
  1. 对高速铁路以桥代路条件及其决策的思考

    Research on the Conditions and Decisions of Using Bridge Instead of Embankment for High Speed Railway

  2. 合理地以桥代路,节省良田是对人民的一大奉献

    Properly replace railway by bridge and economize on good farmland & a great contribution for people

  3. 传统设计方案一般将路基方案改为桥梁结构,以桥代路。

    The traditional design scheme is changing the roadbed program into bridge structure , substituting bridge for road .

  4. 近几年来,高速铁路在我国取得了迅速的发展,高速铁路最大的特点是以桥代路。

    In recent years , high-speed railway in China has achieved rapid development , and its biggest feature is used of birdges in stead of roads .

  5. 在过去高速铁路中大部分都是以桥代路来达到较好的控制沉降变形的目的。

    In the past , most of high speed railway used bridge replace subgrade to achieve a better way for controlling the purpose of the settlement and deformation .

  6. 由于青藏铁路在设计中大量使用了以桥代路的方案,因此桩基础是青藏铁路冻土区桥梁应用最广泛的基础型式。

    Because there are many design of the railway is replace bridges for roadbeds ' , so pile foundation is the most popular one in the design of the foundation type .