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rén wù huà
  • figure/portrait painting
  • figure painting
人物画 [rén wù huà]
  • [figure painting] 以人物为题材的画

  1. 他的人物画在当时可谓登峰造极。

    His painting of people attained a level never known before .

  2. 工笔人物画创作中的意象造形

    Imagery Mould in the Creation of Traditional Chinese Realistic Figure Painting

  3. 传统工笔人物画兴衰的文化语境解读

    The Culture Linguistic Context of the Traditional Brush Stroke Figural Painting

  4. 论两宋人物画的特征

    A Sketch on the Characteristics of Figure Paintings in Song Dynasty

  5. 唐代人物画理论中的历史意识

    The History Ideology in the Theory of Tang Dynasty Portrait Paintings

  6. 丽丽:你正在学习人物画还是风景画?

    Lili : Are you studying figure painting or landscape painting ?

  7. 其人物画是历代发展的一次高峰。

    The figure painting is the highest point in its development .

  8. 试论工笔人物画的特色与创作

    On the Features and Practice of Traditional Chinese Realistic Figure Painting

  9. 企业形象研究;水墨墨象与水墨人物画演进历程试探

    Study on the Development of Ink Image and Figure Paintings

  10. 中国人物画兴衰漫谈

    On the Rise and Fall of Traditional Chinese Figure Painting

  11. 怪诞之美&陈老莲的人物画

    The Absurd Beauty : Comment on Mr. Chen Lao-lian 's Model Painting

  12. 写实主义人物画的要求是通过写实的形像表达对象的内心。

    Realism painting is expressed by a realistic image of the heart .

  13. 黄慎人物画风格的社会性因素&兼论黄慎与闽派的关系

    On social factor reflected in style of figure painting by Huang Shen

  14. 浅谈中国工笔人物画的装饰性

    Introduction to the Decorative Quality of Chinese Figure Paintings in Fine Brushwork

  15. 他还画戏曲人物画、裸女、瓶花静物等。

    He also drew Chinese opera figures , nudes and still lives .

  16. 论工笔人物画在现代转型中的写意性发展

    The Development of Freehand Brushwork of Meticulous Figure Painting in Modern Transformation

  17. 你的前景人物画得不合比例。

    You haven 't drawn the figures in the foreground in proportion .

  18. 论传统中国人物画构图与中国绘画精神

    On Composition of Traditional Chinese Figure Painting and Spirit of Chinese Painting

  19. 论都市水墨人物画的当代性演变及其现代经验

    Research on the Contemporary Evolvement and Modern Experience of Urban Ink-portrait Painting

  20. 工笔人物画色彩的传统与创新

    On Tradition and Creation of Color of Meticulous Figure Paintings

  21. 笔墨与中国水墨人物画

    Pen and ink and the Chinese ink wash figure painting

  22. 二十世纪现实主义水墨人物画创作与思考

    20th Century Realism Water ink Portrait Creation and Ponder

  23. 关于写意人物画教学的几点思考

    A Few Points of Consideration Regarding Freehand Figure Painting

  24. 第一阶段,重人物画的教育认识功用。

    First stage , the education understanding effect of the heavy person painting .

  25. 浅析中国宫廷人物画写实的特殊性文人画和人物画

    The Scholar Draws and the Figure Painting of China

  26. 形的困惑&从中国传统人物画造形的不准确说起

    Perplexity on Shape & from the indefiniteness of traditional China 's Figure Painting

  27. 关于都市水墨人物画的当代文化背景的思考

    About Urban Ink Portraits of Contemporary Cultural Backgrounds Consider

  28. 浅论意笔人物画的审美特征

    Talk about the aesthetic characteristic of the pen figure painting of purpose simply

  29. 他的山水画、鸟画和人物画受人仰慕。

    He was admired for his landscape , bird-and-flower and occasional figure painting .

  30. 试析当代中国工笔人物画创作的两种趋势

    The Analysis about Two Creative Trends of Contemporary Brushworks