
qǐ yè zì zhǔ quán
  • autonomy of enterprise;power of decision of enterprises;right of autonomy of enterprises
  1. 其三,用人单位内部规章制度的制定是企业自主权实现的必要条件。

    Development of internal rules and regulations is a necessary condition for the realization of management autonomy .

  2. 我肯定,扩大企业自主权,这一条无论如何要坚持,这有利于发展生产。

    I assure you that , in any case , we should continue to give enterprises more decision-making power , because this helps us to expand production .

  3. 扩大国有企业自主权企业家可以自由进出。

    Enlarge ( or increase ) the decision-making power of state-owned enterprises ; expand ( or extend ) the power of state-run enterprises in management ; give the state-owned enterprises a Bigger say in management Entrepreneurs are at liberty to enter or depart .

  4. 经济性裁员体现了企业经营自主权与劳动者劳动权的直接冲突。

    Economic cuts reflect the direct collision between enterprises ' autonomy and right of labor .

  5. 改革项目审批制度,落实企业投资自主权。

    Reform of the project approval system and allow enterprises greater independence in making investment decisions .

  6. 深化投资审批制度改革,取消或简化前置性审批,充分落实企业投资自主权,推进投资创业便利化。

    We will deepen reform of the investment approval system , abolish or simplify preliminary review and approval procedures , give businesses full power over their investment decisions , and make it easy to make investments and start businesses .

  7. 企业生产经营自主权。

    Foreign enterprises have their own managerial authority .

  8. 进一步简化各类审批手续,落实企业境外投资自主权。

    We will further simplify examination and approval procedures , and give enterprises decision-making power over their overseas investments .

  9. 国务院办公厅转发劳动、人事部关于进一步落实外商投资企业用人自主权的通知国务会议主席办公厅

    Circular of the General Office of the State Council on the Approval and Transmission of the Proposals Submitted by the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Personnel Concerning Further Implementation

  10. 劳动力的市场分配以劳动力成为商品、企业用人自主权和劳动力市场的发展为前提,以劳动力价值为基础,通过市场交换来实现。

    With the premise of labors becoming goods , enterprises ' enjoying their own rights of employment and labor market development , market allocation is completed through market exchanges on the basis of labor value .

  11. 笔者从历史的角度,研究了煤炭国企产权法律制度的变革,结合产权理论以揭示煤炭国有企业产权模式与企业自主权之间的矛盾与融合。

    The author studied the legal system reform of state-owned property rights , and combined with property rights theory to reveal the pattern of coal and enterprise property right conflicts between autonomy and integration from a historical perspective .

  12. 国有企业改革中关于落实企业经营自主权的问题,即是要保证经营者拥有剩余控制权,而承包制和利润分成则是给经营者以适当的剩余索取权。

    It was to give managers residual control rights that we carried out the policy of enterprise managing independently , and give them residual claim rights that contract system and profit sharing were fulfiled .

  13. 企业认为加重了劳动成本,限制了企业用工自主权;劳动者认为企业规避法律,纷纷倒闭,未能切实保护自身权益。

    Companies believe that labor costs increased , limiting the autonomy of enterprises and employment ; workers that companies circumvent the law , have been closed down , unable to effectively protect their own interests .

  14. 《企业会计制度》的颁布,赋予了企业更大的自主权,客观上给会计人员提供较大的职业判断空间。

    The issue of enterprises accounting system gives enterprises a big say in management , thus allowing accountants have more choices in making professional judgement .

  15. 制定企业内部劳动规则,规范企业内部劳动关系,是现代企业经营管理自主权的一个重要内容。

    Laying down the internal labor regulations of an enterprise and standardizing the internal labor relations is an important part of a modern enterprise 's decision making power in its administration .

  16. 我国企业文化建设中存在问题的主要原因:市场经济不发达,企业缺乏自主权及管理水平低下;

    The reasons for the problems existing in building of corporate culture in China include : underdeveloped market economy , enterprises ' lack of decision-making power and low-level managerial skill ;

  17. 在我国,会计政策选择已经成为必然,《企业会计制度》和《企业会计准则》的实施赋予了企业进行选择的自主权和一定的选择空间。

    And the implementation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and Accounting Regulations for Business Enterprises empower the firms with considerable freedom in adopting their accounting policies .

  18. 对于非法改变乡镇企业所有权的,非法占有或者无偿使用乡镇企业财产的,非法撤换乡镇企业负责人的和侵犯乡镇企业经营自主权的行为,由县级以上乡镇企业行政治理部门责令改正。

    To droit of illegal change town enterprise , detinue or free uses town enterprise property , dismiss illegally of town enterprise controller with the act that violates a town enterprise to manage own advantageous position , instruct by Department of administration of town enterprise of prefectural class above correct .

  19. 我国许多企业为了应对竞争,纷纷采取了降薪、缩减劳动时间、裁员增效等措施来降低经营成本,这是企业经营自主权的表现。

    Coping with the competition , many companies reduce the cost by decreasing salary , shorting labor time , cutting employees to increase efficiency , which is the representation of enterprises ' autonomy .