
chuán fěn zhě
  • pollinator;pollinizer;pollina
  1. 物种之间的传粉者类群的差异主要在是否有蜜蜂作为访花者。

    The interspecies difference in pollinator types mainly depended on whether honeybees were as pollinators .

  2. 而另一方面,传粉者希望维持在费尽可能少的力气吃饱的状态。

    The pollinator , on the other hand , wants to remain well-fed with as little effort as possible .

  3. 花色一直被认为是吸引传粉者的诱物之一。

    Color has always been considered as an attraction to pollinators .

  4. 花冠类型与传粉者和传粉行为紧密相关。

    TYPE OBJECTS Floral characters are closely tied to pollinators and their pollination behaviors .

  5. 大多数花儿和帮助它们繁殖的传粉者之间都保持着互帮互助的关系。

    Most flowers have an I-pat-your-back-you-pat-mine relationship with the pollinators that help them reproduce .

  6. 罗格斯大学研究人员瑞切尔·温弗雷称蜜蜂种群中不仅仅是传粉者处于危险之中。

    Rutgers University researcher Rachael Winfree said honeybees are not the only pollinators in danger .

  7. 传粉者们在临近的花朵间不停地忙碌着,但兰花们却担心近亲交配的发生。

    With pollinators hopping from one flower to its neighbor , orchids worry about inbreeding .

  8. 蒙古扁桃趋向于虫媒的异花授粉,但缺乏忠实的传粉者。

    P. mongolica tended to be cross-pollinated by insects , but lacked of faithful pollinators .

  9. 正如你所见,植物花费不少精力来吸引(传粉者)注意。

    As you can see , plants go to a lot of trouble to attract attention .

  10. 大黄蜂是它们的主要传粉者。

    Bumblebees are their main pollinators .

  11. 除了E.sutchuenense之外,其它物种都有熊蜂为主要的传粉者。

    Except for E. sutchuenense , bumblebees were the main effective pollinators in other six species .

  12. 它因用来吸引传粉者的有点像腐肉的独特气味而著名。

    It 's famous for its unique odor-something like rotting flesh-which it uses to attract pollinators .

  13. 要想真正了解授粉生物学,花朵和传粉者都要研究,缺一不可。

    So to really understand pollination ecology , both the flower and its pollinators must be studied .

  14. 这是为了吸引比如金龟子和苍蝇等的传粉者,而不是蜜蜂和蝴蝶。

    This is to attract pollinators , like dung beetles and flies , rather than bees and butterflies .

  15. 访花者多属于膜翅目、鞘翅目、双翅目、鳞翅目昆虫,蜂类是有效的传粉者;

    The flower visitors include Hymenoptera , Coleopteran , Diptera and Lepidoptera of which bees are effective pollination vectors ;

  16. 花卉需要传粉者帮助它们繁殖,所以它们利用鲜艳的颜色或紫外线波纹和芳香的气味来吸引传粉者。

    They need pollinators to help them reproduce so they use bright colors or ultraviolet patterns and sweet smells .

  17. 蜜蜂的重要性并不仅仅是因为它们会酿制蜂蜜,而是因为它们还是粮食作物重要的传粉者。

    Honeybees are vitally important , and not just for their honey - they 're important pollinators of food crops .

  18. 蜜蜂在E.sutchuenense(?)中是低效率的传粉者,而在E.franchetii中则具有和熊蜂几乎一样的传粉效率。

    Honeybees were low-efficiency pollinators of E. sutchuenense , but in E. franchetii , honeybees had nearly equal efficiency with bumblebees .

  19. 教授:当我们提到授粉生态学,我们谈论的是植物和传粉者之间的关系。

    Professor : When we talk about pollination ecology , we are talking about the relationship between a plant and its pollinator .

  20. 这些因素有助于推动植物和传粉者的进化,两者都取决于这种平衡且微妙的关系。

    These factors help drive the evolution of plants and their pollinators , both of which depend on this balanced and delicate relationship .

  21. 本文研究了叶下珠科部分种类的花粉组织化学、花粉数和胚珠数,以及它们与传粉者之间的关系。

    In this paper , we studied the relationships between pollen histochemistry , pollen grain number , ovule number and pollinators in Phyllanthaceae .

  22. 蝴蝶和天蛾都是2个变种的有效传粉者,它们对2个变种具有同等的传粉效率,但2个变种在传粉者的种类上产生了强烈的分化。

    Both butterflies and hawkmothes are effective pollinators of two varieties , but strong differentiation in butterfly and hawkmoth species occurred to two varieties .

  23. 从植物的角度来说,理想的传粉者是一种饥饿的动物,准备好饱餐一顿,而且时间不多。

    From the plants ' perspective , the ideal pollinator is an animal that is under-fed , ready to eat and in a hurry .

  24. 在不同时期,雄花、瘿花和雌花的形态特征不一样,这与其传粉者的行为密切相关。

    But the morphological characteristics of male flowers , female flowers and gall flowers were difference in different periods , associated with the pollinator behavior .

  25. 植物花的多裂片柱头在传粉者接触后迅速闭合的现象主要存在于玄参目的一些类群中。

    Examples of closure behavior of bi-or multi-lobed stigmas in response to being touched by animal pollinators were mainly studied in some taxa of the order Scrophulariales .

  26. 禾叶贝母兰目前不必进行过多的人为干预,但要关注片断化生境中的种群动态以及其传粉者中华蜜蜂的生存状况。

    However , concerns should be given to the dynamics of populations in fragmented habitats and the living status of its pollinator ( Apis cerana cerana ) .

  27. 植物的花部特征与传粉者行为、传粉机制和植物适合度间有丰内在的联系。

    An internal connection exists among floral characters , the behavioral responses and structual modifications of the pollinator insects , pollination mechanism , and the fitness of entomophilous plants .

  28. 传粉者、真菌侵染、机械损伤、园艺措施、光、温度、水分、矿质营养和糖等是影响花色的外部因素。

    External factors such as pollinators , fungal infection , mechanical damage , horticultural measures , light , temperature , water , mineral ions , and saccharides influence flower color .

  29. 例如像是颜色、香味和形状等能吸引传粉者的特质,还有藏在花朵里的奖励,花粉或花蜜,给传粉者提供食物。

    Features such as color , scent and shape attract pollinators , as does the reward in the flower , the pollen or the nectar , that feeds the pollinator .

  30. 蜜蜂是很多农作物和野生植物的传粉者,在生态和经济中扮演着非常重要的角色,是一种关键的非靶标生物。

    Honey bee plays an important role in ecology and economy as the pollinator of a lot of crops and wild plants , and it is an important non-target insect .