
  • 网络London Bus;Buses in London
  1. 阿莎的头发长达55英尺,超过了一辆伦敦巴士的长度。

    Asha has locks that measure a lengthy 55ft - longer than a London bus .

  2. 伦敦的巴士也是一样。

    The same is true of London 's buses .

  3. 如果你在伦敦乘坐巴士,你也许会惊讶地发现,许多巴士上几乎一名乘客也没有。

    If you ride on London buses , you may be astonished to discover that many of them are almost empty .

  4. 全球最富有的85个人,虽然只能塞满一辆伦敦双层巴士,但他们控制的财富却相当于全球穷困的一半人口(35亿人)的所有身家。

    The 85 richest people in the world , who could fit into a single London double-decker , control as much wealth as the poorest half of the global population that is 3.5 billion people .

  5. 伦敦新型双层巴士设计惊艳亮相。

    Final designs for London 's new buses unveiled .

  6. 有这么多美景供人们欣赏,很容易就能看出来为什么游客们等不及要登上伦敦的双层巴士来参观皮卡迪利广场了吧!

    With so many attractions , it 's easy to see why visitors can 't wait to board London 's double-decker buses to visit this part of town !

  7. 届时,一辆象征伦敦的红色双层巴士将载着贝克汉姆等明星驶入会场,随后贝克汉姆将在万人注目下和小朋友秀球艺。

    A red double-decker bus will drive into the arena , carrying stars including David Beckham , who is expected to hop off to kick footballs with children .

  8. 这周,在伦敦牛津街的巴士站台上,一个神奇的电子广告牌将华丽地展现在公众面前。它就会播放40秒的广告,内容会根据观看者的性别出现差异。

    The electronic hoarding , to be unveiled on a bus stop in Londons Oxford Street this week , plays a 40-second advertisement with a different message depending on the gender of who is looking at it .