
  • 网络enterprise planning management
  1. 企业计划管理与经济信息的收集、传递与利用

    Business Planning Management and Collection Transmission and Use of Economic Information

  2. 市场经济下企业计划管理的重要性

    Importance of Enterprise Management under the Conditions of Market Economy

  3. 运用关键链的造船企业计划管理研究

    Research on shipbuilding planning based on critical chain

  4. 电网企业计划管理的现状分析研究

    Analytical Study on the Present Situation of Electric Power Network Enterprises ' Planning Management

  5. 社会主义市场经济与企业计划管理

    Socialist Market Economy and Business Planning Management

  6. 通过交流和探讨,寻求既科学合理、又简单实用的电量预测方法,提高电力企业计划管理的质量。

    The objective is to search scientific and practical electricity prediction methods to improve the planning and management quality of power enterprises through communication and discussion .

  7. 随着组织体制的不断创新,建筑业企业计划管理体系、计划管理理念得到了改进,计划管理业务流程有所创新。

    With constant innovations in organizational system , the concept and system for plan management in construction enterprises have been improved and the business process for plan management has been somehow innovated .

  8. 制造执行系统在企业计划管理层与车间底层控制之间架起了一座桥梁,填补了企业计划管理层和底层控制之间的鸿沟。

    MES is a bridge that spans and fills up the gap between the planning systems and direct industrial controls , which has been the mainstream technology on the product management and the plant floor control .

  9. ERP是企业资源计划管理体系。

    ERP refers to the management system of enterprise resource planning .

  10. ERP的功能主要集中在企业的计划管理层,它不能实现对车间的全面控制。

    ERP mainly focuses on enterprise planning and cannot wholly control the workshop .

  11. 本文分析了纺织企业生产计划管理中的问题,介绍了生产计划的相关理论,重点研究了先进的OPT计划理论。

    This dissertation analyses the planning management issue within the textile enterprises , introduced some correlation theory , The investigable emphases is OPT theory .

  12. ERP企业资源计划管理在近几年逐渐进入印刷行业中,ERP的使用有助于企业进行现代化、科学化的企业管理,更加适应竞争日益激烈的市场要求。但是如何使用ERP呢?

    ERP is gone in the printing industry recently . The utilization of ERP contributes into that enterprise takes proceedings of modernization and scientific management and is suitable for the competitive market requirement .

  13. 本文研究的是基于J2EE平台的Struts+EJBSessionBean+EJBCMP/DAO技术在电力企业停电计划管理系统中的研究与实现。

    This paper mostly discusses the research and implementation of Struts + EJB Session Bean + EJB CMP / DAO technology in the Power Cut Plan Management Information System for Electric Power Enterprise .

  14. 本系统包含PCS生产控制系统、SIS电厂信息管理系统和ERP企业资源计划管理系统。

    This research problem comprises the process control system ( PCS ) and the thermoelectric power plant the production management system ( SIS ), the enterprise resource plan system ( ERP ) .

  15. 制造执行系统(MES)是连接企业上层计划管理和低层控制的桥梁,在制造企业中起着越来越重要的作用。

    As the bridge connecting the planning & managing layer and the facility control layer , Manufacturing Executive System ( MES ) plays more and more important role in manufactural enterprises .

  16. 关系型数据库实现企业计划生产管理信息化

    The realization of enterprise plan and manufacture informatization with relational database

  17. 订单式中小企业生产计划管理系统研究

    Study of production planning management system in order-driven medium and small enterprises

  18. 中药制造企业生产计划管理研究

    Research on production plan management of Chinese herbal medicine enterprise

  19. 基于供应链的服装企业集成计划管理系统设计

    The Design of Supply Chain - Based Garment Enterprise Integrated Planning Management System

  20. 本文对企业生产计划管理的现状及存在的问题进行了分析,提出了短周期生产模式下的解决方案。

    The current situation of production plan management and the existing problems are analyzed in this paper .

  21. 准确地进行主生产计划预测是企业资源计划管理的重点和难度问题。

    Forecasting Master Production Schedule ( MPS ) correctly is an important but difficult issue of Enterprise Resource Planning .

  22. 基于以上原因,分析了国内外钢铁企业生产计划管理研究与应用中存在的问题。

    Based on the above-mentioned reason , this dissertation analyses the problems about research and application of production planning management in steel enterprises at home and abroad .

  23. 伴随着市场经济的发展和管理技术的进步,早期传统的企业生产计划管理方法与现代企业的管理要求不可避免的发生脱节,增加了企业内耗。

    By development of market economic and management technology , early traditional production planning management already cannot meet the requirement of modern enterprise management but increase unavoidably internal friction .

  24. 财务管理占据企业资源计划管理的核心地位,其管理的对象是企业资金流,是企业运营效果和效率的衡量和体现。

    Financial management is the core of Enterprise Resource Planning Management . Its management object is flow of funds , and it measures the effectiveness and efficiency of enterprise operation .

  25. 针对钢铁企业生产计划管理系统与其他系统集成度不高的问题,提出了面向制造执行系统的生产计划管理系统集成解决方案;

    To the integrated problem between production planning management system and other systems for iron and steel enterprises , the integrated solution of the production planning management system for manufacturing execution system is put forward .

  26. 开发了基于B/S模式的企业生产计划管理系统,该系统的运行和实施对钢铁企业信息化具有重要的意义。

    Taking a special steel group as an example , the enterprise production planning management system based on B / S mode is developed . The implementation of this system has important significance to iron and steel enterprise informatization .

  27. 本文研究企业年金计划管理过程中的行为控制问题,核心在于控制企业年金计划运作的相关风险,保障计划营运的安全和受益人的利益。

    This paper discusses the problem of behavior control through the management process of an enterprise annuity plan . It mainly focuses on the risk-control accompanied with annuity plans , so as to protect the safety of fund assets .

  28. 本文的研究旨在实现现代造船生产全过程、多层次的工程计划与工程控制,提升我国造船企业工程计划管理水平,最终提高企业在全球市场的竞争力。

    The objective of the research is to result into the entire process , multi-layer project plan and control of modern shipbuilding production , to promote the domestic enterprises ' engineering management level and to increase enterprises ' competitiveness in the global market ultimately .

  29. 论述了市场经济下企业经营计划管理关于产品选型、规模设计和生产方法的选择,企业物流走向,市场开发与产品开发的关系,以及资源配置等重要内容;

    The paper covers the following important content in business operation and planning management under market economy such as , selection of product model , size design and selection of manufacture methods , material interflow , relationship between market development and product development , and resource disposition .

  30. 钢铁企业CIMS生产计划管理的递阶体系

    Hierarchical System of Production on Scheduling Management in Steel Works CIMS