
  • 网络Business process;Enterprise processes
  1. 基于Web的企业过程模型仿真系统

    A Web-based Simulation System for Enterprise Business Process Model

  2. 企业过程再工程(BusinessProcessReengineering,BPR)的思想在企业中得到了广泛的应用。

    Since 1990s , Business Process Reengineering ( BPR ) has been widely applied .

  3. 树立正确观念,掌握WTO规则,找准市场角色和定位,进行企业过程再造,使企业经营特色化,产品个性化,是企业增强竞争实力的最佳选择。

    But It will be dangerous for the enterprises . The best choice of improving competition ability is setting up correct business concepts , grasping WTO rules , finding a exact market position , implementing BPR , making enterprises characteristic and products individual .

  4. 实施企业过程再造需要正确、有效的方法。

    The implementation of Business Process Reengineering needs proper and effective methods .

  5. 企业过程到企业对象类转换规则及其应用

    A Study on the Transformation Rules from Enterprise Processes to Object Class

  6. 基于模拟的企业过程模型自动优化技术研究

    Research on a Simulation-Based Auto-Optimized Technique in Enterprise Process Model

  7. 复杂企业过程建模体系及其集成支持环境

    Complex enterprise process modeling and its integrated supporting environment

  8. 企业过程建模中通用模块的研究

    General Modules in Business Processes

  9. 阐述了动态联盟企业过程和快速原型技术在联盟企业网络中的作用。

    This paper demonstrates the process of agile virtual enterprise and the effects of rapid prototype manufacturing on agile virtual enterprise networks .

  10. 利用系统分析的技术,提出了企业过程的表达模型、结构模型及其建模的方法,为进一步分析和优化过程打下基础。

    The representation , structure model and modeling method are presented , which is the base of further analysis and optimum to business processes by use of systemic technology .

  11. 企业过程建模作为一项支持企业过程集成与优化的共性技术,是对企业系统中与企业过程有关的特性加以抽象表达的工具和方法。

    Enterprise process modeling , as a supporting process integration of an enterprise , is a kind of tool and method which can abstract and express the characteristics related to the processes of an enterprise .

  12. 作为一种新技术,工作流成为计算机领域的研究热点,在实现企业过程重组、支持企业经营过程自动化等方面具有广阔的应用前景。

    As a new technology , the theories of Workflow become to the hot research of IT domain , it has broad application in the way of carry out the recombine and autoimmunization of business process .

  13. G企业整合过程的人员测评研究

    Research on Personnel Evaluation in Business Enterprise of G in the Course of Conformity

  14. 虚拟企业运行过程中基于ABC的成本控制方法

    Cost Control Method in Process of Virtual Enterprise 's Operation

  15. 印染废水是各类纺织印染企业生产过程中排放的各种废水的总称,具有高浓度、高色度、高pH值、难降解、多变化五大特征。

    Printing and dyeing wastewater from the textile industry contains a wide variety of chemicals which has high color , pH and difficult to be treated .

  16. 制造执行管理系统(ManufactureExecutionSystem)由于自身承上启下的特殊地位,已逐渐成为推动汽车制造企业信息化过程中不可缺少的部分。

    Manufacture execution system ( MES ), as a connecting link between the preceding and the following in the manufacture , is becoming more and more important in promoting informationize of automobile manufacturing .

  17. 本文给出了利用时间Petri网对企业经营过程中的生产流水线进行建模,并将之与工作流管理系统相结合以进行仿真分析的一种方案;

    This article presents a scheme of using Timed Petri Nets to model the pipelining in business processes and using the model with the workflow management system to emulate and analyse the pipelining .

  18. 在这一过程中,他们寻找那些可以为企业提供过程体系的标准,诸如集成的能力成熟度模型(CapabilityMaturityModelIntegrated,CMMI)或ISO900x。

    In doing so , they seek out standards , such as the Capability Maturity Model Integrated ( CMMI ) or ISO900x , both of which provide process frameworks for the organization .

  19. 经营过程的建模、分析与优化是支持企业经营过程重组(BPR)的重要基础,行之有效的模型分析方法是成功进行模型分析的重要的关键技术问题。

    Bussiness process modeling , analysis and optimization are the important foundations of BPR , the efficient and effective analytical method plays a key role in model analysis .

  20. 本文在研究了多维建模的基本原理和基本方法的基础上,针对企业决策过程的迫切需要,建立了多个OLAP模型。

    After discussing the base rules and methods of dimensional modeling , this paper designed and implemented a few OLAP analysis models to meet the needs of the enterprise .

  21. 将企业信息化过程最大限度标准化单元化,利用LotusDomino平台原有的协同性和扩展性,是设计基于LotusDomino协同商务系统的主要思路。

    Building the enterprise information system with the set theory , farthest standard the enterprise , use the collaborative and extension of Lotus Domino , all of these are the mostly thought of collaborative commerce system based on the Lotus Domino .

  22. 世界上很多研究机构和软件厂商相继开发了多种工作流产品,但是,很少有产品为建模人员提供仿真分析的功能来验证、诊断和优化过程模型,对企业经营过程重组(BPR)提供支持。

    There are many research institutions and software manufacturers who develop many different products . However , few products provide modeling engineer with simulation analysis function to verify , diagnose and optimize business process model so as to sustain BPR .

  23. SW-CMM(软件生产能力成熟度模型)为软件企业的过程能力提供了一个阶梯式的进化框架,它基于过去所有软件工程成果的过程改善的框架,吸取了以往软件工程的经验教训。

    SW-CMM provides a ladder-type framework for software projects , based on the process improvement framework which from all past software engineering , drawing on lessons learned from previous software engineering .

  24. 本文采用基于扩展事件驱动过程链(eEPC)的企业业务过程模型,进行模型仿真,对企业业务过程进行优化,从而改进企业业务过程。

    The paper discusses the modeling and simulation of enterprise busi-ness process based on extended Event Process Chain ( eEPC ), therefore optimize and im-prove the enterprise business process .

  25. 企业营销过程中的战略成本管理研究

    The Research on Applying Strategic Cost Management to the Marketing Process

  26. 当前企业信息化过程中的关键问题及其对策

    Key Problems and Solution Ways of Computer-based Information in Modern Enterprise

  27. 生态工业园区企业合作过程中交易成本问题研究

    Research on the Transaction Costs of Firms during Cooperation in EIP

  28. 政府在民营企业转型过程中的作用

    The Role of the Government in the Transformation of Private Enterprises

  29. 半导体芯片的检测是芯片生产企业生产过程中的重要环节,芯片在检测过程中,由于圆形硅片的结构特点而造成的漏测又是困扰芯片生产企业不可小视的实际问题。

    Semiconductor chip testing is very important for wafer fabrication .

  30. 基于任务分解结构的虚拟企业构建过程研究

    Configuration Process of Virtual Enterprises Based on Work Breakdown Structures