
  • 网络ERGONOMICS;Ergonomic;human engineering
  1. 在笛卡儿坐标式RAMS主操作手实物模型的基础上,进行相关实验,并采用人机工程学的相关理论作为标准评价,验证方案的合理性。

    The relevant experiments of Cartesian Coordinate RAMS Master Manipulator are done and the experiment results are evaluated by standard of the useful data from ergonomics .

  2. 较为深入地研究了虚拟专用网络(VPN)技术方案及其核心技术,以人机工程学原理为指导,探讨了人机界面设计理论。

    In the process , the Virtual Private Network project and its core techniques were deeply studied , then , under the guidance of the principles of ergonomics , the thesis discussed the human computer interface layout design theory .

  3. 人机工程学在CAD系统人机界面中的运用

    Application of the Theory of Man-Machine Engineering on the Man-Machine Interface of CAD System

  4. 液压过滤器选用问题的探讨基于人机工程学的银行ATM设计

    Study on the Application of the Hydraulic Filter Design of Bank ATM Based on Ergonomics

  5. CatiaV5人机工程学功能及应用

    The Ergonomics Function of CATIA V5 and Its Application

  6. 最后,结合腹腔镜外科手术虚拟培训系统的实例,将人机工程学原理与LORD原理运用于系统的软硬件设计,演示了本文研究的应用。

    At last , ergonomical principles and LORD theories are applied into a virtual training system design for laparoscopic surgery which is composed of both software and hardware .

  7. 对NC机床评价系统的主要模块&人机工程学规则评价模块的实现方法和结构进行了分析研究。

    This paper studied on the development method and structure of men machine engineering rule evaluation module , which is a main module of NC machine evaluation system .

  8. 最后,从多媒体技术、绿色节能技术和人机工程学的角度,探讨DSS人机接口技术的发展。

    Finally , the development of DSS human computer interface is discussed in view of multi-media techniques and green and power saving techniques and man-machine engineering .

  9. 论文在总结分析汽车车身内部布置的基础上,运用车辆人机工程学的理论,提出了公交车驾驶区及乘客区人机设计与评估方法:1、驾驶员H点的设计;

    Based on summarizing and analysis of auto body internal layout , ergonomics-based design and evaluation methods for bus driver and passenger compartment was put forward by using automobile human engineering theories : 1 driver H point design ;

  10. 人机工程学在计算机辅助工业设计(CAID)的应用

    Application of Ergonomics in CAID

  11. 虚拟现实(virtualReality)(简称VR),是计算机软硬件技术、传感器技术、机器人技术、人工智能、人机工程学及心理学高度集成的综合技术,是未来最重要的技术之一。

    Virtual Reality ( VR ), a synthetic technique highly integrating computer hardware technique , sensor technique , robot technique , AI , human computer engineering and psychology , is one of the most important techniques in future .

  12. 而人机工程学就是研究生产系统中人、机器和环境之间的相互作用的一门边缘科学,是IE的一个重要分支专业基础知识。

    The ergonomic is just an interdisciplinary science that studies mutual function between the human , machine and environment in the production system . It is specialized elementary knowledge and an important branch of the IE.

  13. 根据重装设备内部空间、载人要求以及人机工程学原理,采用集成于UG中的人机工程分析子系统,在UG平台下进行缓冲气囊座椅的设计。

    According to the internal equipment space requirements , manned capacity and ergonomics principles , the design of airbag chair is carried out in the man-machine engineering analysis subsystem of UG . 2 .

  14. 在介绍汽车驾驶人体舒适姿势的基础上,利用人机工程学原理和三维CAD软件UG(Unigraphics),建立了可用于汽车设计和校核的三维人体模型;

    On base of introducing the comfortable pose of the automobile driver , the human modeling is modeled by the principle of human engineering and 3D CAD software UG ( Unigraphics ) .

  15. 根据人机工程学原理对PM500平面磨床的结构与外观进行了研究。

    The structure and outward appearance of PM500 grinding machine was studied based on ergonomics .

  16. 针对NC机床工业设计中与人直接发生关系的机床零部件按人机工程学规则作了定量化处理,并将模糊数学引入到评价中,对机床的宜人性给出模糊评价结论。

    Spears and components , which is in direct relation to men in NC machine industrial design , are processed quantitatively according to Men Machine Engineering rule , fuzzy mathematics theory is used in the evaluation , and fuzzy evaluation conclusion on the pleasant feature of NC machine was given .

  17. 智能辅助设备(IAD)是采用人机工程学技术和计算机控制技术的新一代物料搬运装置,该项技术在国际上正处于起步阶段。

    Intelligent Assist Device ( IAD ) is a new material handling device , based on ergonomic technology and computer control technology . At present , this technology is at its initial stage in the world .

  18. 结合人机工程学原理设计了主程序界面,利用等角度圆弧插补法实现了加工数据的预处理,制定了基于RS232总线的通信协议实现了上下位机的交互。

    Using the principle of ergonomics to design the main program interface , and using circular interpolation of uniform angle to pre-process the data , and developed the communication protocol based on RS232 to realize the interaction between pc and dsp .

  19. 论文以用户为中心的设计方法为指导,综合应用认知心理学、人机工程学、计算机信息科学、设计美学等学科的相关理论,对CAID系统的用户界面进行了深入的研究和分析。

    The paper will regard UCD as a guide , apply related theories synthetically , such as cognize psychology , ergonomics , computer information science , design esthetics , etc , carry on thorough research and analysis to the user interface of CAID system .

  20. 中国轿车驾驶员P95加速、离合及制动足椭圆及其测量、生成、定位和应用,是汽车和人机工程学新概念,扩充了SAE汽车设计工具图形的概念。

    The measurement , generation , applications and location of the 95 % ile accelerator , clutch and brake foot-ellipses originated with authors for Chinese car drivers , which are new in the fields of ergonomics and automotive engineering .

  21. 从人机工程学观点出发,论述了驾驶室内各种操作钮件合理布置的条件,并介绍了ISO3958的检验方法。

    In terms of the Man-Machine Engineering , this paper discusses the reasonable reguisites for laying-out of the different control knobs in the cab , and introduces the evaluating method in ISO3958 .

  22. 基于人机工程学的电子标签分拣线设计研究

    Research on the Design of Electronic-labeling Picking Line Based on Ergonomic

  23. 信息化作战环境下的航空电子系统人机工程学研究

    Study of Ergonomics for Avionics System in the Information Warfare Environment

  24. 人机工程学在卫生列车手术区设计中的应用

    Application of Ergonomics for Design of Operation Field in Sanitary Train

  25. 人机工程学领域人体建模技术发展综述

    Summarization of Human Body Molding Technology Development for Man-machine Engineering Field

  26. 安全人机工程学是一门新兴边缘学科。

    Ergonomics in safety is a kind of new frontier science .

  27. 主要论述牙刷在人机工程学方面的分析与设计。

    Involves the analysis and designing of toothbrush in ergonomic aspect .

  28. 基于人机工程学的高速动车组车内设计分析与研究

    Analysis and Research of High-speed EMU Interior Design Based on Ergonomics

  29. 关于拖拉机驾驶座椅设计中的人机工程学问题

    On study of ergonomic problems in tractor driver - seat design

  30. 用户界面设计中的人机工程学问题初探

    The Study of Human Engineering in Designing the User 's Interface