
  • 网络people;People's Daily Online;People's Daily;People Daily
  1. 人民网奥运频道改版项目进度控制研究

    Time Control of Rearrangement Program of People . com 's Olympic Channel

  2. 人民网记者还了解到,《常州日报》这篇文章的两名作者分别是常州日报社记者和常州市住房保障和房产管理局宣教处处长。

    People . cn 's article also identified the two authors of Changzhou Daily 's story as a reporter from the paper and the head of the propaganda office of Changzhou 's housing bureau , respectively .

  3. 据人民网报道,在西奈山伊坎医学院,海尔斯参与了一个颇具竞争性的生物医学研究项目,她还上过大学水平的课程,GPA(平均分)达到了99.63分;此外,她还是班上的毕业生演讲者代表。

    Hyles participates in a competitive biomedical research program at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai , takes college-level courses , has an impressive 99.63 GPA and is valedictorian of her class , People.com reported .

  4. 首先,谢谢人民网几年来对的关怀;

    First of all , thank you People 's years of care ;

  5. 据人民网报道,他已经先后在欧洲几个国家表演过了。

    People.com.cn reported he has performed in several European countries .

  6. 从人民网日本版看当代汉语中的日语借词

    Research on the Japanese Loanwords in Chinese by People 's Daily Net

  7. 然后实施对典型新闻网站&人民网的具体评价。

    And the implementation of the typical news site - the PRC specific evaluation .

  8. 人民网英文版对外传播现状与对策研究

    External Communication and Countermeasure Study on the English Edition of People 's Daily Online

  9. 我是你们的网友,社会科学家袁德云在人民网笔名。

    I am your friends , social scientists in the PRC Yuan Deyun pseudonym .

  10. 据《人民网》报道,孙氏天才双胞胎在江苏省省会南京市长大,初中高中都在南京外国语学校就读。

    The inseparable sisters spent their junior and senior high school at Nanjing Foreign Language School .

  11. 人民网报道,很多人认为它突出了这个国家的性别不平等。

    Many people say it highlights genderinequality in the country , reports the People 's Daily Online .

  12. 网络时政新闻的发展走势对人民网20042006年两会报道的研究

    Development Tendencies of Cyber News

  13. 人民网则对这个规定能否有效施行表示怀疑。

    A commentary from the People Daily website doubts whether the measure can be implemented effectively as expected .

  14. 人民网强国论坛意见传播研究

    Study on the Opinions Communicated of the " Forum on Making the Country Prosperous " of People 's Daily Online

  15. 根据人民网报道,海尔斯目前还没有决定要上哪所大学,但是目前她偏向于哈佛。

    Hyles hasn 't decided which college she 'll ultimately attend , but is leaning toward Harvard , according to People.com .

  16. 纽约验尸官发言人朱丽叶向人民网证实,丹尼尔是上吊身亡的,且方式确为自杀。

    Daniel 's cause of death was hanging and the manner was suicide , New York medical examiner spokesperson Julie confirmed to PEOPLE .

  17. 网络体育新闻专题的编辑方式探析&以人民网的北京奥运专题为例

    An analysis of the editing characteristics of special subject of network sports news & An Case Study of the Beijing Olympics topic on network

  18. 在舞台上,李健轻吟浅唱,人民网转载的一篇文章中作者陈振伟更是写道:李健“拯救”了《我是歌手》。

    On stage , Li sings quiet songs slowly and " rescues the program , " commented Cheng Zhenwei on People 's Daily Online .

  19. 据人民网报道,该教师称这篇文章仅用于测试目的,不代表学校的意见。

    The teacher said the article was for testing purposes only and did not represent the opinions of the school , according to people.cn .

  20. 人民网的补充报道称,这张照片拍摄于安徽省滁州市滁州实验学校。

    A follow-up report on People 's Daily Online suggested that the picture had been taken at the Chuzhou Experimental School in Chuzhou , Anhui Province .

  21. 完善网络时政报道与提高网民政治素养的思考以人民网时政频道为例考得好不如报得好么?高考志愿填报博弈研究

    Thinking on Improving Chinese Netizens ' Ideological Caliber by Perfecting Current Political Affairs Reporting on Internet & Political News Channel of People 's Net as Example

  22. 据人民网消息,校长何华希望他的大胆举措能帮助莘莘学子踏入职场。

    He , the youngest university dean in China , hopes that his bold move will help students get on the career ladder , People 's Daily Online reports .

  23. 人民网舆情频道中舆情监测室的成立,使其在对网络舆情从潜伏到痊愈的发展全过程的监测和评估走上了制度化的轨道。

    The establishment of the public sentiment monitoring room took it to the institutionalized track on the monitoring and evaluation of the public sentiment from the latent to heal .

  24. 11岁从圭亚那移民美国的凯莉在接受美国人民网采访时表示,自从她收到这一好消息,她就一直感到难以置信。

    The student , who came to the US from Guyana when she was 11 years old , toldPeople.com she 's been in shock since receiving the good news .

  25. 人民网科技频道的主编许秀华也持这一主张,她呼吁应该让科学报道占据所有媒体篇幅的20%,这符合科学给中国经济做出的贡献。

    Xu Xiuhua , science editor of the People 's Daily Online called for20 per cent of all media coverage equivalent to science 's contribution to the Chinese economy for science reporting .

  26. 据人民网报道,这位中国河南省一个孩子的母亲,把她年轻的容颜归功于30岁时重新开始游泳后进行的健身计划。

    The mother-of-one from China 's Henan province puts her youthful looks down to her fitness regime after picking up swimming at the age of 30 reports the People 's Daily Online .

  27. 一位企业管理人员在接受人民网采访时表示:“我们不要忘记,我们身处一个市场竞争日益激烈的时代,而毫无疑问,许多人集竞争力和创造力于一身。”

    One manager told people.com.cn : " Let 's not forget , we 're in an era of increasing market competition , and many are certainly competitive , and very creative too . "

  28. 据人民网报道,中国东部安徽省一所中学的学生被要求头戴一张报纸,这样他们便无法四处张望了。

    Pupils from a middle school in east China 's Anhui Province were told to wear newspapers around their heads so that they couldn 't look around , reported People 's Daily Online .

  29. 据人民网15日报道,今年第3季度,我国国内生产总值换算成美元约为1.42万亿美元,超过日本的1.37万亿美元,连续第2个季度成为世界第2大经济体。

    China continues to be the world's2nd largest economy in Q3 , with the GDP of $ 1.42 trillion , compared with Japan 's $ 1.37 trillion , People 's Daily Online reported Monday .

  30. 据人民网报道,更令人难以置信的是,这名居住在深圳的年轻女子在将男友们送给她的iPhone7出售之后,已经设法买了一套房。

    More incredibly , the young women , who lives in Shenzhen , has managed to buy a house after selling the iPhone 7s her boyfriends had given her , reported People 's Daily Online .