
  1. 最近,他帮忙成立了一家名为Waste2Energy的公司,该公司的目标是开发厌氧消化器材,用于从食余残渣中分解出有用的肥料。

    Recently , he helped start a company called Waste2Energy that aims to build a device called an anaerobic digestor that can break down waste from restaurants into usable compost .

  2. 而从慢食运动中产生了被称之为慢活城市的运动,从意大利开始却已经传遍欧洲和其它地方。

    And out of the Slow Food movement has grown something called the Slow Cities movement , which has started in Italy , but has spread right across Europe and beyond .

  3. 我家的狗从专用食钵里进食。

    Our dog eats out of his own bowl .

  4. 仔猪从采食饲料中持续地获得易于吸收利用的蛋氨酸铁。

    The more utilizable and absorbable MFe is fed as a piglet feed supplement .

  5. 从古代食先祭的文化背景来看,与庖厨关系最为密切的是祭礼或其他相关的巫教仪式。

    From the ancient culture background & do sacrifice before eat , the Kitchen is a place connected with offerings and other related religious ceremony .

  6. 真菌免疫调节蛋白是一类从大型食(药)用真菌中提取出来的具有免疫调节活性的小分子蛋白。

    The fungal immunomodulatory proteins ( FIPs ) are a new family of micro - proteins with immunomodulatory activities extracted from several species of medical or edible mushrooms .

  7. 根据青海省草原保护工作者多年的调查研究资料,论述了高寒草甸草地啮齿动物的种群类型,并从采食牧草、挖掘活动、环境污染等多方面论述了鼠形动物惊人的危害损失。

    Based on investigation datum for many years from grassland technician , this paper discusses the population types of rodents with its uptake , digging , environment contamination and egregious damages of rodents .

  8. 菊糖是一种从药食同源的植物-菊芋中提取的天然果聚糖,它以自身优良的保健和药用价值成为国际上热门的功能性食品。

    The inulin is the natural levan which withdraws from the medicinal and edible plant Jerusalem artichoke . Because of its good health and medicinal value , inulin has become an internationally popular functional food .

  9. 如今像Instacart等公司使用的都是承包商,而不是自家的员工,从现成的食杂店里购买产品,然后递送给消费者。

    Today , companies such as Instacart use contractors , not employees , to buy products at existing grocery stores and deliver it to people .

  10. 从《神食》看赫·乔·威尔斯的阶级意识

    On the Class Awareness of H. G. Wells as Reflected in The Food of the Gods

  11. 饮食营养视角中的健康、运动与减肥&从女大学生食素谈起

    Health , sports and weight losing as seen from diet nutrition & On vegetarian of university girl students

  12. 猪的蛋白质和脂肪的沉积是从饲料中食入的能量和蛋白质的反应。

    Protein and fat growth of pigs are responses to the inputs of energy and protein from the diet .

  13. 第四章,从衣、食、住、行四个方面列举了未来小说的作者们在小说中对未来的生活进行的各种畅想。

    In chapter four , we enumerated writers ' imagination about all aspects of life in the future from clothing , eating , housing , and transportations .

  14. 小树苗从这样的啃食压力下释放之后,迅速成长为葱郁的小树林。

    Released from such grazing pressure , saplings now shoot up to form lush young groves .