
  • 网络SENSOR;Sensor Technology;Transducer Technology;Journal of Transducer Technology
  1. 大动态范围CMOS图像传感器技术研究与相关电路设计

    Research on High Dynamic Range CMOS Image Sensor and Relevant Circuits Design

  2. 谷物联合收割机智能测产系统是基于传感器技术、微处理器技术、GPS技术和系统集成技术的现代农业装备技术。

    The grain combine yield monitor system is modern agriculture equipment technique based on the sensor , SCM , GPS technique .

  3. 嵌入式Web传感器技术研究

    Embedded WEB Transducer Technique Research

  4. 上消化道动态多点pH监测微型传感器技术的研究

    A Micro Transducer for Dynamic Multi location pH Monitoring in Upper Digestive Tract

  5. 这种MI效应在传感器技术中有广泛的应用。

    This magneto-impedance effect can be applied for sensor technology .

  6. 随着CCD图像传感器技术的不断发展与应用,空间可视监控技术也迅速发展起来。

    As development and application of CCD sensor technology , the video surveillance technology of space has developed rapidly .

  7. DSC变频调速系统中的无速度传感器技术

    The DSC technique without velocity sensor

  8. 全自动数字查片仪利用了光学原理,电机技术,CCD传感器技术和DSP技术,实现了镜片检测的自动化、高精度化和功能的多样化。

    The Auto Lensmeter uses optic theory , motor technology , CCD technology and DSP technology . It realizes automatization , high precision and function diversification .

  9. 方法(1)对已建立的生物传感器技术筛选赤芍中抗LPS有效成分的技术平台进行完善与优化。

    Methods : ( 1 ) The existed technique of biosensor was well improved to screen the effective component of anti-LPS from Radix Paeoniae Rubra .

  10. 与此同时,微型无线传感器技术的发展促使WSN(WirelessSensorNetwork)呈现出一种全新的信息获取和处理方式。

    At the same time , the fast development of the wireless sensors stimulates the growth of WSN ( Wireless Sensor Network ) which provides people with a new way in getting and dealing with information .

  11. 该仪器利用了GPS全球卫星定位技术、计算机技术和传感器技术,所研制测试仪系统解决了目前便携式轨道测试仪系统存在的主要缺陷,取得了令客户满意的结果。

    This instrument using the position technology of GPS and computer technology and sensor technology has solved the main limitations of the portable railway detecting instrument system used today . The thesis has seven chapters .

  12. 微传感器技术、微电子技术、无线通信技术以及计算技术的进步,极大地推动了无线传感器网络(WSN)的发展。

    The advances of Micro-sensor technology , microelectronics , wireless communications technology and computing technology , which greatly promoted the development of wireless sensor network ( WSN ) .

  13. 结合城建库房监控的需要,把传感器技术、单片机技术、网络通信技术、数据库技术和web技术的应用,与库房综合控制系统的设计与研制,开发了智能实时监控系统。

    The government of HuaiNan City wants to monitor the Municipal warehouse automatically ; we use the sensor technology , Single Chip Microcomputer technology , network communication technology , database technology and web technology to design and develop an intelligent integrated control system .

  14. 评述了SPR传感器技术的应用现状,特别是在生物科学和生命科学领域中的应用;

    The current situation of the applications of SPR sensor technique , especially in the fields of biological and life sciences , is reviewed .

  15. 对于激光告警中的复合传感器技术、CCD型离轴传感器技术、干涉型光纤传感器、集成传感器、多传感器进行了深入的探讨。

    Advanced sensors technologies of laser warning are described , which include the compound sensors technology , off-axis sensors technology of CCD , optical fiber sensors technology of intervenes , integrate sensors technology , multisensor technology .

  16. 对本测量系统中使用到的传感器技术进行了详细阐述。对激光传感器、编码器、PSD传感器从原理到应用都进行了详细介绍。

    The text introduces sensor technology used in this system , such as laser sensor , coder sensor and Position Sensitive Device . Their principles and applications are depicted in detail .

  17. 本文就针对时代的特征,把GPS技术、GIS技术、DSS技术以及传感器技术等结合成一个有机的整体,并应用到农田信息决策系统的各个方面,取得了较理想的结果。

    This paper aim at characteristic of age , combine a whole by GPS technology , GIS Technology , DSS Technology and sensor Technology , and apply some facets of cropland information decision-making system , the result is very good .

  18. WSN是集合了传感器技术、嵌入式技术、通信技术的专用网络,多用于数据采集,实时监测、控制等专用场合,其节点一般都具有体积小、能源受限、计算能力不强等特点。

    WSN is used for data acquisition , real-time monitoring , controlling and other special occasions . Generally it has the characteristics of small size , limited energy , not strong computing capability and so on .

  19. 指出这一新颖MEMS陀螺是高精度多轴集成微惯性传感器技术发展的一个重要方向,具有广阔的应用前景和较大的发展潜力。

    It is pointed out that , in developing high precision micro-machined inertial multi-sensor , this novel MEMS gyroscope is an important candidate , and will be well developed in near future due to its wide prospects of applications .

  20. 智能车辆研究涉及的关键技术主要包括传感器技术、机器视角、GPS技术、通讯技术和数据融合技术等,尤其是数据融合技术中的多目标跟踪与匹配以及基于卡尔曼滤波器的状态估计技术等。

    The associated key technologies consist of the technology of sensor , machine vision , GPS ( Global Position System ), communication and data fusion etc , especially the multi target tracking and matching method , the method of state estimation based on Kalman filters .

  21. AUV融合了传感器技术、人工智能、自动控制、模式识别、信息融合以及系统工程等多学科的研究成果,目前学科的发展速度很快。

    AUV is multidisciplinary research which is an integration of senor technology , artificial intelligence , automatic control , pattern recognition , information fusion , and systems engineering , and is a fast development discipline .

  22. 为了有效地测控温室环境参数,研制的数字化监测仪表运用了传感器技术、自动检测技术、通讯技术和单片机技术,实现对日光温室湿度、温度、光照度、风速、风向、CO2浓度等参数的检测。

    In order to monitoring environment parameters in greenhouse , developed the digital equipment by using the technique of sensor , automatic monitoring , communication and single-chip microcomputer . The monitoring environment parameters of temperature , humidity , illuminance , wind-speed , wind-direction in Greenhouse are realized .

  23. 目前GMR巨磁阻材料已经在一些传感器技术领域获得了成功的应用,比如:计算机用高密度磁头,磁电阻随机存储器,磁场传感器,电流传感器,转速传感器等等。

    Nowadays GMR material has been successfully used in some sensor applications like high resolution magnetic head used in computer , MRAM , magnetic sensors , current sensors , rotation speed sensors and so on .

  24. 开关磁阻电机无位置传感器技术的分析

    Analysis of Indirect Rotor-position Detecting Technique of Switched Reluctance Motor

  25. 无人机传感器技术的新发展与挑战

    The Development and Challenge of Sensor Technology for UAV

  26. 微生物传感器技术原理及其在水环境监测中的应用

    The Technologic Principle of Microbial Sensor and its Application to water Environmental Monitoring

  27. 无轴承异步电机无速度传感器技术的研究

    Research on Speed Sensorless Technology for Bearingless Induction Motor

  28. 阵列化光纤光栅传感器技术研究

    Research on the Array Technology of Fiber Grating Sensors

  29. 多传感器技术在污水分析中的应用研究

    Application study of multi-sensor technique in sewage water analysis

  30. 光纤光栅传感器技术及其应用

    The Fiber Grating Sensors Technology And Its Applications