
  • Israeli;Israelite;the Israelites
  1. 只要以色列人出现在那条公路上,就会使他对待协议的立场无法维持下去。

    A visible Israeli presence on the road will make his position with respect to the agreement untenable .

  2. 去年,一名极端正统派以色列人在耶路撒冷的年度“同志骄傲大游行”(GayPrideParade)中刺伤了6名游行者。

    Last year an ultraorthodox Israeli stabbed six marchers in Jerusalem 's annual Gay Pride Parade .

  3. 一位科学家说,日本人和以色列人对失败有不同的看法。

    One scientist says the Japanese and Israelis have different opinions of failure .

  4. 这也许就是为什么以色列人不那么担心失败,也不那么害羞。

    This may be why Israelis worry less about failure and are less shy .

  5. 而在以色列,情况却恰恰相反。以色列人常常把失败归咎于外部原因,如家庭、老师、朋友或运气不好等等。

    In Israel , the opposite is true.Israelis often blame failure on outside reasons , such as family , teachers , friends , or bad luck .

  6. 今年二月,以色列人造肉公司AlephFarms和以色列理工学院生物医学工程学院用真牛肉细胞联合打印和培育出了一块肉眼牛排。

    In February this year , Aleph Farms and the Faculty5 of Biomedical Engineering at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology - jointly6 bioprinted and cultivated a ribeye steak using real cow cells .

  7. 这一新方法的逻辑机理起源于OPT(以色列人开发的著名生产管理技术)。

    Whose mechanism of logic originates from OPT ( a welcomed production management technology developed by an Israeli ) is put forward .

  8. 当以色列人后撤重新集结时,叙利亚突击队发动了攻击,用RPG弹幕吞没了以色列纵队。

    As the Israelis pulled back to re-group the Syrian commandos attacked , engulfing the column in a barrage of RPGs .

  9. 佩尔穆特的长期商业合作伙伴、同为以色列人的艾维阿拉德(AviArad)表示:他会乘坐普通飞机,而非私人飞机。

    He will take a regular plane and not a private plane , says Avi Arad , a fellow Israeli and a long-time business partner .

  10. 战争中一些四号坦克被以色列人缴获,作为碉堡放置在戈兰高地。其中的一辆被摆放在Latrum的博物馆内。

    Few of Syrian PzKpfw IVs were captured by Israelis at the Golan Heights ( dug in as bunkers ) and one is on display at the Museum of Armored Forces at Latrum , Israel .

  11. 以色列人在接近边境的地区耕种土地。

    The Israelis worked their land close up to the border .

  12. 以色列人出埃及地,都带着兵器上去。

    The Israelites went up out of Egypt armed for battle .

  13. 圣经时代以色列人的国家观念与国家形态

    The National Idea and Governmental Formation of the Jews in Biblical Times

  14. 以色列人将这些城与其郊野给了利未人。

    So the Israelites gave the Levites these towns and their pasturelands .

  15. 以色列人叫日本人把眼睛睁开点。

    The Israeli asked theJapanese guy to open his eyes .

  16. 耶和华指着利末人怎样吩咐摩西,以色列人就怎样向他们行了。

    They did with the Levites just as the Lord commanded Moses .

  17. 当以色列人预备前进的时候,才有亚衲族人出现;

    It was when Israel was going forward that the giants appeared .

  18. 我要住在以色列人中间,作他们的上帝。

    Then I will dwell among the Israelites and be their God .

  19. 以色列人感觉已经没有选择了。

    The Israelis have the semse that there are mo more choices .

  20. 以色列人住在埃及的歌珊地。

    Now the Israelites settled in Egypt in the region of Goshen .

  21. 那时以色列人与亚摩利人和好。

    And there was peace between Israel and the amorites .

  22. 以色列人上到米斯巴,便雅悯人都听见了。

    The Benjamites heard that the Israelites had gone up to Mizpah .

  23. 神看顾以色列人,也知道他们的苦情。

    So God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them .

  24. 比如,以色列人吃甜苹果蘸蜜。

    For example , people in Israel dip sweet apples into honey .

  25. 看哪,这是个真以色列人,他心里是没有诡诈的。

    Behold , an Israelite indeed , in whom is no deceit !

  26. 神用那些方法来处罚以色列人的背道?

    In what ways did God punish Israel 's apostasy ?

  27. 以色列人可能认为这是一个和解。

    The Israelis may thimk it 's a recomciliatiom .

  28. 约书亚就制造了火石刀,在除皮山那里给以色列人行割礼。

    So Joshua made flint knives and circumcised the Israelites at Gibeath Haaraloth .

  29. 我再说,以色列人不知道吗。

    But I say , Did not Israel know ?

  30. 从此,非利士人就被制伏,不敢再入以色列人的境内。

    So the Philistines were subdued and did not invade Israelite territory again .