
  1. 传统财政理论主要是对税收收入进行研究,并未系统地关注政府非税收入。

    Traditional public finance theories mainly is carried on a research to the revenue , pay no attention to the government non - revenue systematically .

  2. 农村税费改革开始使农村基层政府的财政收入结构发生重要变化,农村财政从传统财政向现代财政迈出了重要一步。

    The reform also causes the radical change of the fiscal revenue structure . The rural finance made an important step from traditional finance to modern finance .

  3. 除了沿用一般传统财政目标外,均衡记分卡提供了一个全面、灵活、有效及均衡的企业表现量度/管理方法。

    In addition to the traditional financial perspective goals , the scorecard suggests a holistic , flexible , powerful and balanced approach to measuring and managing corporate performance .

  4. 经过20多年经济体制改革,我国基本实现了传统财政供给型融资制度向现代市场型融资制度的有力切换。

    After more than twenty years ' economic system reform , financial institution in China has been transformed from the traditional fiscal supply-oriented financial institution to a modem market-oriented one .

  5. 财政模式的发展演变受基本经济规律的制约,客观上要经历原始财政、传统财政、公共财政和建设性财政四个发展阶段。

    The development and evolution of finance mode is restricted by basic economic laws and , objectively , will go through four developmental stages , namely primitive finance , traditional finance , public finance and constructive finance .

  6. 这些举措大多摈弃了传统的财政和货币政策工具,相反,仅仅是以一种生硬的政府干预,代替另一种形式的干预。

    These mostly spurn orthodox fiscal and monetary instruments and instead just replace one type of crude bureaucratic intervention with another .

  7. 政府资本对银行业的暂时性注入将对该过程的顺利进行有所助益;比起传统的财政刺激,它可能还会提供更多回报。

    Temporary public capital injections into banks would facilitate this process and arguably provide far more benefit per dollar than conventional fiscal stimulus .

  8. 传统的财政联邦主义理论是关于公共部门职能合理分配和不同层次政府间财源合理分配的理论。

    The traditional theory of fiscal federalism is mainly about the reasonable distribution of public-section functions and revenue resources among different levels of the governments .

  9. 在公共财政模式下,传统的财政支出原则以新的实现形式仍然可以对财政支出分配发挥指导作用。

    Under the pattern of public finance , traditional principle of public expenditure can still play guiding role to the distribution of public expenditure by new form of realization .

  10. 为了适应政府投资的发展,政府投资审计的发展方向逐渐从传统的财政财务审计向绩效审计发展。

    In order to adapt to the development of governmental investment , the develop direction of governmental investment audit is changing from traditional financial audit to the performance audit gradually .

  11. 但由于不断强化传统的财政征收措施以及扩张预算外财政的冲动,刘乡政府和农民的关系并未得到好转。

    But due to the impulse of strengthening unceasingly the traditional fiscal collecting measure and expanding income outside budget , the relation between the government and peasants was not improved at all .

  12. 新公共财政理论拓宽了传统公共财政理论主要以国家、单一经济体为中心的局面,覆盖了全球化挑战国际和国内的方方面面。

    New public finance theory has broadened the traditional public finance theory which took the state and single economy as the center , covering all aspects of international and domestic challenges of globalization .

  13. 中国古代拥有极为丰富的财政思想,但到二十世纪初,由于西方文化的影响,古代传统的财政思想逐渐被遗弃。

    There were very abundant financial thoughts in ancient China , yet since the beginning of the 20th century , because of the effect of the west culture , the traditional financial thought was being abandoned .

  14. 实行国库集中支付改革,奠定了我国现代财政国库管理制度和预算执行体制的基础,改变了传统的财政资金层层拨付方式。

    The reform of centralized payment for financial treasury , which changed the traditional disbursement method of financial funds , has laid a solid foundation for the Chinese modern system of financial treasury management and budget execution .

  15. 传统的财政支出原则带有明显的计划体制的烙印,但是作为财政支出原则,它毕竟反映了财政支出实践活动所必须遵循的共同规律的要求。

    There was obvious tracks of planning system for traditional principle of public expenditure , but being principle of public expenditure , it reflects the claims of common rules which must be obeyed by practice of public expenditure .

  16. 这种管理方式不仅弱化了财政部门的分配职能,不利于充分发挥预算资金的使用效益,也不利于立法机构和审计部门对预算进行监督,改革传统的财政支出管理制度势在必行。

    This system has not only weakened the distributional functions of the fiscal department , but was also hardly conducive to the full use of the budget , or to the effective supervision on the budget by the legislative or the auditing offices .

  17. 该理论是西方学者首先借鉴政治学中的联邦制概念而创立的一个经济学概念,传统的财政联邦制理论是关于公共部门职能合理分配和不同层次政府间财源合理分配的理论。

    This theory is an economics concept originated by western scholar , referring to the concept of federalism in political science . The traditional theory of Fiscal Federalism is a theory about functional distribution of public departments and finances distribution between all levels of government .

  18. 出于对这种可能性的担忧,经济学家提醒中国政府,完全可以采取传统的财政刺激政策(比如政府在医疗和教育方面的赤字支出),而且,一定不能仅仅通过促使本国银行增加信贷来解决问题。

    Worried by this possibility , economists have taken to reminding Beijing that it can easily afford a traditional fiscal boost ( for example , government deficit spending on initiatives such as health and education ) and that it must resist the easy solution of simply calling on the country 's banks to pump out credit .

  19. 本文分析了我国传统义务教育财政政策的公平性缺失,并分析、肯定了新的义务教育财政政策在促进教育公平方面的努力。

    This thesis analyzes the lost of the traditional compulsory education financial policy and affirms the efforts whith new compulsory education legislation has made to promote educational equity .

  20. 现阶段我国可以采用的公共财政模式,只能是传统的计划财政模式与西方式的公共财政模式中间的某一种模式。

    During the present stage , the public financial model our country can adopt is the only model that is between the traditional planned finance & the western financial model .

  21. 传统上的财政政策是作为反周期的工具来使用的,这种财政政策执行的结果,是财政状况从周期性角度看大体是平衡的。

    Fiscal policy is used as a tool against business cycle , the result that financial policy carries out is that a financial state lias been balanced on the whole from periodic angle .

  22. 传统上依靠财政开展重建的融资模式,给国家和地方的经济发展造成极大的负担,甚至,随着自然灾害发生频率和强度的不断增大,这种饮鸩止渴的重建方式也是不现实的。

    Traditionally the reconstruction depends heavily on fiscal financing which causes great burden to national and local economic development . With the increasing frequency and intensity of the natural disasters , this temporary relief reconstruction model is unrealistic .

  23. 当前学术界认为,传统的粮食财政补贴对农户增收和粮食增产的促进作用正在不断减弱,并且阻碍农村土地承包权流转市场的进一步发展。

    Current academics said that the promotion of the role of traditional grain and financial subsidies for farmers to increase grain production is steadily weakening , and impede the transfer of rural land contract rights to further develop the market .

  24. 建议包括将日本侵略军731部队遗址申报为世界文化遗产以纪念死难者,解决环境污染问题,政府对濒临失传的传统艺术给予财政支持等等。

    including naming the area which was occupied by Japan 's Unit 731 during the Anti-Japanese War a heritage site - so as to remember the victims - tackling pollution and offering financial support to those involved in endangered traditional art forms .

  25. 传统的公共财政直接补贴给学校的形式被打破,建立了政府学生学校模式,降低了成本、提高了效率、体现了公平,可以改变我国公共教育支出目前的困境。

    The traditional way of public finance subsidizing schools directly was broken . The establishment of new " Government-Student-School " mode reduces the cost , improves the efficiency and reflects the equity , changing the difficulty situation of public education expenditure in China at present .

  26. 传统观念认为,财政紧缩会推动投资和经济增长的复苏。

    Conventional wisdom is that fiscal retrenchment will lead to resurgent investment and growth .

  27. 二是几乎没有哪国政府拥有通过传统的反周期财政刺激措施进行操作的空间。

    Few governments have room for manoeuvre through an old-fashioned counter - cyclical fiscal stimulus .

  28. 在传统社会中,财政供养率是衡量财政负担状况的一个重要指标。

    In traditional society , the rate of financial support is an important index indicating financial burden .

  29. 论文首先对传统的反周期财政政策的理论以及相关问题进行回顾与评述。

    The thesis reviews and analyses the traditional one against cycle and relevant problem of financial policy at first .

  30. 传统上,由财政部和英格兰银行负责英国经济和金融的各方面政策。

    Traditionally HM Treasury , along with the Bank of England , has been responsible for deciding all aspects of the UK 's economic and financial policy .