
  • 网络Mail;Enterprise Email;enterprise E-mail
  1. 中国万网是中国域名注册服务的先行者、中国虚拟主机服务的开创者、中国企业邮箱服务的领先者和中国网站建设服务的创新者。

    HiChina is the pioneer of domain name registration services , hosting services in China pioneer , a leading Chinese business mail services and website construction services in China innovator .

  2. 其中,移动能力是指短信、彩信、WAP和定位等能力;互联网能力是指企业邮箱、网络存储等能力;固网能力是指网络传真、点击会议、点击拨号等能力。

    Among them , mobility is SMS , MMS , WAP and positioning capabilities ; Internet capability is an enterprise email , online storage capacity ; fixed-line network is the ability to fax , click the meeting , click to dial capabilities .

  3. exchange管理员启用并正确地配置了安全列表聚合之后,内容筛选器代理会将安全电子邮件传递到企业邮箱,不进行任何额外的处理。

    When an exchange administrator enables and correctly configures safelist aggregation , the content filter agent passes safe e-mail messages to the enterprise mailbox without additional processing .

  4. 他们估计,目前破解一个Facebook或Twitter帐户的密码只需要130美元,破解一个Gmail账户密码需要160美元,而破解一个企业邮箱密码也仅需要500美元。

    They estimate that it takes $ 130 to hack a Facebook ( FB ) or Twitter account , $ 160 for a Gmail account , and $ 500 for a corporate mailbox .

  5. 电子邮局又称为企业邮箱。

    E-mail the post office is also known as the enterprise .

  6. 但网易在企业邮箱市场的立足与发展仍然不可预期。

    But Netease still cannot anticipate in the base oneself upon of enterprise mailbox market and development .

  7. 通知所有用户企业邮箱更换事宜,通知进行邮件备份,以及新邮箱的使用方法。以免丢失邮件,影响工作。

    Inform all user email server transform matters concerned , inform to save email , new email server 's use method , avoid email lose infection work .

  8. 最后,文章详细论述了企业邮箱特定功能模型的设计与实现,并着重介绍了日程功能,管理用户邮箱等五个功能模型。

    Last but not least , the article discusses in detail about the design and implementation of specific functional model of the mailbox , laying stress on schedule function , mailbox management function and so on .