
  • 网络ethical naturalism
  1. 萨特否定所谓的伦理自然主义理论,因此得出了这一使人不安的结论。

    Sartre was led to this disquieting position because of his rejection of the theory known as ethical naturalism .

  2. 伦理自然主义者认为,伦理的基础存在于人自己的本性之内。

    Ethical naturalists believe that the foundation of ethics lies in the nature of humans themselves .

  3. 环境伦理的自然主义基础&约纳斯对海德格尔存在主义的诊治与超越

    Quick - acting potassium . The Naturalistic Basis of Environmental Ethics

  4. 管仲的政治思想是以民为本的刑赏主义法治思想和功利主义治政思想,其赖以支撑的伦理精神是自然主义人性论,思想基础是水本原论哲学。

    Guan Zhong 's political ideology , which has the naturalism of human-nature as its ethical supports , and the philosophy of water-as-the-first-origin as its ideology foundation , is the doctrine of legal governing through punishment and awards , and the doctrine of utilitarian managing .