
  • 网络Stretch;stretching;Stretching exercises;Stretch Exercise
  1. 善待你的脖子,做一下伸展运动。

    So be good to your neck - give it a stretch .

  2. 可以考虑做做俯卧撑和腹部前屈运动,也要记得做伸展运动。

    Consider doing push ups and abdominals , and remember to stretch .

  3. 要做了准备活动以后再做这些较难的伸展运动。

    Only do these more difficult stretches when you are warmed up .

  4. 伸展运动有助于防止身体受伤,并能提高比赛技巧。

    Stretching exercises can help you avoid injury and improve your game .

  5. 她分别做出腿部伸展运动,并且用掌把腿给抬起来冲向天空,然后把两只腿都抬起,做出“V”的姿势。

    She stretched each leg separately , pulling them skywards with her large paw , before lifting both at the same time to create a V-shape .

  6. 大别山东端郯庐断裂带由走滑向伸展运动转换的~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar年代学记录

    ~ ( 40 ) ar - ~ ( 39 ) ar geochronology records of transition from strike-slip to extension in the Tan-Lu fault zone on Eastern terminal of the Dabie Mountains transforming bridge how to move to a higher position

  7. 他原来是小野洋子YokoOno的代理律师。当我转过身去的时候,我看见小野洋子正在在一位教练的指导下做伸展运动。

    Turned out he was a New York lawyer representing Yoko Ono and there , when I turned around , was Yoko , doing stretching exercises with a trainer .

  8. 伸展运动使你的身体有什么改变?

    What kinds of changes does stretching cause in your body ?

  9. 她做了一些伸展运动来活动肌肉。

    She did a few stretches to loosen up her muscles .

  10. 但是经常做伸展运动却可以让你更加健康。

    But regular stretching can make them choice cuts of meat .

  11. 你如何用伸展运动来预防攀岩的伤害?

    How can you use stretching to help prevent climbing injuries ?

  12. 第四便宜哇金,五年级帮助伸展运动和继电器。

    Fourth-cheap wow gold and fifth-graders help with stretching exercises and relays .

  13. 体育锻炼:每日散步和伸展运动。

    Physical Fitness : Brisk ( 8 ) daily walks and stretching .

  14. 在跑步之前他做了一些伸展运动来活动筋骨。

    Before he ran , he did some stretches to loosen up .

  15. 健身前我们先做伸展运动。

    NO04 , Let 's do some stretches before we work out .

  16. 你应该在跑步前多做一些伸展运动。

    You should do more stretching exercises before you run .

  17. 伸展运动和核心肌群训练也能有所帮助。

    Stretching and core strengthening exercises can help , too .

  18. 该带的南北向伸展运动量也只有1mma,而且主要发生在断裂带的北段。(2)趋势性运动所反映主压应变场的方位角为72°。

    The trend movement shows azimuth of main-pressure strain field is 72 °;

  19. 坐飞机时,我每隔一个小时都会站起来做做伸展运动。

    I get up every hour on the plane and do stretches .

  20. 让我们出去做些伸展运动。

    Let 's go out here and do a little stretching exercises .

  21. 就是结合了普拉提(一种类似瑜伽的健身运动)和伸展运动

    Uhuh , well , it kind of incorporates Pilates and stretching .

  22. 最后一定要做伸展运动。

    Make sure most of the body gets stretched thoroughly .

  23. 做一些伸展运动以保持身体灵活。

    Do some stretching exercises to keep yourself supple .

  24. 伸展运动包括静力性和动力性伸展运动。

    Stretching consists of static stretching and dynamic stretching .

  25. 太阳电池阵的伸展运动及各种阻尼参数的识别

    Spreading Motion of Solar Arrays and Identification of Various Damping Parameters Solar cells

  26. 地堑系断陷盆边缘海的成因与地壳伸展运动

    Origin of graben system , down-faulted basin and marginal basin and crustal extension

  27. 做任何运动前,暖身的伸展运动是非常重要的。

    Warm-up stretch is extremely important before any exercise .

  28. 我每天都会出去散散步,做做伸展运动。

    I go for a waddle and do stretches and exercises every day .

  29. 扬子西缘东吴伸展运动

    Extensional Dongwu Movement in Western Margin of Yangtze Region

  30. 汤米?可是你应该先做暖身&和伸展运动。

    Tommy : But you should warm up first & and stretch too .