
  1. 并对热管热泵低温热能回收机组进行了理论与实验研究。

    Also , theoretical and experimental researches are done to this heat recovery unit .

  2. 在实验方面,搭建了热管热泵低温热能回收机组的实验台,并对实验结果进行了理论分析与计算。

    Experimentally , the laboratory bench of low-temperature heat pipe heat pump heat recovery unit is built .

  3. 利用低温热能正确估价和应用吸收制冷和低温发电

    Rational evaluation and utilization of absorption refrigeration and power generation by recovery of low temperature waste heat

  4. 低温热能发电方案中选择工质和确定参数的热力学原则和计算式

    Thermodynamic principles and formulas for choosing working fluids and parameters in designing power plant of low temperature heat

  5. 用于建筑物空气调节、热水供应、物料干燥的低温热能需求总量巨大。

    The huge quantity of thermal energy is demanded for air-conditioning of buildings , hot water supply and drying processes .

  6. 抽汽回热式有机工质发电系统的热力特性分析利用有机工质回收炼油企业中的低温热能

    Thermodynamics Analysis of Power Generation System Based on Regenerative Extraction Organic Rankine Cycles RECOVERY OF LOW TEMPERATURE HEAT ENERGY IN REFINERY USING ORGANIC MEDIUM

  7. 低温热能一般是指温度在200℃以下的热能,包括太阳能热、各种工业废热、生活废热、地热、海洋温差等。

    Low temperature heat sources refer to low grade heat sources including solar energy , waste heat , geothermal energy and ocean thermal energy .

  8. 利用有机工质回收炼油企业中的低温热能低温乏汽回收利用装置性能的实验研究

    Recovery of low temperature heat energy in refinery using organic medium experimental research on the performance of the low temperature exhaust steam reclamation device

  9. 般情况下,矿井总回风的温度和湿度全年几乎不变,其中蕴藏大量的低温热能。

    Under normal circumstances , the return air temperature and humidity throughout the year remain constant , which bears a large number of low-temperature heat .

  10. 在理论方面,论述了热管热泵低温热能回收机组的组成、工作原理及空气处理过程;给出了热管热泵低温热能回收机组的设计方法;提出了系统热能回收的设计计算方法。

    Theoretically , the constitution , working principle and air treatment process of the unit are discussed . The design of the heat recovery unit is also given .

  11. 随着现代可再生能源技术的不断发展,很多新型的能源转换技术已可有效地抽取低温热能来满足不同热应用的需求。

    As a result of the recent development of modern renewable energy conversion technologies , some effective methods can be adopted to extract the low-temperature heat to satisfy the requirement of heat application .

  12. 低温热能发电技术主要应用于太阳能热电、工业余热发电、地热发电、生物质能发电、海洋温差发电等方面。

    The above-mentioned technology is mainly used for solar-energy cogeneration systems , industrial waste heat-based power generation , geothermal power generation as well as power generation by utilizing biomass energy and ocean temperature difference etc.

  13. 本文首先分析了热管和热泵热回收在国内外的应用情况,再从理论上讨论了热管热泵低温热能回收机组运行的可行性。

    This paper first analyzes applications of the heat recovery of heat pipe heat pump at home and abroad , and then discusses the feasibility of low-temperature heat pipe heat pump heat recovery units theoretically .

  14. QC-1-水和QC-2-乙醇有着较大的吸附制冷量和制冷功率,是两组性能优良的吸附制冷工质对,可用于以太阳能等低温热能驱动的吸附制冷系统。

    QC-1-water and QC-2 pairs which take on higher adsorption refrigeration volume and specific cooling power are two kinds of desirable working pairs , which can be applied to the adsorption refrigeration system driven by solar energy or other low-grade heat source .

  15. 本文介绍了朗肯循环低温热能发电技术的现状和发展前景,这种发电技术主要用于利用和回收品味相对较低的热能,如太阳热能、工业废热、地热、海洋温差能等;

    In this paper , the development of power generation using low temperature heat is introduced . This technology is mainly applied in solar thermal system , industrial waste heat recovery system , geothermal power system , ocean thermal energy conversion system , and etc.

  16. 通过分析低温热能资源利用的意义和前景,指出了地下水资源在住宅空调中应用的几种方式。提出了科学合理利用地下水资源的途径及其应注意的问题。

    In this article , authors analyze the significance and prospect of low hot water resources , point out some methods for application of underground water resources in housing air-conditioning and present the way to scientifically and rationally utilize underground water resources and problems needing attention .

  17. 低温太阳热能与化学链燃烧相结合控制CO2分离动力系统

    A power generation system with inherent co_2 recovery combining chemical-looping combustion with low-temperature solar thermal energy

  18. 本文探索并提出控制CO2分离的低温太阳热能与清洁合成燃料甲醇-三氧化二铁化学链燃烧相结合的新颖能源动力系统。

    This paper proposed a novel energy system with inherent CO2 separation using methanol-chemical looping combustion ( CLC ) by low-grade solar thermal energy .

  19. 低温地热能的利用研究

    Study on the Utilization of the Low Temperature Geothermal Energy

  20. 对利用低温位热能来驱动的几种制冷装置性能的比较

    Compare on Performance of Some Refrigeration Drived By potential Energy

  21. 利用低温位热能驱动的喷射制冷系统工质的研究

    Research on Refrigerants in Jet Refrigeration System Drived by Low Grade Thermal Energy

  22. 常压塔顶循环回流回收低温位热能

    Recovery of Heat Energy at Cryogenic Level with Circulating Reflux Unit on Top of Atmospheric Tower

  23. 地下水源热泵采能技术作为一种浅层低温地热能的可持续开发方式,在我国推广应用已有近十年的时间。

    Due to multiple reasons in different aspects , there exist some problems in a considerable amount of energy mining systems using groundwater source heat pumps .

  24. 地源热泵通过输入少量的高品位能源(如电能),实现低温位热能向高温位转移。

    Ground-source heat pump , through the importation of a small number of high-grade energy ( eg electricity ), the realization of low-temperature heat-bit digital transfer to high temperature .

  25. 研究成果将为低温太阳热能与化学链燃烧整合能量释放新机理的研究提供理论依据和基础实验数据。

    The promising results obtained here will provide the useful theory and experimental data for the energy conversion principle of the energy system integrating methanol-chemical looping combustion and low-temperature solar thermal energy .

  26. 传统的热能转换技术一般难以在这样的低温下实现热能的二次利用。

    Such a low temperature makes it difficult to use reaction heat for secondary utilization by conventional techniques .

  27. 吸收制冷和低温发电是低温热能升级利用的两种主要方式.吸收制冷的优越性已经得到承认,但要抓紧解决某些技术关键问题,以利更为广泛的应用。

    Absorption refrigeration and power generation by recovery of low temperature waste heat are two principle ways of upgrading-utilization of low temperature waste heat . The advantages of absorption refrigeration technique are widely known , but some key problems still remained to be solved for its broad application .