
  • 网络people department
  1. 所有人部给皇帝鞠躬。

    The people all bowed down before the emperor .

  2. 每一个交了钱的人部可以得到回扣。

    Everyone who paid will receive a kickback .

  3. 大多数人部记得肯尼迪被刺杀的那晚他们在干什么。

    Most people can remember what they were doing on the night that Kennedy was shot .

  4. 同她关系密切的人部是卫理公会的教徒,交往最多的人都是保守党的伙伴。

    Those closest to her were fellow methodists , and those she spent most of her time with were fellow conservatives .

  5. 昨天晚上有个月人部的人为一根香肠捅死了一个石鸦部的人.然后三个石鸦部的人抓住凶手并割开他的喉咙.

    Last night a Moon brother stabbed a Stone Crow over a sausage . Three Stone Crows seized the Moon brother and opened his throat .

  6. n.薪资支票人资部助理每个月会分发员工的薪资支票。

    paycheck The HR assistant distributes employee paychecks every month .

  7. 目的测量正常人黄斑部各分区的视网膜神经上皮层厚度(neurosensoryretinalthickness,NRT)。

    Objective To measure neurosensory retinal thickness in different macular sections of normal subjects .

  8. 比如在委内瑞拉,根据经济学人信息部(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)的预测,其非石油政府收入明年将占国内生产总值12%,是石油收入的两倍。

    Next year in Venezuela , for example , forecast non-oil government revenues of 12 per cent of gross domestic product will be twice that of oil revenues , according to the Economist Intelligence Unit .

  9. 目前,经济学人信息部(EconomistIntelligentUnit,EIU)将新加坡列为全球消费最高的城市。而根据第一太平戴维斯(Savills)的数据,香港拥有全球最高的房价。

    The Economist Intelligent Unit now ranks Singapore as the world 's most expensive city , while Hong Kong has its highest home prices , according to Savills .

  10. 用Z方法检测地形高度,将相交矢量放在虚拟人基部节点位置,测到线段与地形交叉,更新虚拟人位置。

    The terrain elevation was detected with Z method , intersect vector was put on the base point of virtual human , and the intersection between segment and terrain was detected and the position of virtual human was changed .

  11. 人腭部涎腺腺样囊性癌NACC细胞系的建立及生物学特性的研究

    Establishment of a human palatal salivary gland cell line of adenoid cystic carcinoma and a study of its biological behaviour

  12. 本文应用锇酸二甲基亚砜锇酸(ODO)法,对6侧人小腿部脾经与胃经低阻线区的表皮进行了扫描电镜观察,发现基底细胞表面平滑;

    Scanning electron microscopic observation on the epidermis of the skin on the low impedence lines of 6 human legs was performed by ODO method .

  13. 方法取人枕部头皮毛囊进行角蛋白19(K19)免疫组化染色,并测量阳性段距毛囊下端的距离;

    Methods The expression of keratin 19 ( K19 ) in the human hair follicles on the occiput was detected by immunohistochemical staining , and the positive area was located .

  14. 目的研究人盆部淋巴结淋巴细胞Mg2+ATP酶、G6P酶、5′Nase的定位与活性。

    To investigate the localization and activity of Mg 2 + - ATPase , G-6-Pase and 5 ′ - Nase in lymphocytes of the human pelvic lymph nodes .

  15. 经济学人信息部(EIU)根据其与国际货币基金组织(IMF)和国际劳工组织(ILO)联合进行的研究,上周发表了一份报告。报告估计,中国2014年的实际失业率达到6.3%。

    The Economist Intelligence Unit released a report last week , based on research conducted with the IMF and the International Labour Organization , in which it estimated China 's real unemployment rate in 2014 was actually 6.3 per cent .

  16. BoxOfficeMojo称,霍比特人第一部《意外旅程》(AnUnexpectedJourney)全球票房超过10亿美元,第二部《史矛革之战》创出9.5亿美元以上的高票房,不过较第一步有所下降。

    The first ' Hobbit ' film , ' An Unexpected Journey , ' grossed more than $ 1 billion at the worldwide box office , according to Box Office Mojo , but ' Desolation of Smaug 's ' take , while still a whopping $ 950 million-plus , marked a decline .

  17. 方法:采用电镜酶细胞化学方法观察7例人盆部淋巴结淋巴细胞Mg2+ATP酶、G6P酶、5′Nase的定位与活性。

    Methods : By using the electron enzyme cytochemical method , the localization and activity of Mg 2 + - ATPase , G-6-Pase and 5 ′ - Nase were observed in lymphocytes of 7 human pelvic lymph nodes .

  18. 正常人黄斑部吲哚菁绿眼底血管造影的形态特征

    Characteristics of indocyanine green angiography in macula of healthy volunteers

  19. 人额部和颈部皮肤发育的观察

    Observations on the development of the human skin of the forehead and neck

  20. 人资部助理每个月会分发员工的薪资支票。

    The HR assistant distributes employee paychecks every month .

  21. 人社部还建议,应向独生子女的父母发放养老补贴。

    The Ministry is also proposing pension subsidies for parents of only children .

  22. 人盆部淋巴结淋巴细胞酶超微结构定位与活性研究

    Study on ultrastructural localization and activity of the Lymphoprotease of human pelvic lymph nodes

  23. 经济学人信息部表示:金砖四国经济体尽管由于其规模而富有吸引力,但它们是难做生意的地方。

    The EIU said : The Bric economies , though attractive because of their size , are hard places to do business .

  24. 柜台服务员只是看着他,并没有回答那个人男装部在哪里。

    The clerk behind the counter just looks at him but does not tell the man where the men 's department is .

  25. 老年人骸部骨折属于骨质疏松性骨折,股骨粗隆间骨折一般都有明确外伤史;

    The hip bone fracture in the elderly is attributed to osteoporosis , but the femoral intertrochanteric fracture generally has a history of injury .

  26. 在这样的柜台上,可以吃到三明治面包和小吃。我们有一人自助餐部。付40元就可以吃到您想吃到您想吃的东西。

    Sandwiches and small meals are served at a counter . We have a buffet . You can have all you wanted for 40 dollars .

  27. 经济学人信息部的总监罗宾说,在中国反垄断是一个对公平性和透明性要求很高的大问题。

    Robin Bew , managing director of the Economist Intelligence Unit , said antitrust in China is a big issue that requires fairness and transparency .

  28. 人社部一项全国性调查显示,目前我国有50%左右的职工选择不休带薪假。

    According to a nationwide survey conducted by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security , around 50 % of Chinese employees choose not to take paid leave .

  29. 人社部劳动科学研究所所长郑东亮称,就业市场形势平稳得益于稳定的宏观经济。

    Zheng Dongliang , dean of the Institute of Labor Science under the ministry , said the steady labor market came off the back of a stabilizing macroeconomy .

  30. 结果正常人滑膜部关节间隙宽度为2~5mm.40岁后,关节前下部间隙可出现局部狭窄。

    Result The normal width of the synovial part of the sacroiliac joint was 2 ~ 5mm . After the age of 40 years , the anterior and inferior joint space may become narrower .