers .

  11. 如何改变这种现状就需要广大体育工作者付出辛勤的努力,创新培养和训练模式。

    So how to change this situation , we need to the sports workers pay hard work , innovation training and training mode .

  12. 把统计知识应用运动员的训练与比赛之中也是体育工作者的最基本要求之一。

    The application of statistical knowledge to athletes training and competition is also one of the most basic requirements for sports related professions .

  13. 通过从竞赛制度、思想观念以及基础训练等方面阐明问题的主要症结,希望对广大体育工作者有所启发。

    This paper tries to point out the original problems of athletics sports from the aspects of competitive system , idealistic thought and basic training .

  14. 很多体育工作者已经认识到课堂问题行为对体育教学的危害,并已经在理论和实践中做出了相关的研究。

    A lot of P.E organizers have already realized the hurting of RE classroom misbehaviors , and has already made relevant research in the theory and practice .

  15. 作为“灰色系统理论”的重要组成部分。灰色关联分析逐渐被越来越多的体育工作者所接受。

    Analysis of Grey Relation , which is one of important segment in " the Theory of Grey System ", is accepted gradually by more and more sport researchers .

  16. 国内研究起步晚,发展较快,研究主体多为体育工作者,高层次理论研究和深入的实证研究成果较缺乏。

    The domestic relative research starts late , the researchers are mostly the sport workers , the high level fundamental research and the thorough real diagnosis research was lack .

  17. 上世纪后期,由于各个领域对乒乓球运动的重视,及所有体育工作者的努力,乒乓球运动才得到很好的推广普及和提高。

    Since late last century , due to various fields of table tennis to attention , all sports worker effort , table tennis has very good popularization and improvement .

  18. 从生理学角度,分析如何科学地安排运动量,为广大教练员和体育工作者提供科学训练依据。

    In the view of psychology , it analyses how to arrange the quantity of sports to provide the training foundation for a large number of instructors and physical education workers .

  19. 对于这些现实,作为体育工作者和研究者,我们必须高度重视之,只有在知己知彼的情况下,我们才能有效地开展我们的下一步工作。

    As sports workers and sports researchers , we must pay great attention to these factual problems . Only under fully understanding of every problem can we develop further work effectively .

  20. 国内外体育工作者历来十分重视对爆发力的相关研究和探索,并有着丰富的理论成果和实践经验。

    Domestic and foreign physical education workers have continuously attached great importance to the related study and research of explosive power , and they also have rich theoretical results and practical experience .

  21. 我国许多优秀体育工作者都为之付出了很多的心血,并且取得了不错的成绩,但整体上与世界先进水平仍然存在很大差距。

    Many of our outstanding sports workers are paid a lot of effort , and achieved good results , but the whole world there is a big gap between the advanced level .

  22. 无论怎样,我最后还是会服从组织的安排,作为一名体育工作者,如果国家需要我,无论多大困难我也会义无反顾!

    In any case , I will finally submit to the organization , as a physical education workers , if my country needs , no matter how difficult , I will not hesitate !

  23. 当前,基础教育课程改革正在轰轰烈烈的进行之中,新课标、新课程理念与教学策略给每个体育工作者提出了新要求。

    The basic education ' course reforms are proceeding on a grand scale , and the new curriculum standards , new curriculum concept and teaching strategies all make new requirements for the PE participants .

  24. 旨在增强高校体育工作者对体育课程的开发意识,促进高校因地制宜地开发课程资源,提高体育课的教学质量,从而更好地完成高校体育教学的目标。

    The purpose is to enhance the exploitable awareness of PE Resources , and promote the college exploit it rational , and improve its teaching qualify , so it fulfils the aim of College PE .

  25. 对此,闽台两地的体育工作者要贯彻新的体育教育思想,实施福建体育教学新课程改革与台湾新的健康与体育学习领域的课程计划。

    As a result , the educational workers of P.E should advocate neo-principles in P.E education , carry out the reform of P.E teaching curriculum in Fujian province and the planned syllabus of " health and P.E " in Taiwan .

  26. 目的是让更多的体育工作者、更多的滑雪爱好者认识、了解单板滑雪这一新兴的充满魅力及具有广阔前景的项目。

    The aim of the article is to get more and more people undertaking the careers concerned with sports and the lovers for skiing to realize , understand the fascination and the broad prospect of snowboarding & the newly-rising skiing sports .

  27. 研究激励的时机,不仅有助于丰富和发展激励理论,对于广大体育工作者,尤其是教练员敏锐地觉察,巧妙地运用时机,取得理想的激励效果也是大有裨益的。

    Studying the opportunity of encouragement is not only helpful to enrich and develop encouraging theory , but also helpful for many physical educators especially the coaches to have a sharp sense , seize the opportunity skillfully and get ideal encouraging effects .

  28. 在社会主义市场经济对人才思想品德素质的要求不断提高的今天,倡导具有鲜时代特征的思想品德教育是我们高校体育工作者的使命。

    The socialism market economy being living adjust the a talented person 's idea moral character quality demand what continuously lift today , Initiate to have tasty age feature idea moral character education to be the mission of our university gym worker .

  29. 为使体育工作者在工作中正确理解和使用诱导性练习提供依据,强调了诱导性练习的概念、意义、特点及其应用时的基本要求,以消除将诱导性练习误用为辅助性练习的现象。

    In order to provide bases for athletic operators to understand and use correctly inductivity practice , the article emphasizes its concept , meaning , characteristics and the basic requirements , which will eliminate the phenomenon that inductivity practice would be misused as accessorial practice .

  30. 大学生心理问题越来越引起人们的关注,高校体育工作者应当发挥学校体育的特殊功能,努力提高大学生的心理健康水平。

    College Students ' psychological problems have been paid much more attention to nowadays . Those who engage in physical education should give full play to the special functions of college physical education and make effort to improve college students ' standards of psychological health .