
yī sī tǎn bù ěr
  • Istanbul;Turkey;BEIJING-ISTANBUL;IST
  1. 威尼斯的最后期限就在今年夏天毫无声息的过去了,那时联合国教科文组织正在伊斯坦布尔召开大会。

    Venice 's deadline passed with barely a murmur this summer , just as UNESCO was meeting in Istanbul .

  2. (伊斯坦布尔EDITION酒店的每日房价为425美元至600美元。)

    ( rooms at the Istanbul edition start at $ 425 to $ 600 . )

  3. 如果你感冒了,千万别去游览“伊斯坦布尔的洛肯”(LokumIstanbul)香料店。

    Don 't visit Lokum Istanbul if you have a cold .

  4. 【英文原文】【中文翻译】对于一个伊斯坦布尔人来说,一次100°F[38°C]的土耳其浴是一件奢侈的事情。

    Turkish Steam Bath , Istanbul , Turkey , 1973 " Luxury for an Istanbulian is in the 100 ° F [ 38 ° C ]

  5. 我住在伊斯坦布尔的塔克西姆(TaksimSquare)广场附近,早已习惯了各种游行。

    Living near Istanbul 's Taksim Square , I am used to seeing demonstrations .

  6. NPR新闻,彼得·肯杨伊斯坦布尔报道。

    Peter Kenyon , NPR News , Istanbul .

  7. ISIS威胁要“解放”伊斯坦布尔,以迫使他们打开水坝。

    ISIS threatened to ' liberate ' Istanbul to force the opening of the dam .

  8. NPR新闻,彼得·肯扬,伊斯坦布尔报道。

    Peter Kenyon NPR NEws , Istanbul .

  9. 请看NPR新闻记者肯扬从伊斯坦布尔发回的报道。

    NPRs Peter Kenyon reports from Istanbul .

  10. 近期的一项民调显示,他的正义与发展党(AKparty)在全国范围内的支持率为46%,但它还需努力保住安卡拉和伊斯坦布尔等城市的选票。

    One recent poll gave his AK party 46 per cent support nationwide – but it is fighting hard to retain the cities of Ankara and Istanbul .

  11. 五月份,EDITION酒店正式亮相伊斯坦布尔商业区,W酒店也是在这个东西方交汇的城市开始了其欧洲攻势。

    In May , an edition hotel officially debuted in its first corporate location in a business district of Istanbul , the East-meets-West city where w launched its European push .

  12. 帕慕克是2006年诺贝尔文学奖得主,在他2005年的非虚构文集《伊斯坦布尔:一座城市的记忆》(Istanbul:MemoriesandtheCity)一书中努力写出了这种“整个城市笼罩的呼愁”。

    Mr. Pamuk , who won the Nobel Prize in literature in 2006 , sought to tap into " the huzun of an entire city " in his nonfiction book " Istanbul : Memories and the City " ( 2005 ) .

  13. 伊恩m在中国西部附近加入了团队,洛林和劳雷尔边境在在伊斯坦布尔加入队伍,迈克和娄在意大利也加入到我们,一起通往上海汽车MG长桥,英国工厂。

    Ian M who joined us near the border in western China , Lorraine and Laurel who joined us in Istanbul , Mike and Lou who joined in Italy also made it to the new MG Longbridge , UK plant .

  14. 北京-伊斯坦布尔-雅典:UIA第22届世界建筑师大会情况及建筑考察印象

    Beijing-Istanbul-Athens : Introduction of the 22nd congress of UIA and impression on the local abuildings

  15. 据NPR新闻的彼得·肯杨从伊斯坦布尔带来的报道,克里表示,土耳其总理应推迟访问加沙地带的计划。

    NPR 's Peter Kenyon reports from Istanbul . Kerry says the Turkish prime minister should delay a trip to the Gaza Strip .

  16. 伊斯坦布尔一位71岁的居民YilmazBas也认同创建适合老人使用的室外空间的重要性。

    The importance of age-friendly outdoor spaces was echoed by Yilmaz Bas , a71-year-old resident of Istanbul .

  17. 据NPR新闻的彼得·肯扬从伊斯坦布尔带来的报道,伊朗新任总统哈桑·鲁哈尼称这是智慧的胜利,是温和主义对极端主义的胜利。

    NPR 's Peter Kenyon reports from Istanbul Iran 's president-elect , Hassan Rohani , calls it a victory for wisdom and moderation over extremism .

  18. 但卡拉格在书中写道,虽说自己把伊斯坦布尔(Istanbul)冠军杯的决赛录像观看了不下1000遍,但从来没发现自己主罚过点球。

    But Carragher notes that although he has watched the DVD of the Istanbul match a thousand times , he has never yet spotted himself taking a penalty .

  19. ISIS的最终目的是想侵占伊斯坦布尔和华盛顿(见第9.点),但是他们首先要做的是歼灭叛教者。

    While ISIS wants ultimately to invade Istanbul and Washington DC ( see 9 above ) they want first to eliminate apostasy in their back yard .

  20. 在最近举行的首届伊斯坦布尔论坛(IstanbulForum)上,埃尔多安阐明了这一战略。这个论坛由土耳其战略交流中心主办,并得到美国的德国马歇尔基金会(GermanMarshallFund)的支持。

    Mr Erdogan set out the strategy at the inaugural meeting this week of the Istanbul Forum , hosted by Turkey 's Centre for Strategic Communication , and supported by the German Marshall Fund of the United States .

  21. 据NPR新闻的彼得·肯杨从伊斯坦布尔带来的报道,埃尔多安在和其他两位候选人的竞争中赢得了超过50%的选票,不用再进行决胜投票。

    NPR 's Peter Kenyon reports from Istanbul that Erdogan appears to have gained over 50 % of the votes against two rivals , avoiding a run-off .

  22. AMD现在已经申请了,正是这样的超低功率40W“伊斯坦布尔”-或者Opteron2419EE确切地说-六核处理器。

    AMD now has its ultra low power40W " Istanbul " - or Opteron2419EE to be precise-six-core CPUs for exactly such applications .

  23. imf和世界银行本周末将在伊斯坦布尔召开年度会议,届时可能就这两个机构的投票权改革展开更多艰巨磋商。

    His comments come ahead of the annual meetings of the IMF and the world bank , which begins this weekend in Istanbul . The meetings are likely to see more tough negotiations over an overhaul of voting shares at both institutions .

  24. 更厉害的是帕特里克?莱斯?法莫(PatrickLeighFermor),他18岁时从荷兰角港徒步到伊斯坦布尔,旅程给了他灵感,让他写出了好几卷游记。

    Or indeed Patrick Leigh Fermor , whose walk from the Hook of Holland to Istanbul at the age of 18 inspired several volumes of travel writing .

  25. 我公司另一合作伙伴DEBAGKIMYA公司位于土耳其伊斯坦布尔。

    DEBAG KIMYA , located in Istanbul , Turkey , is another partner of Giantey .

  26. 土耳其政府、伊斯坦布尔市、伊斯坦布尔大学、及ARTI联合制造了这部科学研讨性的影片。

    The Turkish Federal Government , City of Istanbul , University of Istanbul , Case Productions and ARTI cooperated to film this practical , scientific test .

  27. Bas说,“3年前,在伊斯坦布尔市区走路可难了,而现在有很多选择,即舒适,又安全。”

    " It was terrible to go from one place to another in Istanbul three years ago ," said Bas . " But now , there are lots of alternatives and they are comfortable and safe . "

  28. LuigiCiocca:在伊斯坦布尔,我建立了几个纺织品流行趋势的“时尚角”,用来展现土耳其最新面料的流行风格。

    Luigi Ciocca : I created the corners of trends for the textiles fair in Istanbul , so to highlight the trends of the new Turkish fabrics .

  29. 据土耳其交通部发表的声明表示,接到信号后土耳其迅速派出了F-16战机逼迫这架飞机在伊斯坦布尔萨比哈格克琴机场降落。

    Turkey then scrambled a F-16 military jet to force the plane to land at Sabiha Gokcen airport in Istanbul , according to a statement of the Turkish Ministry of Transportation .

  30. 在这样一个赛车对最终成绩起着巨大作用的运动中,FelipeMassa被称之为伊斯坦布尔的专家。

    In a sport where the car plays a huge role in the final result , it has to be said that Felipe Massa can be described as something of an Istanbul specialist .