
  • 网络personality defect;per-sonality inadequacy;personality disorder
  1. 论编辑的人格缺陷与重塑

    Personality Defect and Personality Molding for Editors

  2. 人格缺陷与犯罪预防&从社会化理论角度谈起

    Personality Defect and Crime Precaution

  3. 本文采用艾森克个性问卷和应付方式问卷对急性白血病患者和健康人进行对照研究,结果表明:急性白血病患者N分显著高于健康对照组,提示患者具有明显的神经质倾向,存在人格缺陷;

    Eysenck personality questionnaires and coping style questionnaires were used to study the patients with acute leukemia and health persons . The results showed that N scores of the acute leukemia group were significantly higher than that of the health control group .

  4. 部分女运动员存在着某些心理问题和人格缺陷。

    Some of the athletes have certain mental problems and personality defaults .

  5. 大学生人格缺陷反思及健康人格教育

    The Reconsideration of Personality Flaw and Healthy Personality Education for College Students

  6. 它有可能正是人格缺陷的一种迹象。

    It may just as likely be a sign of personality flaws .

  7. 完全准备好让上帝清除我们的人格缺陷。

    Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character .

  8. 市场经济条件下的人格缺陷与矫正

    Personality Deficiencies in Market Economy and Their Correction

  9. 试论大学生人格缺陷及其调节

    Moral Deficiency of College Students and its Adjustment

  10. 人格缺陷的形成有其背后的深层原因,它是可以有效调节的。

    Deep reasons hide behind it .

  11. 第二部分涉及的是我国上市公司人格缺陷的现状。

    Part two is involved the current situation of listed company 's defects on personality in china .

  12. 幸好,当今人们不觉得同性恋是一种人格缺陷。

    Mercifully , these days people dont see being gay as a character flaw , says Scott .

  13. 结果表明,药物依赖者在形成药物依赖前具有一定的潜在人格缺陷;

    The results reveal that persons with drug dependence have certain potential personality defects before becoming addicts ;

  14. 我国上市公司人格缺陷突出表现为上市公司无法形成独立意志、难以支配独立财产和无力承担独立责任。

    It mainly showed as listed companies can 't form independent idea , administrate independent property and assume independent obligation .

  15. 心理虚脱、性心理障碍、个体人格缺陷和精神抑郁等是大学生心理障碍的主要表现。

    Psychology collapse , psychosexual disorders , personality drawback and mental depression are all main behavior of college students'psychological obstacle .

  16. (九)青少年犯罪原因:1.主观原因:青少年身心发展特点和自身存在的心理及人格缺陷。

    Subjective reasons : physical and mental development of young people and their own characteristics of the psychological and personality defects .

  17. 然而,这其中的原因并非极端的锻炼导致了极端的成功,相反,两者都是相同的人格缺陷所致。

    Yet the reason is not that extreme exercise causes extreme success , more that   both are the result of the same personality defect .

  18. 有无望感的医科大学生存在着人格缺陷,社会支持的获得较少,遇到负性生活事件的频率高、强度大,应付方式不成熟。

    Medical university students with the hopelessness have personality defects , less social supports , immature coping style and frequent or heavy intensity negative incident .

  19. 我们都处在这样一种境遇中,我们周围的一些人总在非常明显的暴露他们独特的人格缺陷。

    We 've all been in situations where some fairly distinct personality flaws have been prominently exhibited by those around us from time to time .

  20. 第二部分:以《青春之歌》的成功为个案,剖析其背后隐藏着的形成知识分子人格缺陷的多种原因;

    The second part : using " the success " of the song of youth as a case , analyze the reasons which cause the character defects of intellectuals ;

  21. 第三,如果孩子很早就开始撒谎那么他们一定有一些人格缺陷,并且一生都将是病态的撒谎者。

    And three , if children lie at a very young age , there must be some character flaws with them , and they are going to become pathological liars for life .

  22. 激情犯罪行为与犯罪人的人格缺陷相符,是其行为人人格缺陷的外化,这是激情犯罪人承担刑事责任的基础。

    Crime of passion is in conformity with personality defect of criminal , and is the external expression of personality defect of criminal that is also foundation of criminal responsibility that criminal should bear .

  23. 根据访谈和统合型房树人投射测验结果,可从另一个侧面说明犯罪青少年存在人格缺陷及心理问题。

    According to interviews and Synthetic House-Tree-Person Technique results may be from another perspective , the existence of young offenders personality defects and psychological problems . 8 . the characteristics of juvenile delinquency are : ⑴ .

  24. 并根据其原则,结合当代大学生人格缺陷和人格教育不足之处,创新和总结出当代大学生人格教育的新举措。

    And in accordance with its principles , combined with the contemporary college students ' personality flaws and inadequacies of personality education , innovation and summed up the new initiative of the Contemporary Students ' Personality .

  25. 基于此,我们很有必要针对大学生存在的道德人格缺陷,利用传统道德中的优秀思想,提高当代大学生道德素质,促进理想道德人格的养成。

    Based on this , we should focus on the moral personality flaw which exists in the university students , using traditional virtues , to improve the moral quality of the contemporary university students , and to promote ideal moral personality fostering .

  26. 它反映出女性社会地位的低下,也折射出男性人格的缺陷。

    It reflects the lower social status of female and the personal drawbacks of male .

  27. 大学生人文精神的缺失、人格的缺陷很大程度上源于人文教育的偏失。

    The deficiency of humane spirit and personality owes greatly to the deflection of humane education .

  28. 我国现行产权交易市场的基本特征表明,国有资产所有者非人格化缺陷是我国产权交易市场失灵的最主要原因。

    The basic features of our property trade market shows that the absence of state-owned property owner is the main reason of being out-of-order of our property trade market .

  29. 其根源在于教师素质的低下、法律意识的淡薄、传统文化的影响、应试教育的压力、教师人格的缺陷。

    These encroachment results from poor quality of some teachers , influence of traditional culture , pressure of test - oriented education and some teachers ' faults in personality .

  30. 想必你们公司的董事会再也无法指望员工会对这样一位人格有缺陷的可恶人物表示尊敬和忠诚了,也别指望你能与他共事。

    Surely your board can never again expect such an odious and flawed character to command the respect and loyalty of his employees . Nor can you be expected to work with him .