
  • 网络ethic;ethical;morality;moral
  1. 在环境教育中,环境伦理道德教育是核心内容;

    Environmental Ethics Education is the core content of the environmental education ;

  2. 音乐的本质特征在于伦理道德。

    Secondly , the music is the essence of ethics .

  3. 但是,人工智能(AI)机器能够恪守伦理道德吗?也就是说,它们可以诚实和公正吗?

    But can artificial intelligence ( AI ) machines act ethically , meaning can they be honest and fair ?

  4. 它们已经行驶在加利福尼亚州的公路上了,所以我们现在询问人类能否给机器编入程序以使它们恪守伦理道德并不算太早。

    They are already on California roads , so it is not too soon to ask whether we can program a machine to act ethically .

  5. 如何合乎伦理道德地使用信息技术,成为使用Internet的医学工作者所要考虑的。

    How to use information technology conforming to ethical morality should be considered by medical workers using Internet .

  6. 方法以HIV检测实验室职业特点为依据,研究HIV检测实验室专业特殊的伦理道德。

    Method According to the HIV testing laboratory special professional trait , it is studied that laboratory should be following the special ethic morality .

  7. 同时,人类放弃了以往对宗教神灵以及伦理道德的恐惧心理,坚信理性主义与人类自身的能力。T.S.艾略特认为这样只能导致死亡与荒原的出现。

    Meanwhile , the fear of religious deity and ethics used to be observed by human beings are replaced by the strong belief in Liberalism and the power of mankind , the only possible result of which , as is noted by Eliot , is death and desert .

  8. 世界传媒伦理道德问题的历史审视

    Inspiration from the Reviewing the Ethical Problems of World Mass Media

  9. 论大学生网络伦理道德认识与网络道德教育

    On the College Students ' Internet-related Ethics and Internet-related Moral Education

  10. 中世纪基督教文化的力量在于它的伦理道德,它摈弃原始生殖崇拜的感性需要,将拯救的希望建立在灵魂赎罪的净化上;

    The power of Christianity derives from its ethic and morality ;

  11. 经济公平与社会公平协调过程中的微观主体伦理道德行为探析

    Moral Hazards in the Balancing of Economic Equity and Social Equity

  12. 佛教是伦理道德色彩极为浓厚的宗教,儒家文化本身就是伦理型文化,两二者在道德观上有可比之处。

    In terms of ethics , Buddhism and Confucianism can be compared .

  13. 文艺复兴时代的罗马教会与伦理道德

    On Roman Catholic Church of the Renaissance : Its Relation to Morality

  14. 本研究经南方医院伦理道德委员会批准。

    Our study was approved by the bioethics committee of Nanfang hospital .

  15. 中国传统伦理道德近代转型的进程

    The Course of Transformation of China 's Traditional Ethics in Modern Times

  16. 论传媒对社会伦理道德的作用

    Arguing the Function of the Media to the Social Ethics and Moral

  17. 中国传统伦理道德基本特征透析

    On the Basic Features of Traditional Chinese Ethics and Morality

  18. 人文素质教育和科技伦理道德教育在大学化学教学中的探索与实践

    To offer humanistic quality education & scientific ethic-moral education in university teaching

  19. 浅谈广告伦理道德和社会责任

    Brief Talking about ADs ' Ethical Moralities and Social Responsibilities

  20. 平等意识的加强与当代伦理道德建设

    The Reinforcement of Sense of Equality and the Construction of Modern Morality

  21. 一直以来人类都在不断地与伦理道德作斗争。

    Human beings struggle constantly with their ethics and morality .

  22. 但是评论界对于本剧中所关注的伦理道德的研究少之又少。

    The study of the concerns about morality and ethics is few .

  23. 内科护理学教学中伦理道德教育的体会

    On the Education of Medical Ethics in Internal Nursing Teaching

  24. 论网络社会的伦理道德问题及解决的措施

    On Ethics and Moral Problems of Internet and Its Countermeasures

  25. 在医用化学教学中渗透科技伦理道德教育

    Infiltrating Scientific Ethics and Moral Education into Medical Chemistry Teaching

  26. 高科技与伦理道德协调发展研究

    A Study of Coordinating Development between Hi-Tech and Ethics

  27. 伦理道德力研究

    A Research in the Strength of Ethics and Morality

  28. 安乐死是老龄社会伦理道德的体现

    Euthanasia-the Embody of Ethics and Morals in Senile society

  29. 二是伦理道德、价值取向及审美型文化;

    Culture of ethics , value orientation and aesthetic ;

  30. 二是质疑男尊女卑的封建伦理道德。

    Secondly , it challenges feudal ethics & men are superior to women .