
huì rànɡ zhàn
  • Passing station;siding ;passing/crossing station
  1. 单线铁路会让站到发线数量的研究

    Rational Number of Arrival and Departure Tracks in Passing Stations Along Single-Track Railway

  2. 他们会让我们站在后面看的。

    They 'll let us stand in the back and watch .

  3. 如果你不挤没人会让你站在最前排

    Nobody 's going to take you to the front of the line

  4. 因为我知道如果你不挤没人会让你站在最前排

    because I feel like nobody 's going to take you to the front of the line

  5. 端正的体态会让你站起来显得更高,呼吸更顺畅,不会让你看起来像是《巴黎圣母院》里的钟楼怪人。

    Good posture makes you stand taller , breathe better , and will save you from looking like the Hunchback of Notre-Dame .

  6. 我不想妄论他们夫妇俩不和主要应该怪谁,不过将军近来的行为可能会让人站在他妻子一边。

    I do not pretend to know which was most to blame in their disagreements , though the Admiral 's present conduct might incline one to the side of his wife ;

  7. 如果淘气的男生在他的课上玩耍,老师会点名让他站一堂课的时间。

    If one naughty boy played games on his class , the teacher would call-over him and leave him to stand for the whole class .

  8. 其中一款名为《伦敦抢劫》,讲的是一个钻石大盗末路狂奔的故事,另一款名为《深海》,让仅有一个铁笼护体的玩家与鲨鱼贴身肉搏。它们会让玩家时站时坐,有时还要侧身躲避。

    Two games - London Heist , about a diamond robbery gone bad , and The Deep , which pits you mano-a-mano against a shark with only a cage for protection - showed off experiences that prompted the VR wearer to stand up , sit down , and lean .

  9. 对公司团队的认同会让我们无视《站在太阳之上》(StandingontheSun)作者茱莉亚•科尔比和克里斯•梅尔所说的“竞争崇拜”,这会阻碍那种能产生真正创新的合作。

    And identification with the corporate team can blind us to what Julia Kirby and Chris Meyer , co-authors of standing on the sun , call the " cult of competition , " which prevents the kind of cooperation that produces real innovation .

  10. 我会让你在那里站一个小时。

    I 'll have you standing there for an hour .

  11. 但它会让人们前往投票站。

    But it gets people to the voting booths .

  12. 你只需要微笑并且说声“谢谢”,你最终会让所有人都站到你这边的。

    Just smile and say thank you-you finally rallied others to your side .

  13. 他的每一次触球都会让我情不自禁的站起来,并且心中充满着自豪感和毫无修饰的激动。

    Every single one of his possessions had me on the floor , overwhelmed with pride and unfiltered elation .

  14. 每场比赛开始前,教练会让他的全体队员站成一圈,面朝里伸出手大喊一声:团队合作!

    Before every game , the coach would have all his players form a circle , put their hands inside and yell out , ' Team !