
  • 网络the other;otherness;The Others
  1. 他者的微弱呼声&西方国际关系理论中的女性主义

    Weak Voice of the Other : Feminism in Western International Relations Theory

  2. 他者大于-强于存在。

    The Other is bigger - stronger than Being .

  3. 逆他者亡。

    Woe betide anyone who got in his way .

  4. 能力如他者未几。

    Capable people like him are few .

  5. 母亲(Mother)/他者(Other):《女斗士》中的对抗叙事策略

    Mother / other : the counter narrative strategy in The Woman Warrior

  6. 神秘主义与建筑思维建筑理性的非理性表达理性的具象对DanKiley的他者解读

    Mysticism and Architectural Thought ── Irrational Expression of Architectural Rationality Representation of Logos - A Different Interpretation for Dan Kiley

  7. 换言之,正义对,Thrasymachus,而言是一种恒输的游戏;,服从统治者,有利于他者,主要是我们害怕不公的后果。

    Justice , in other words , for Thrasymachus is a kind of sucker 's game ; obeying the rules that really benefit others largely because we fear the consequences of injustice .

  8. 这样,在芥川的东方主义话语中,中国被他者化了。

    Therefore , China becomes'the other'in Akutagawa 's discourse of orientalism .

  9. 后现代语境:他者与世界性

    In postmodern times context : the o the r and globalization

  10. 他者的文化现实&遥远的西班牙。本章着重剖析研究对象所涉及的他者文化现实。

    The other in cultural reality - remote country of Spain .

  11. 变态的他者&从《沉沦》三部曲中看日本的形象

    Deformed Others-Look Attentively at The Images of Japan from Degradation Trilogy

  12. 恒定是因为他者形象是社会集体想象物。

    The social collective imagination was the reason of constant image .

  13. 她并未将中国视为西方完全的他者。

    She did not regard China as the west completely other .

  14. 位置是被他者的空余确认的。

    Position is affirmed by the absence of the the others .

  15. 他者的眼光与中国交际文化的模式

    The Perspective of the Other and Chinese Culture of Communication

  16. 它是一种翻译活动中对待文化他者的道德态度。

    It is a moral attitude towards the culture other in translation .

  17. 他者的话语与价值&女性主义心理学的探索

    The Other 's Discourse and Value & The Exploration of Feminist Psychology

  18. 承认是自我在他者中的存在。

    Recognition is the being of self in another being .

  19. 《雅歌》的中心意象是园,在其描述中用隐喻法连结了自我与他者、人类与自然。

    The central image of Song of Solomon is garden .

  20. 神不借助任何他者而包容一切。

    God enfolds , without otherness , all things .

  21. 身体:由缄默的他者变为自在的歌者

    Female Body : from Silent Object to Free Singer

  22. 想像他者:西方文化视野中的非西方

    Imagining the Others : the Non-West in the Cultural Horizon of the West

  23. 我对他者还有他人的关系合宜吗?

    Am I fair in my relations with other species and other people ?

  24. 上海:乡土中国的他者&王安忆部分小说中的上海镜像分析

    An Analysis of the Image of Shanghai in Some Novels by Wang An-yi

  25. 徘徊在自我与他者之间的贝琳达

    Between Self and the Other : Belinda in The Rape of the Lock

  26. 然而他者的优先性使我的权利归于瘫痪。

    However , his priority makes my right paralyzed .

  27. 真正的倾听,提倡自我的开放以及对他者的尊重。

    True listening encourage self-disclosure and respect to others .

  28. 从行为主体是否对他者有否定反应,宽容与冷漠相区分;

    From whether the agent has negative response , toleration is different from indifference ;

  29. 他者的理解:《庄子》的思考&从濠梁之辩说起

    Understanding of the Otherness : Reflecting Zhuang Zi

  30. 北美华人女性英文叙事中的男性他者

    Male otherness in Chinese North-American women English literature