
  1. 用以形写神、迁想妙得等观点统一起来,建立了绘画美学系统,为中国绘画美学的发展奠定了深厚的基础。

    What he did laid the solid foundation for the development of China painting aesthetics .

  2. 在坚持以形写神、骨法用笔、外师造化,中得心源的优良传统的同时,以我为主的吸收优秀外来元素,推动写实水墨人物画造型的成熟与发展。

    It , by sticking to the excellent tradition and simultaneously absorbing the foreign good elements , pushes forward the maturity and development of realistic painting modelling .

  3. 江南画法以形写神,以神唤形,形神达到完全统一。

    The south of Yangzi River drawing technique writes the god by the shape , calls the shape by the god , the relationship of form and spirit achieves unifies completely .

  4. 中国艺术以形写神,以形似达到神似,神似重于形似。

    The art of China is written the good with the shape , Alike in spirit in order to be similar to reaching , the similar of spirit is more important than that of the shape .

  5. 独特新颖的构思、新鲜题材的择用和以形写神的含蓄的表现手法是作品成功的保证。

    The unique and original conception , the new choice of theme and the " implicit " technique of expression which depicted the spirit by describing the appearance made great contribution to the success of the work .

  6. 在吸收西方的一些造型和绘画技法的同时,要始终坚持中国画以形写神的意象造型的绘画特点,把握民族的绘画传统精华。

    In some western painting techniques model and at the same time , to persist in writing form Chinese " god " of the image of the painting , grasp the characteristics of model of ethnic traditional paintings .

  7. 魏晋南北朝到隋唐,绘画重传神意识在逐步加深,并体现出形与神的辩证关系&以形写神。

    In the southern and northern dynasties to sui and tang dynasties , painting heavy awareness in gradually deepening , god and reflects the form and god of the dialectical relationship between & in a written form of god .

  8. 它题材广泛、内容丰富,讲求立意为先,以形写神形神兼备不照搬生活,也不脱离生活,是生活的艺术写照。

    The extensive , abundant in content in it subject matter , it stress " conception for first "," whether write with shape god have both appearance and expression " Neither imitate life , nor break away from life , it is the artistic portrayal of the life .