
huì yuán dà huì
  • general assembly
  1. 伊利诺斯州PIRG敦促会员大会现在就采取措施,解决与会计师协会、会计师事务所和公司管理人员相关的问题。

    Illinois PIRG urges the General Assembly to take steps now to address problems associated with accountancy boards , accounting firms , and corporate executives .

  2. 这个荣誉今天是我的,因为我站在这,特别恩典在美国会员大会上的演说。

    That honor is mine today , as I stand here , privileged to address the General Assembly of the United Nations .

  3. 林新强(AmbroseLamSan-keung)昨日在香港律师会理事会开会讨论他的任期之前宣布辞职。上周香港律师会曾举行特别会员大会,通过对这位会长的不信任动议。

    Ambrose Lam San-keung resigned yesterday ahead of a Law Society council meeting called to discuss his tenure , following last week 's vote of no-confidence in the two-term president .

  4. 游泳俱乐疗昨晚开了年度会员大会。

    The swimming club held its Annual General Meeting last night .

  5. 全体会员大会每年召开一次。

    The general meeting shall be held once a year .

  6. 会员大会〔职工会〕接纳新会员国委员会

    General meeting [ trade union ] Committee on the Admission of New Members

  7. 理事会的理事由会员大会以投票方式产生。

    The BAA Board is formed through election at the annual member meeting .

  8. 中国涂料工业协会第四次会员大会报道

    Documents of the 4th all members meeting of the China National Coatings Industry Association

  9. 常设委员会选举须在周年会员大会上举行。

    The election of the Standing Committee shall be held during the annual general meeting .

  10. 青岛市地质学会召开第三届会员大会

    Third convention of Geological Society of Qingdao

  11. 制定俱乐部每年的工作计划,将落实情况向会员大会报告。

    Set up club 's working plan each year , report to members'convention about implementation situation .

  12. 在中国钢协粉末冶金协会会员大会暨第2届理事会上的讲话

    Speaking at the members conference and the 2nd Council of PM Association of China steel construction society

  13. 管理委员会成员由每年的会员大会选举,可以改选。

    The Management Committee members are elected by the General Assembly for one year , re-election is possible .

  14. 在会员大会的进行过程中,现场还穿插了抽奖和有奖问答等活动。

    During the conference , there are also some activities such as drawing a lottery and lottery-attached interlocution .

  15. 当前钢管行业运行状况及今后的发展&在钢管协会四届三次会员大会上的讲话

    Present Pipe Industry Operation Status and Development in the Future & Speech on the Fourth No.3 Pipe Association Meeting

  16. 礼拜结束后有教会一年一度的会员大会,会中将选举新的长老与执事,请教会会员务必出席。

    After the service , there will be CTPC Annual Congregation Meeting , and all members are expected to attend .

  17. 中国仲裁协会的章程由全国会员大会制定。

    The Articles of Association of the China Arbitration Association shall be formulated by the national general meeting of the members .

  18. 工会会员大会或者会员代表大会有权撤换或者罢免其所选举的代表或者工会委员会组成人员。

    Trade union general assemblies and representative assemblies shall have the right to change or dismiss their elected representatives or committee members .

  19. 我们即将组织第一次会员大会,欢迎所有会员以及对我们的活动感兴趣的同学参加!

    We 've been happy to see so much interest for our activities , and thank you for your support and your ideas .

  20. 会员大会作出决定,应当经出席会议的会员过半数表决通过。

    The decision made by the General Assembly shall be adopted by vote by more than a half of the members present at the meeting .

  21. 执事会,教会事工筹划与协调,教会行事历,会员大会,提名新执事,同工退修会,对外联络。

    BOD meeting , church ministries planning and coordination , church calendar , membership meeting , new deacon nomination , co-worker retreat , outside church contact .

  22. 会员大会〔职工会〕在企业单位,应该有高级工程师、工程师,总会计师、会计师等职称。

    General meeting [ trade union ] In the enterprises , there should be senior engineers and engineers , senior accountants and accountants , and so on .

  23. “我们期盼着不久的将来可以赢得我们的第十座欧冠奖杯。”皇马主席弗洛伦蒂诺·佩雷斯在俱乐部的2011年度会员大会上致开幕辞。

    " We want the dream of winning our tenth European Cup title to come true soon " Real Madrid President Florentino Perez gave the opening speech in the club's2011 General Assembly .

  24. 六月间,世界海关组织在布鲁塞尔举行的会员大会上,采纳了海关诚信行动计划,并通过经修订的《京都公约》文本。该文本为下世纪的海关程序订定蓝图。

    At its Council sessions held in Brussels in june , the WCO adopted an integrity action plan and approved the revised text of the Kyoto Convention which will serve as the blueprint for customs procedures in the next century .

  25. 第15条会员大会和管理委员会的决议应以会议纪要的形式存档。可以采用召开各类代表会议的形式,这种形式在内地收效很大。

    Art.15 The deliberations and decisions of the General Meeting and of the Management Committee shall be kept as minutes . We could hold different types of conferences of representatives , since this has yielded substantial results in the interior .

  26. 各级工会经费收支情况应当由同级工会经费审查委员会审查,并且定期向会员大会或者会员代表大会报告,接受监督。

    The fund income and expenditure situation of trade unions at the various levels shall be investigated by equivalent level fund inspection committees and periodic reports shall be made to the members ' general assemblies or representative assemblies and be subject to supervision .

  27. 第九条各级红十字会理事会由会员代表大会民主选举产生。

    Article 9 The Councils of the Red Cross Societies at various levels shall be democratically elected by respective congresses of members .

  28. 中国金属学会第五次全国会员代表大会

    The 5th National Congress of the Chinese Society for metals

  29. 中国红十字会举行第六次全国会员代表大会

    China 's Red Cross Society held its 6th national members ' representative convention

  30. 中国流行色协会第七届会员代表大会在北京举行

    The 7th Member Conference Of Chinese Fashion color Association